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Scott pilgrim vs the world....LETS TALK ABOUT IT!!
Link | by Blind-Kitsuneblind-kitsune on 2010-08-14 16:13:30
who has seen the movie and who hasnt and why you should otther than its massive epicness

Re: Scott pilgrim vs the world....LETS TALK ABOUT IT!!
Link | by devils-angel on 2010-08-14 20:35:34
My one friend whores out like this series. He did with Kick Ass, but Kick Ass was actually good...
Not sure what the big deal is with this movie, it just seems like another film for those nerds.

Ugh, I kinda hate Michael Cera though, he can't play like any other roles.


Re: Scott pilgrim vs the world....LETS TALK ABOUT IT!!
Link | by Blind-Kitsuneblind-kitsune on 2010-08-15 00:08:58
dude this thread is for if you enjoyed th emovie not a place fo ryou complain make your own thread if you want to complain and be rude

Re: Scott pilgrim vs the world....LETS TALK ABOUT IT!!
Link | by on 2010-08-21 21:00:29
@ DAngel-san
For once i have to disagree with you in saying this movie is just like any other film. This is a video game movie actually done right....or i should say if this was a movie based on a video game (which it now has) it is the best video game movie made.

Edgar Wright who directed the film is the perfect choice to have adapted the graphic novels into film. His style fits this premise to a tee. Anyways even if you hate Michael Cera & i do agree that his roles feel the same, he does a really good job here. His geeky personality fits the role of Scott Pilgrim but when he has to get serious as the character often does in the film Cera pulls it off too.

After seeing the box office results i feel disappointed that more people haven't seen this film. It is written smartly with clever dialogue, great special effects, and the characters from the main cast to supporting cast are all memorable. Keiran Culkin as Wallace the gay roomate & Ellen Wong as Knives Chau all steal the scenes when they are shown.

This movie i know isn't for everyone especially for those not into gaming, pop culture, or anime references but those who like any of these will enjoy the movie. From games like Zelda, DDR, Dragon Ball, Street Fighter, Guitar Hero, Q-bert, you will get a kick out of all the little references that the film is full off & it'll make you smile or laugh cause it is super funny.

I emplore anyone who doesn't take movies seriously & just wanna be entertained GO SEE THIS MOVIE!!!

Re: Scott pilgrim vs the world....LETS TALK ABOUT IT!!
Link | by on 2010-08-21 21:12:43
I have not seen this movie however I have read all the volume of scott pilgrim. Never knew it was a video game. I only knew of it as a manga

Re: Scott pilgrim vs the world....LETS TALK ABOUT IT!!
Link | by on 2010-08-21 21:26:36
@ Zero-san
The game is available on PSN (as of now) & XBL (i believe next week). It was released prior to the movies release. The game is a sideways beatem up similar to River City Ransom & Double Dragon. There is a 4 player co-op but it is offline though which is strange, cause it would've been cool if it wasn online. Maybe a future patch will help that.

Pretty good game if like i said enjoy Double Dragon, is kinda hard at the beginning but once you level up it gets easier.

Re: Scott pilgrim vs the world....LETS TALK ABOUT IT!!
Link | by on 2010-08-21 21:46:45
@Ronin: The title says "let's talk about it" that means all opinions are welcome. It doesn't matter whether you crated it or not. If you wanted only good things you should have specified it, which you didn't. A thread for good and bad would be redundant. Also, show respect to mods.

I haven't seen it yet, and it wasn't one of the movies on my have to see list. But it did look entertaining. Judging by Izumo's response it seems pretty good. Just might have to see it now with some friends for an "end of summer" get together or something like that.

Tales of FC

Re: Scott pilgrim vs the world....LETS TALK ABOUT IT!!
Link | by Blind-Kitsuneblind-kitsune on 2010-08-22 00:06:31 (edited 2010-08-22 00:25:24)

THis is said scott pilgrim game

yes you should go see it alone or with a group its one of those movies worthy of appluade at the end its rare I see movie gowers let alone myself do that.

also the previews for the movie are hilarious all except the last one that M. night Shymilan guy is making another movie. bleh his best two were sixth sense and unbreakable but thats a thread for another day.

Also I feel purchasing the soundtrack for this movie would be worth th emoney the music was really really good

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