Bill 156 has been passed in Tokyo
This week Tokyo has passed "Bill 156" a law that regulates Anime, Manga, and Video games in the the Tokyo region. A law that affects the whole industry in general. "With the passage of Bill 156, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government will have the additional power to restrict any manga, anime and video games (but not live photography works) that feature any sexual acts that would violate criminal codes or Tokyo ordinances OR sexual depictions between close relatives who could not legally get married to be treated as adult material IF they are presented in “unjustifiably glorified or exaggerated manner.â€" (Funny thing is that they ALREADY HAVE a law that regulates anything sexually stimulating for minors...) Here is a brief summary of Bill 156. Here is a link to Kotaku's article regarding the bill. Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow! |
Re: Bill 156 has been passed in Tokyo
I've seen this and discussed about it a lot. There's gonna be total bloodshed if this actually goes into effect. |
Re: Bill 156 has been passed in Tokyo
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on 2010-12-14 15:41:00
Some of the comments on Kotaku does make sense. That younger loli-'xxx' type stuff which is intensely popular in anime is probably one base which made this get noticed. Regardless of if there's nudity or not shown, the exaggerated sexual themes is sort of a problem. Not sure what their actions are going to be exactly, but yeah already companies are upset. I guess less fanservice anime will be released now? Or incredibly edited? Who knows. Maybe this might be something better as too many anime are just based on fanservice and ecchi moments? Who knows. I haven't watched anime in months so I'm not as hurt if maybe this was last year when I was into anime. I guess the only thing we can do is just see what happens, what type of modifications comes from studios and anime. But stuff that is 18+ rated didn't really do anything, cause anime is so exagerrated when it comes to sexual themes. Also there has been anime that does air nudity ("after hours") on TV, so at that point the finger can be pointed at anyone. ------- |
Re: Bill 156 has been passed in Tokyo
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on 2010-12-14 16:30:10
animes these days are kinda full of fanservice with no good storyline, I kinda understand why they did this, but the way they do it are wrong, it upsets many people. both sides are wrong to me, nuff said |
Re: Bill 156 has been passed in Tokyo
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on 2010-12-14 18:06:29 (edited 2010-12-14 18:08:07)
It's disappointing to say the least. I can understand wanting to limit the ability of minors to access content which they should be accessing, but this is taking it a little too far, and it's much too vague. I really hope the backlash from this causes it to be repealed at some point, or at least altered. I don't really understand all of the details of it however, so I'm not sure if this will have much of an impact on me or others my age (inside Japan as well as for fans overseas). Personally, I like fan service stuff (I'm sort of a perv :D), or at least some kinds of fan service (like Love Hina and Ikkitousen). Either way, the fact that this bill basically targets Anime, Manga and Games, but not Television, Movies or Books, is pretty idiotic. I wonder what Izumo's thoughts on this are. I figured he will chime in on this eventually. |
Re: Bill 156 has been passed in Tokyo
makes me sad to see such level of censorship, tv is for personal entertainment, unless its something really disgusting that nobody should watch then its ok to censor, but something like that seems small and insignificant to censor... |
Re: Bill 156 has been passed in Tokyo
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on 2010-12-15 03:20:11
So, is this bill are going to restrict most of the anime, manga and video games's content on Tokyo region? This sounded what it's called a killer. In my opinion, everything is all fine over the years, even maybe before we were born. By passing this bill, they're just killed their own culture and opposing humanity desires. Hope they re-consider the bill before it's too late. |
Re: Bill 156 has been passed in Tokyo
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on 2010-12-15 10:26:21
Due to the content on Sankaku Complex, I don't believe it is wise to link there. I don't think a lot of people in Japan possibly care about the bill since anime is seen as a childish thing/more for otakus. To be honest, seeing that the amount of fanservice rising in mainstream anime this bill might give a bit of relief. Given that it's so vague, I can imagine the industry slowly going down or people will start to get creative with their works and stop relying on fanservice so much. However, I doubt much will happen unless people in the industry have very deep pockets or otakus manage to leave their bedroom. Then again, considering porn was censored in Japan... |
Re: Bill 156 has been passed in Tokyo
Animation, Manga (Comic Books) and Video games in general has still been viewed as a media that is mostly for the younger audience. The majority of people have still yet to understand how flexible these three are. As an industry, all of them have the potential in marketing, entertainment, etc... That they are capable of a great story like any novels or live-action movies. The truth is they just most likely want to target these because they can't maintain an already existing law. It's your typical "point the finger" at something else. Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow! |
Re: Bill 156 has been passed in Tokyo
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on 2010-12-15 11:32:13
The post was removed. Indeed sankaku complex is not a place to link to. Anyways I understand why they are making a bill like this but it seems like tokyo is making there own patriot act except this is not for terrorists. if I was a publisher I wouldn't send anything to tokyo and see how their economy fairs and how the people react. And you can't penalize the publisher for it |
Re: Bill 156 has been passed in Tokyo
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on 2010-12-15 23:14:47 (edited 2010-12-16 00:00:47)
I read the bill summary, and it seems pretty reasonable. The fear that this bill will result in censorship seems unfounded. This bill regulates what is and is not appropriate to show to children! It does NOT govern what I, adult pervert Gendou, can buy (or download). The bill, as I read it, does a reasonable job at improving the definition of adult material. Anime with sex scenes between a boy and his mother or sister should be considered adult. Some of the sister complex anime might get rescheduled for a late night time slot. That is not saying "Sayonara" to freedom of speech. @Naru: Total bloodshed? Over a few time slot changes? The boycott of the Tokyo Anime Fair is an obvious threat and/or over-reaction. @DA: Less fan service? Perhaps. I think the number of pantie shots will remain constant, but most will air late night. @LnDn: Why do you think that "the way they do it are wrong"? What's wrong with the wording of the bill? How would you word it differently? ... did you even read the English summary? No, I didn't think so. @Jonathan: From what I've read, it seems far LESS vague than the previous laws. I think the bill is a response to cultural trends. Any bill that defines "indecency" is going to have to be vague. Jurisprudence in the USA defines "indecency" using "you know it when you see it". Can't get any more vague than that! @Johny: There is NO censorship taking place! Anime is being pulled from the Tokyo Anime Fair in protest, not in compliance with new law. You said censorship should only apply to "something really disgusting that nobody should watch". Have you ever watched Kodomo no Jikan? That shit aired on PUBLIC TELEVISION! OK, OK, I'm a hypocrite. I fapped to it. I did. But kids shouldn't watch it. Ever. @Perfection is a Lie: No, no, no! This bill will NOT "restrict most of the anime"! You are so dumb. You are really dumb. For real. @Ayu: Yes! Thank you for mentioning the Elephant in the room! In Japan, genitals are CENSORED in pornography. Real pornography, by adults, for adults. Perky pixelated penises penetrating pink pixelated pussies. If you actually care about censorship and free speech, there's your battle. This is only an issue of showing animated illegal acts to children on TV. @LuBu: What are you smoking, man? Nobody is trying to take away your Meat toilet for girl type processing manga or your Last Waltz hentai. (Two of my favorites, by the way!) This bill does not "point the finger" at anime publishers. From my reading of the English summary, it seems only to pertain to vendors and distributors. I would have to agree that vendors and distributors provide horrible unconscionable smut to Japanese children. It seems entirely reasonable to bring regulation into the modern era to protect kids. @Ray: This is nothing at all like the patriot act. It's not about violation of privacy. |
Re: Bill 156 has been passed in Tokyo
Well. I, (to quote NPH) porno aficionado LuBu believe they shouldn't have created a law so specific to the media. Wherein an already existing one can be used. Article 175 of the Japanese penal code states that: "any person who distributes, sells or publicly displays an obscene writing, picture or other materials shall be punished with penal servitude for not more than two years or be fined not more than two million and a half yen or minor fine. The same shall apply to any person who possesses the same with the intention of selling it." Although it didn't state what is deemed "Obscene". During a legal precedent was set by a ruling on a Japanese translation of DH Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover in 1957. The Supreme Court at that time declared obscenity was anything: "unnecessarily sexually stimulating, (which) damages the normal sexual sense of shame of ordinary people, or is against good sexual moral principles". Links: BBC NEWS Obscenity and Article 175 of the Japanese Penal Code: A Short Introduction to Japanese Censorship Article 34 of the Child Welfare act Article 2 - Definitions For the purpose of this Law, "child pornography" means photos, videotapes and other visual materials which: i. depict, in a way that can be recognized visually, such a pose of a child relating to sexual intercourse or an act similar to sexual intercourse with or by the child. ii. depict, in a way that can be recognized visually, such a pose of a child relating to the act of touching genital organs, etc. of the child or of having the child touch someone else’s genital organs, etc. in order to arouse or stimulate the viewer’s sexual desire; or iii. depict, in a way that can be recognized visually, such a pose of a child who is naked totally or partially in order to arouse or stimulate the viewer’s sexual desire. Links: Japan -- Age of Consent Child pornography - Wikipedia The only problems with these is that it contradicts Article 21 of the Constitution, which guarantees freedom of speech and press. And that there is no law for possession of child pornography. My head just blew up just trying to find and read up on these... But I see this going on like how the US are dealing with Violent video games. Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow! |
Re: Bill 156 has been passed in Tokyo
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on 2010-12-16 02:10:58 (edited 2010-12-16 02:14:13)
LuBu, you misunderstand the purpose of law. Contradictions are unavoidable when constructing a body of laws! The fact that parts of bill 156 contradict older laws does not make it bad legislature. Again, in the USA we have state laws that contradict federal laws, like medical marijuana. As for your other point, that you disapprove of a law "so specific to the media": I think you missed the point, that there is a PROBLEM in Japan caused by the MEDIA that children are exposed to. Take rape for example. Kids exposed to rape hentai become acculturated with the idea of rape. No parent on Earth would consider it acceptable to show Kangoku Senkan to a child. I will therefore take it as agreed that there are limits as to what the MEDIA can present to children. The language of the bill does not seem to imply anything more than the legal implementation of these very same limits. |
Re: Bill 156 has been passed in Tokyo
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on 2010-12-16 15:14:42
The reference to the patriot act was because of the part of the bil where it said they can monitor cell phone use unless parents sign a waiver where they promise to monitor their child. I know politics isn't a strong point of mine but the patriot act allowed for government to monitor actions of individuals without a warrant. I know that part is a only a part of the bill but what if it becomes a stepping stone to the same type of monitoring? Or maybe I'm just being a conspiracy theorist but I hope you see what I was saying. |
Re: Bill 156 has been passed in Tokyo
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on 2010-12-16 15:19:00 (edited 2010-12-16 15:19:58)
@Gendou - So it does not affect me. That is all I needed to hear. Thanks! Politics is also not a strong point of mine. |
Re: Bill 156 has been passed in Tokyo
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on 2010-12-16 15:31:51
@Ray: Oh, I see what you mean. @Jonathan: The reason articles like this spark a fury is that people don't take the time to read or understand a thing before getting all crazy about it. If the world was full of skeptical and cautious people, it would be a better place. |
Re: Bill 156 has been passed in Tokyo
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on 2010-12-16 16:25:11
Like I said the bill is fine but that part there would worry me if I was a japanese citizen. Maybe apple should make all there cell phones since they block porn on their devices. Problem solved lol. |
Re: Bill 156 has been passed in Tokyo
@ Lu Bu: Bill 156, according to the links you posted, states how the Administration will act in compliance to the national legislation about the matter. There's no contradiction, it's just the distribution of legislative competence. For each entity of the State, the constitution estipulate what matters they can regulate. For instance, the mentioned bill didn't create any crime, since that matter is exclusive of the Diet; and all it can do is to create administrative sanctions, that normally are fines, but could go as far as closure of the place where the offense took place, respecting due process. Freedom of speech and press isn't absolute, restrictions are welcomed as long they are well motivated. And in this case, it seems so. |