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YO! I'd like to know your opinions on these.....
Link | by kuhraziemike on 2010-11-06 20:50:58 (edited 2010-12-15 05:00:08)

(YO! Pasokon no mae no minna! Hanashi ga aru..... Chotto ii no ka?)
(YO! Those in front of the computer screen! I've got something to talk about..... Got a minute?)

Well, actually, I wanted to ask you guys your opinions regarding these names that I spent nearly a week trying on creating. I'd like to know whether these names sound OK to you or perhaps too weird for your ears..... Well, just wondering. In any case, drop down your opinions and suggestions.

BTW, if you're wondering about the meanings, you can always copy/paste them at the Wiktionary search bar.


(First off, let's start with the names for females)

(One more thing, Family names first THEN Given names. [In case you forget])

明珠彰:Meishu Akira. (Sounds quite nice)

藤原直見: Fujiwara Nami (Fujiwara... Sounds OK, perhaps not so for the Kanji though)

名華飲惟: Nakano Yui (Nakano is a nice Family name in my opinion and so is Yui)

貴嶋陽菜気略: Kijima Hinagiku (Kijima & Hinagiku don't seem tuh' go along well)

戦場ヶ原心: Senjougahara Kokoro (Senjougahara & Kokoro, very important names for me)

非科娑美緒: Hikasa Mio (Taken from Mio's seiyu's name & Combine it with Mio. Very nice I'd say.)

亜衣沢彌双々仔: Aizabi Fubuko (OK, one weird name I've created, well whatcha' guys think?)

北波由華李仔: Kitanami Yukariko (Kitanami: Northern Waves. Yukariko: Flowers, Dunno & Child. Yukariko BTW, is a nice name, I think...)

石座輪紗名: Ishizawa Shana (Uhm, any Japanese out there, does such a family name as Ishizawa exist?)

石華倭魔夜: Ishikawa Maya (Maya, you don't here that every day. I made it from Magic & Night.)

藤原春火: Fujiwara Haruhi (Haruhi, Unisex name.)

帝族生娑拿美: Daizoku Izanami (Izanami, a name from some Japanese folklore that I can't remember but is related to the sea... Daizoku here means Imperial House if I can remember correctly, yeah...)

本宮亜矢: Motomiya Aya (Aya: Asian something. Motomiya is a nice name that means center mansion or something.)

西沢愛: Nishizawa Ai (Nishizawa Ai means Western Land Love)

山本死廼無: Yamamoto Shinobu (Yamamoto Shinobu means Base of the Mountain Death Something and Impossible or something)

山下未徠: Yamashita Miku (Yamashita Miku means Beneath the Mountain Future Coming)

下空剣: Shitazora Tsurugi (Shitazora Tsurugi means Beneath the Sky Blade)

徳我環生頭美: Tokugawa Izumi

十千院吏華: Toozen'in Rika (Not sure what the 'Ri' stands for but it generally means 1000 Mansion Something Flower)

山口鬘: Yamaguchi Katsura (This means Entrance of the Mountain Fragrance)

池神洋仔: Ikegami Youko (Ikegami Youko means Pond Divinity Something Child)

羽神愈美: Hagami Yumi (Means Divine Wings Something Beauty)

先丞ヶ原揺裏壷: Senjougahara Yuriko (Means Before something Place/Center Something x3)

勅使河原弧雪: Teshigawara Koyuki (The Koyuki part means Archery Snow)

宇会原詰夢議: Uehara Tsumugi (U for Space, E for something like 'meet' Hara for Place, and something x3)

之村光: Nomura Hikari (No: Possessive Mura: Village and Hikari: Light)

寒裂気立: Kanzaki Ritsu (Ritsu's a nice name but not the Kanji that makes up the name though I.E {Very weird way to read it})

診自棄繋: Miyake Kei (Kei is a nice name and I don't mean Visual Kei)

体中香履: Tainaka Kaori (Tainaka: Center of the Body and Kaori: Dunno)

秋山梨繪: Akiyama Rie (Akiyama: Autumn Mountain and not sure for Rie)

戸谷先連: Toyasaki Ren (Toyasaki: Gate Valley Before and Lotus)

言武器磷: Kotobuki Rin (Rin stands for Lonely)

州豆宮理沙: Suzumiya Risa

片沢夢: Hirazawa Yume

村山綠: Murayama Midori

未拿人空: Minato Sora

東屋離座: Azumaya Riza

夜死家利己: Yashike Riko (Yashike: Night Death House)

志矛羅未屢: Shimura Miru

變課龍瞳: Henka Ryuumi

驛牠家龍仔: Ekitaki Ryuuko

(Weeeeeeeellllll, I actually made more than these but I decided to just show you these first to make it easier on you guys.)

(BTW, I made some comments of my own and started to introduce to you some of the meanings. I hope that was enough. I'll always be waiting for your posts no matter how long it takes. BYE! :) )

Re: YO! I'd like to know your opinions on these.....
Link | by kirausa on 2010-11-16 03:37:50
Can I drop on to give some opinions?

You're great in making these names. Cool. Amazing. Cute. That's what I can say! ^^ But I get this kind of feeling... Were you combining the names and surnames of few characters to make a new name?

Re: YO! I'd like to know your opinions on these.....
Link | by kuhraziemike on 2010-11-16 07:32:32
Uh, yeah, I did! Most of the names there are basically combinations of several different character names that you find in the stories ( Anime, Manga ), some names also contain references to the names of some seiyus as well. The main focus of these names however, is not the references to certain characters
( although it is a very desired side effect ) but the "KANJI" that were used in creating them.

The Kanji in those names usually have multiple meanings, some Kanji are even rarely used and most likely never have been seen by some Japanese. When choosing which reading to use for the Kanji, I basically used very atypical ways of reading them.

Well, that's about it. Thanks for your reply and opinion. { I wonder if there's gonna be anyone interested in seeing this thread anyway..... }

Re: YO! I'd like to know your opinions on these.....
Link | by Karuichan on 2010-12-08 08:23:29

By roomaji everything is really a great combination.
Just wanna say not all kanji is used especially family names. 名華飲 惟 for example, there's no such surname :)中野 is one of the common one.

Family names usually only consist of two kanji, some three (一ノ瀬), four to five are rare. It would be good for starter if you check Wikipedia.

Anyway, roomaji is good just tweak a little of those in kanji. I know you want to make a name which is meaningful, but it won't have any meaning anymore if it doesn't even exist right :)
I love to create names for my characters too (if they're Japanese) especially names that got word play from both pronunciation and kanji.

Re: YO! I'd like to know your opinions on these.....
Link | by kuhraziemike on 2010-12-09 18:01:03
Uhm, okay, now that there are AT LEAST TWO comments by TWO different people, it is probably time to show the MALE names. Again, they might sound weird.... :P

早水田島:はやみず たじま (Hayamizu Tajima) ( Sounds Country-Like )

西澤三橋:にしざわ みはし (Nishizawa Mihashi) ( Probably the most OK, somehow )

東竜剣士:はるろう けんし (Harurou Kenshi) ( Sounds Ancient )

三千院颯:さんぜんいん はやて (Sanzen'in Hayate) ( LOL )

池沢拓谷:いけざわ たくや (Ikezawa Takuya) ( Sounds Acceptable )

恋村生郎:れむら せいろう (Remura Seirou) ( Sounds OK )

鋼竜錬金士:はがねろう れんきんじ (Haganerou Renkinji) ( LOL )

綾崎白士:あやき しらいし (Ayaki Shiraishi) ( TOO Weird )

釘宮别所:ちょうぐう べっしょ (Chouguu Beshou) ( TOO Weird )

釘宮良彦:くぎみや よしひこ (Kugimiya Yoshihiko) ( TOO Weird )

有原財津:ありはら ざいつ (Arihara Zaitsu) ( LOL )

沖島翼:おきじま つばさ (Okijima Tsubasa) ( Sounds Good )

小林雄ん兵:こばやし ゆうんべい (Kobayashi Yuunbei) ( Weird, save for the 'Kobayashi' )

珠京廼清明:しゅけいの しょうめい (Shukeino Shoumei) ( Very UN-Japanese )

連城並人:れんじょう なみと (Renjou Namito) ( Weird )

倉臼帝:くらうす みかど (Kurausu Mikado) ( Atypical )

黒崎畑:くろさき はたけ (Kurosaki Hatake) ( Sounds OK )

嘩入濡丸:あきら いぬまる (Akira Inumaru) ( A bit weird )

安藤耕助:あんどう こうすけ (Andou Kousuke) ( Sounds OK )

坂囲苺:さかい いちご (Sakai Ichigo) ( Sounds OK )

WEEEEEELLL, those are my personal opinions plus the names. These names are from the first tier of male names that I've made from a total of five tiers. Each tier consists of twenty names.

The Female ones you see are from tiers one and two (and possibly three) and not arranged in order.

Anyway, if anyone is interested, leave comments and share with me your thoughts. OK? Well then, またね!

Re: YO! I'd like to know your opinions on these.....
Link | by sai on 2010-12-25 06:39:07
I'm practicing on reading names myself so yeah, I'm interested. And soo... From the way it sounds, they're mostly good to go (save for some very weird ones you invented). Not like creating unusual names is prohibited anyway. But much of the kanjis are weird indeed... Why do you choose to use all those unusual combinations of kanji anyway? I see 2 senjougaharas written in different kanjis there, for example. Sure, sometimes I see storywriters use unusual combinations of kanjis to make unusual names for their characters (check out Umineko, weird names all over the place, written in kanji). But when it's a normal name you can find everyday, I think using unusual kanjis is not necessary. Like, 陽菜気略 for Hinagiku? I think that's overkill man. Think how the girl would hate to write all those in all her test papers at school...

Unusual kanjis in a name is usually ok if there's a good reason for its usage. Otherwise you'd think the parents are assholes that want their kid to be ridiculed for having a weird name lol

Re: YO! I'd like to know your opinions on these.....
Link | by kuhraziemike on 2010-12-25 18:44:31
HAHAH LOL!!!! Man your reply is amusing.....

Yeah, now, why didn't I think of those kinds of things..... :P

BTW, thanks for the reply. :D

And, yeah, based on your reply, you said that some of them are already so weird right? Well, you ain't seen the BULK of them yet..... XD

Re: YO! I'd like to know your opinions on these.....
Link | by jokingonly on 2011-08-28 03:22:43
It's really interesting that you're coming with names by mix-and-matching the character names.
Sai-san is right in the fact that storywriters combines different Kanjis to make up names.
But if you want a genuine Japanese name, here are some tips.
If I'm not wrong, Japanese family names are actually made the way they are because of where their forefathers were born.
For example, if they were born in a small farm, then their family name would be 小田, which means small farm.
Then for their given names are made up by how the parents of the child wants the character of him/her to be like or based on his/her characteristic.

I'm just saying these based on my knowledge, so correct me if I'm wrong.

Re: YO! I'd like to know your opinions on these.....
Link | by jhey_rhyn on 2012-03-12 01:33:04
Can I be honest?... >,,<

Of course those are great names and magnificently written kanji with awesome meanings... Because they have all been names of other anime characters already..

I'm sorry, I don't want to sound like bitching or bullying or even accusing..
But really this is just...
I dunno, I guess when I read your forewords, I expected something like your own-made original never-before-heard-and-read Japanese names..
I mean really..

Like, Senjougahara Yuriko...
That's just basically Aoki YURIKO from Bakuman,
and SENJOUGAHARA Hitagi from Bakemonogatari.. THE Senjougahara Hitagi-SAMA... You know.. Like, I looove that character, and I get that you like the series too, but its just, its just quite sad... Its quite mortifying.. Like if Hitagi-sama knew of you using her name.... waaa.. Its a scary thought right? T__T

LOL okay, okay, so maybe as you said, your focus is the "mixture" of the kanji into the name, meaning if the combinations of the kanji go well in the overall of the whole name,
but like one comment said, it does result to some seriously weird names.. And I'm very sure no ordinary Japanese Mothers would choose them for their offspring..
Its just plane weird..
Again take for example the Senjougahara name..
Do you know why Nisio Isin-san picked that name, that particular name and kanji for it?

sdfkjdklsfgj... Okay, I'm sorry.. It seems like I'm just "strongly" reacting to how you're using Senjougahara-sama's name isn't it?
So.. I'm just gonna end this at this I think.. Y___Y
But really, I started shaking my head when I read the "Nami" name, coz I knew there was just something wrong..

"Senjougahara Kokoro".. Dear gods in Mt. Olympus.... _.(_ _)._
that's Heart of the Battlefield.. the base meaning.. however you spell it in kanji. @_@


Re: YO! I'd like to know your opinions on these.....
Link | by inuyasha on 2012-03-12 01:56:44
Bad bump is bad...Lock this?

Re: YO! I'd like to know your opinions on these.....
Link | by kuhraziemike on 2012-03-12 02:16:32
Ok guys, I have no eye-deer what's goin' on back there... (And I mean the 2 a' youse... Yes, Inu & whatchamacallit again... Jeiel?)

Hah, the other day a bunch of around 120 Osakans came to my school as part of their field trip and MAN, them guys names can be pretty unusual...

One guy's named Anyoji Keizo, than my partner for the day was named Mori Ryuuichi (Nothin' wrong), then, there's this guy named --- Rushii................. The moment I saw his name I was like speechless, 'cuz I have NEVER heard of guy named 'RUSHII' before.. Have YOU heard of some pretty weird names held by REAL JAPANESE some time in your life...... Trust me man, there are many Japanese with seriously weird names but it's okay with me...

Re: YO! I'd like to know your opinions on these.....
Link | by jhey_rhyn on 2012-03-12 02:40:19
ahh well, like i said, im sorry for strongly reacting for the weirdness.. Well, I assumed you'd have wanted to use the names as something for a story's character or something..
BUT YEAH, I GET IT, it seems the purpose was to really attain weird names.. or I'm not understanding that again.. las;fldkl ampf lol

I must just have been taken aback with it, coz of my time in japan last year, I have never heard/read of a weirder names/kanjis like this..

Sorry sorry for bumping this again that is not really a big thing sorry amp lol. XD

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