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The Single's Club~ ver VI (battle of the VIs?~)
Link | by on 2010-07-30 21:02:43 (edited 2010-07-31 20:46:11)
Welcome to The Singles Club!

Like the name suggest, this is a gathering place for those who are single (be it in Gendou or in real-life) to post nonsense and through it bond as 1 (single)~

Nothing too strict here... so anything goes~ Singles can also come here to look for their other (better??) half should it ever happen!
And of course non singles are also welcome to here perhaps to find a new love?!

Nope, this is not a Matchmaking club, but a place for singles to check out other singles, for singles to share their joys & woes, for singles to vent their frustrations on being single for too long (violence & vulgarities not allowed) and etc!

All in all, is a place where singles are gathered! Because we are singles, we know how other singles feel (probably...) and thus, this club is formed!

Those who wanna be listed in the "Members List", please PM me/leave a post with (1) your nickname to be posted here and (2) the quote you want behind your name.

~List of members~
~ Engeliz (founder and eternally single till I god knows when)
~ vie (pets r better than lovers )
~ syrel (Once a single, always a single)
~ Terror (:P Good luck)
~ h4x0r dud3
~ Faellie (Single IS single and always BE single)
~ Single Dragon (Nice Dragons finish last)
~ GMeis (Only one SINGLE gundam stands at the top!)
~ Ash (A true-blue single! :D)
~ Eria (The lonely night's knight)
~ Matt C (Not sweatin the small stuff)
~ H (serious relationships? nah... fooling around with girls? yes)
~ Blupper (Singles Rock!)
~ Jow (endlessly searching for the other half)
~ Kei-kun (because we were born single)
~ Daryl (I'm teh Dark knight)
~ rinzhen (Single by choice)
~ Lunaria (a DULL girl who likes drawing characters)
~ adeline (Lonely Survivor)
~ Shuyin (You Don't Need A Reason To Help People)
~ Trax (Is this destiny?)
~ Wani (Lover? What's that? Is it edible? :O)
~ Ember (single 'cause that's the way life is sometimes)
~ primera (a wandering fairy)
~ kirakira (always be the lone warrior...till the end)
~ Ruukasu Oyeri (Relationships take to much effort -.-)
~ Tsujai (When we meet again tomorrow, I'll kick/punch you while I smile!)
~ Stel (♫ what is love? baby don't hurt me~♪)
~ Kiyoshi (Silent Love...)
~ kiralight4life (Has stayed single for too long)
~eri-chan (being single is fun! XD)
~ samsonov (Single till next Carnival)
~ Karasu (Always the best friend, never the boyfriend)
~ Sammeh (I'm single, demmit!)
~ tomomi (no strings attached :D)
~ Tummy (Nice guys finish last)
~ Imppy (Alone but not lonely)
~ Stolen (Single and happy, so STFU!)
~ Weezze (I walk alone)
~ settsuo (Sett-foundlove, lostlove, now loveless...)
~ Jc (We all need someone to be at our side that's why friends exist)
~ Eddie (Loves Hurts!!)
~ AL (Dont be afraid to be SINGLE!! lol)
~ C.Knight (Love...Is wasted on the weak)
~ IntelligentAlchemist (aka I.A.) (All are intimidated by me... )
~ koy+ (fly over heaven?)
~ Renma (Love is a disease while friends are the cure)
~ Naru (The moe one~)
~ Rastya (they don't really care about us)
~ hime (...of indescribable sweetness--chocolate ice cream ^_^)
~ Haseo/Ryou (All your base are belong to us...SINGLES)
~ Sieghard/chemical_o3 (Until the day my arranged marriage chained me, I shall keep myself loveless)
~ shizue (one is an identity)
~ Sacora (Why do Anime Guys have to be the Hot ones)!currently account banned!
~ anime19 (I'm happy being single.)
~ Rin (Maybe This Year...)
~ Jonathon (Involuntarily single, most likely for life.)
~ Shae (No Boyfriend Since Birth)
~ Zero/Setsuna F.Seiei (I am The Gundam Meister)
~ D.O (love? what? GTFO!)
~ starrl3urrst (Born single. Presently single. Will die single)
~Yuna (Successfully Single! Nothing wrong with that!)

Results of Club Theme Song votes
- Yuri the only one for me (leetstreet boys) 4
- Alones (Aqua Timez) 2
- Nice guys finish last (Green Day) 4
- Flower (L'arc~en~Ciel) 1
- Colors of the Heart (UVERworld) 3
- Dango Daikazoku (Chata) 3
- Hara Hare Yukai (Aya Hirano) 11
- Spilt (Suneohair) 2
- Vivid Colors (L'arc~en~Ciel) 8
- I Wish (L'arc~en~Ciel) 0
- Koigokoro (B'z) 1
- Love Me, I Love You (B'z) 0

Hare Hare Yukai is now the official Single's Club Theme Song!!
Different Hare Hare Yukai ver vids
Kyon ver lyrics
Hare Hare Yukai off vocal vers

So as of now, our singers are... *drum rolls*
- Rinzhen/Meep
- GMeis
- Engel
- H
- Blupper
- Vie
- Eria
- Z
- Adeline

Demos for Hare Hare Yukai!

Singles Club Demos

Check out Single's Club Blog for details and updates & Single's Club Radio just for fun!

The Single's Club~

The Single's Club~ ver II

The Single's Club~ ver III

The Single's Club~ ver IV

The Single's Club~ ver V

Re: The Single's Club~ ver VI (battle of the VIs?~)
Link | by on 2010-07-30 22:23:31 (edited 2010-07-30 22:29:55)
'~' Yipee! I get to post first. Its been a long time since I'm here. Now that I'm officially a member of this thread,
I'll be hanging here more than usual and you'll be seeing more of me (especially my posts) XD

'~' BTW, Congratulations! on Version VI of the Single's Club. To those who don't know me yet. I am known w/ the
nickname Shae in Gendou. Nice to meet you all. Hope we can get along with each other and be friends.

Re: The Single's Club~ ver VI (battle of the VIs?~)
Link | by red_13 on 2010-07-30 22:27:00

Re: The Single's Club~ ver VI (battle of the VIs?~)
Link | by koy+ on 2010-07-30 22:49:58
lol but yes it was difficult :( i hope (somehow) this time, it will b much smoother and easier :(

btw engel can u change kakuu to koy+

Re: The Single's Club~ ver VI (battle of the VIs?~)
Link | by devils-angel on 2010-07-31 00:30:18
lol, Kakuu you're new alias is lame. Revert back. This phase will die soon. XD

Nice, I've been around since the beginning. Not sure how much longer I'll last here though, things are getting too quiet, as usual...

Honestly, not sure why I still visit here, lol, there's barely anything left, nothing worth a "discussion" even.


Re: The Single's Club~ ver VI (battle of the VIs?~)
Link | by zparticus27 on 2010-07-31 00:34:10
wow V6?!cool! good luck with the thread guys! keep it up XD

Re: The Single's Club~ ver VI (battle of the VIs?~)
Link | by on 2010-07-31 00:51:33
wow! i cant believe it. we're on version VI now and im still a certified single. never ever been mingled! :)

i wish i could become more active from now but as much as i want to, exams r coming up. my first college midterms experience! :)

college is getting fun. i get lotsa breaks in between. more time to sleep and read manga. HAHAHA!

Re: The Single's Club~ ver VI (battle of the VIs?~)
Link | by koy+ on 2010-07-31 01:22:42
@DA: never! this was the original anyways
yes u should visit more
theres nothing to discuss cos ppl dnt
come here anymore :(

Re: The Single's Club~ ver VI (battle of the VIs?~)
Link | by zparticus27 on 2010-07-31 02:28:48
vie is right! its been like what? 2-3 years since this thread was created and lo and behold..most of us are still single whahahahha

Re: The Single's Club~ ver VI (battle of the VIs?~)
Link | by red_13 on 2010-07-31 02:30:11
Zparticus is right. As long as we are still single, we can have fun and frolic here! :D

Re: The Single's Club~ ver VI (battle of the VIs?~)
Link | by on 2010-07-31 03:04:27 (edited 2010-07-31 03:13:00)
@Kakuu: You request have been done... now gimme your soul~ muhahaha!!!

@DA: The reason you still visit is probably because you feel attached to here... and please... be attached to here... forever~ >_<

@Z: Is been such long time since we've "spoke"~

Hmm.... a topic... hmm........

tough indeed.... lets see....

Perhaps... lets discuss what you see your better half is gonna be like... (in 3d not 2d... if you know what I'm referring to)~
To put it simpily... your dream girl/boy~

Starting with me...
I like guys who is taller than me (I'm like 5"2 so that is not actually a problem except the fact that guys in my country seems to be shorter and shorter??) so to feel protected~ :p

Re: The Single's Club~ ver VI (battle of the VIs?~)
Link | by koy+ on 2010-07-31 03:26:18 (edited 2010-07-31 03:27:41)
i like both so u guys can still call me kakuu :D

Wait how tall is 5 2 in centimeters LOL
and where r u?

well its ok
being single is very fun LOL
i've dated once since joining this and
it wasnt fun haha

frolic here more often! :D

Well my dream girl
would b tallish
but not taller than me
so mb 167-170cm ish? (since they might wear heels)
i like cool girls (maybe even somewhat sporty)
umm.. miniskirts as a bonus? LOL

mod: i hate my typos ==

Re: The Single's Club~ ver VI (battle of the VIs?~)
Link | by red_13 on 2010-07-31 03:30:18
My dream girl would be around my height. She would be nice and calm. AND MOE OH GAWD YES. But yea.

Re: The Single's Club~ ver VI (battle of the VIs?~)
Link | by on 2010-07-31 03:35:42
Is it just me or I'm really being ignored? DX

Re: The Single's Club~ ver VI (battle of the VIs?~)
Link | by koy+ on 2010-07-31 03:44:31 (edited 2010-07-31 03:54:33)


no lol
theres nothing to say thatts all :P
since u were here last time round werent u?
btw can i steal the dots on ur avy LOL
but blue ones? pweasee :3

Re: The Single's Club~ ver VI (battle of the VIs?~)
Link | by on 2010-07-31 05:30:43
@ Kakuu:: hmm... 5"2 (5 feet 2??) or about 160cm.... I'm staying in Singapore~

Re: The Single's Club~ ver VI (battle of the VIs?~)
Link | by Renma on 2010-07-31 05:36:54 (edited 2010-07-31 05:45:50)
Version 6 eh, Congrats guys.

Just like what Zparticus said, most of us are still singles xD

Hmmmm.. My dream girl, eh. I Dont think I have any preference for a girl.. oh wait, scratch that. I Got some! Maybe someone who can make me smile, Have same interests as me (i.e: Anime, Manga, Games), Slightly shorter than me (Uhm,, around 160-ish is okay though not taller than me |D;; I'm around 178) Oh yes! She must have a cute smile. That's about it, I Guess. Physical appearance-wise I'm not that picky |D;; Though it's the girls who'll be having quite a difficult time facing me and my attitude xD .

But, atm I'm in some kind of a relationship although I'm technically still a single. So... *Shrugs* Somehow all the descriptions I Said above matched her.

@Shae Nice to meet you, I Believe you knew me already from gendou city part. Welcome aboard.

Re: The Single's Club~ ver VI (battle of the VIs?~)
Link | by on 2010-07-31 05:53:35 (edited 2010-07-31 17:20:01)
At least now I know that I'm not being ignored XD And yeah I'm single too Yay!

@Kakuu: No! I won't let you steal away my dots but you could borrow them and ask
nicely (and that's what you just did). So, permission granted XD BTW, yeah I posted a
few times in the previous version but suddenly went poof and now I'm here again.
Do you mind if i address you as Kakuu? I'm more familiar with this than you nick now XD

@Renma: Thanks! Yeah I know you from other threads too XD I really find your tuts
helpful as I figure out how to use PS.

@Engel: Can you change the quote beside my name? If I can please change i to (No Boyfriend Since Birth) XD

My dream boy is someone whom I cannot describe as of now but once I saw him I
would know that he's the one XD

Re: The Single's Club~ ver VI (battle of the VIs?~)
Link | by koy+ on 2010-07-31 06:23:13 (edited 2010-07-31 21:34:37)
omg everyone is at sg
thats where the party is! :(
i think 160+ is pretty good for girls
already so ur a good height
i hav some friends who struggle to reach it
and they are so sad about it haha

good luck with her!

@Shae: THANKS! =3
yeh kakuu is fine too :D
i still have feelings for that xD
i left V5 for a while too since schoolw as getting annoying
and i will leave in a few weeks for 2 weeks
cos final exams are coming

Re: The Single's Club~ ver VI (battle of the VIs?~)
Link | by devils-angel on 2010-07-31 14:25:42
My dream girl(s) already exist in the real world, I just can't meet them! (/>w<)/

[@Kakuu] Haha, I'm like one of the most active members still active today.


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