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My Legend of Zelda survey
Link | by on 2005-06-20 05:46:41
Throughout the decade I've known of the hero clad in green (and other colours), I have come to realise this question: Is Link an insomniac?

Please, tell me what you think on this subject. :)

Re: My Legend of Zelda survey
Link | by night_link on 2005-06-20 14:04:47
Haha! That makes sense. Remember Ryoushi J-kun how in the manual of Majoras Mask, that the description of Link is "After months of saving Hyrule..."? Im sure with the stuff Link always has to do (even at night), its hard to get some shut eye. I mean, at least Mario (in Mario RPG and the Paper Mario series) he could hope into a bed and heal. I havent played The Minish Cap but I think you can pause your adventure and go to sleep... Anyway, Link still has plenty of adventures to go thru.

Re: My Legend of Zelda survey
Link | by sin_cal on 2005-06-21 00:34:15 (edited 2005-06-21 00:38:32)
in all the best games of all and because im a huge colector of these, i can say that legend of zelda is definitely a legendary game. it has many versions of the adventures of link in diff. places, ages, seasons beating up the forces of evil like the Gerudo witches, onox, veran, and others. i've played a lot of his quests and it enjoys me alot esp. when i get upgrade items like the bombchu, the mouse bomb,the mirror shield, the legendary four swords, and many more.

i also want to know if some companies would agree in the making of a L.o.Z. cartridge in sony psp's,...;p

Re: My Legend of Zelda survey
Link | by ナサーニエル君 on 2005-06-21 04:46:58 (edited 2005-06-21 04:47:13)
I dont think Nintendo would let Sony have Zelda. I mean whenever you see a Zelda game you know its for a Nintendo system. I think that it would be very unlikely for Zelda to ever be on a Sony PSP.

Insomniac...Link does sleep on the Wind Waker

Re: My Legend of Zelda survey
Link | by humblemonkey on 2005-06-21 15:43:34
I agree. Link is an insomniac. Not only that, his insomnia is contagious; there are an unknown number of people who stay up till odd ends of the night playing Zelda games because of him, heh. @_@

Re: My Legend of Zelda survey
Link | by night_link on 2005-06-22 10:19:00
What can I say? As soon as you complete a dungeon, theres heart pieces to get, side quests to do, bottles to get, and all other stuff... In the end, I can only say it was worth it... I think. Because you get everything in the game, and the only thing left to do is to start over... T-T

Re: My Legend of Zelda survey
Link | by baldy on 2005-06-22 17:12:03
Bah, how dare you mention Wind Waker! That loathesome title is better suited as a 3-year-old's teething ring than an actual game.

Re: My Legend of Zelda survey
Link | by on 2005-06-30 03:25:19
Ah, At the start he sleeps, but after that... It's only when he's hit and knocked out. Never have you seen him actually sleep mid-game.

Re: My Legend of Zelda survey
Link | by Stricken on 2005-07-03 12:21:10
Ignoring the idiot that is baldy, whose hatred of Wind Waker shows that he wouldnt know a good game if it hit him in the ehad.. yeah, Link's an insomniac.. but I have a theory that the sword he wields is actually alife support system that supplies Link with energy that replaces the requirements of the human body, basically eating, drinking, sleeping, and.. well, you know. ^.^

Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-Chan = funniest anime theme song ever!

Re: My Legend of Zelda survey
Link | by Michishirube on 2005-07-07 11:50:26
Well, he has slept for seven years, at least in Ocarina of Time. I guess he has enough energy built up to last him for a while? I assume he'll take a nice, long nap once he finishes beating Ganon. :P

Re: My Legend of Zelda survey
Link | by baldy on 2005-07-08 17:25:55 (edited 2005-07-08 17:26:24)
Stricken: I apologize for my harsh remarks against Wind Waker. It's just that the underwhelming difficulty and godawfully boring "sailing" mechanism were such digressions from a title like Ocarina of Time that I couldn't bring myself to enjoy it quite as much as I had anticipated. I also prefer games with a darker tone, and I'm sure that had something to do with my dislike of WW. *Shrugs*

Re: My Legend of Zelda survey
Link | by on 2005-07-12 04:03:48
Wind Waker was Nintendo's attempt at taking the Legend of Zelda series to another style, how many sailing adventure games are out there? personally, I found it rather fun sailing the barren sea. It gave birth to the Four Swords Saga, finally a new branch of the LoZ games.

As for teh OoT dealie, does that also qualify for Majora's Mask? That one is a prime example of how Link (no matter what legend) is an insomniac. Three days till the end of the world, and he does it over and over and oaver and over, etc. etc.... Poor lad, NOT! XD

Re: My Legend of Zelda survey
Link | by Mike on 2005-07-17 13:37:11
Link sleeps after he kills the evil, or pulls the master sword(OoT) as for the direction zelda has gone i have but one comment: "Bring me back the 8+ Dungeons of incredible size and complexity!!.

"I'm just a cook!" Akido Tenkawa

Re: My Legend of Zelda survey
Link | by nejigirl on 2005-08-23 08:42:30
. . .maybe he sleeps after he saves each ones of the sages or something....???? that little blue diamond thing that he sort of levitates in sure looks comfy! lol... *zzzzz*

nya........... hehe.

Re: My Legend of Zelda survey
Link | by Lorilei on 2005-08-23 12:20:25
In Majora's Mask, I think that after he went a certain period of time without sleeping, he couldn't let himself fall asleep. I mean, imagine if he went to sleep after playing the Song of Time, and being so tired he didn't wake up for the three days to play the Song of Time again! Termina would be destroyed along with himself! I mean, if he could sleep for seven years, three days is probably nothing...heh heh heh

Look inside my frozen crystal heart and witness my dark destruction

Re: My Legend of Zelda survey
Link | by on 2005-08-23 20:19:00
I guess he is an insomniac... but do you expect Link to sleep when the world is going to be destroyed, and it's up to him to save it?! HELL NO. If I was link, I wouldn't be sleeping either. I'd probably be having mental breakdowns, and wondering why the heck a little kid, the age of 10 and no weaponry practice at all, is saving the world! xD But yeah, in a way he is an insomniac.

Re: My Legend of Zelda survey
Link | by Kurai on 2005-08-23 21:08:43
Not only Link ignores sleep, but also all the physical needs essential to keep an organical body alive... °_°;

Well, I must admit... questing to save the world is much easier without having to worry about those mundane matters...

And I'm glad I don't have to take the guy to the bathroom too. ~_~

Nyaaa... ~_~

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