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what would you do if you were swindled in Japan?
Link | by on 2010-05-23 12:18:51
There are three types of Swindler in Japan.

Shirosagi:White Swindler who trick people to take their money.
Akasagi: Red Swindler who play with people's feelings.
Kurosagi:Black Swindler, the one who only aims to take large sums of money from shirosagi and akasagi and return the large sum of money that the shirosagi and akasagi took to their victims.

If you were in Japan, and were one day swindled by either shirosagi or Akasagi. Who would you go to if you wish to have your money back and have the person who swindled you behind bar? Would you go to the Police Force or would you ask Kurosagi for help?

Re: what would you do if you were swindled in Japan?
Link | by on 2010-06-16 12:08:08
@zero i dont know how to answer that
but..maybe i'll contact my friend in Japan and ask him for guidance XD

Re: what would you do if you were swindled in Japan?
Link | by ismelda on 2010-12-16 13:05:57
i'll go to yamapi lol XD
hmm... im not sure i guess i would go to the police.

Re: what would you do if you were swindled in Japan?
Link | by madara95 on 2011-02-11 06:12:09
i think i wud find the swindler and settle things meself if thats a valid answer...

Caramelldansen Ichigo

Re: what would you do if you were swindled in Japan?
Link | by giiraaffee on 2011-12-14 10:05:06 (edited 2011-12-14 10:06:02)
Plan A: I'm not too sure, it depends, probably the police force.
Plan B: If not that then I would go to a Kurosagi.
Plan C (If it's valid): However if they couldn't do anything about it, I would try to find a job somehow, get cheap accomadation, and save up my money until I can afford to either return home or continue to do whatever I was planning to do. This way I would not need to ask my family for money if I wasn't too desperate, and I'd still be spending a lot more time in Japan.

Re: what would you do if you were swindled in Japan?
Link | by roxas678 on 2011-12-26 19:47:39
*chuckles* Nice try, Zero. I know for a fact that those terms are from a manga called Kurosagi:

In real life there are no such things as Kurosagi. Once its gone, its gone.

Re: what would you do if you were swindled in Japan?
Link | by on 2012-03-12 21:18:32
I would never ask any of them or the police for help, I'll beat them to a pulp myself and take my money back.


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