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Lack of PSN Avatars?
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-01-22 16:27:25
Don't you guys (who have PS3 anyways) think there's a huge lack of PSN avatars?
I mean there's a few premium ones, but in general they're all kind of lame and almost random.
You have some random games, not totally random, but the free ones you get in stock are just poor.
I know you can make your own avatar, but it doesn't get viewed globally.
Avatars aren't expensive at all, but still if there was a better collection to even choose from in the first place...

I don't think avatars are hard to make, but I've barely seen any NEW PSN avatars in quite a long time.
The Premium ones are still the same as such the free ones.
The only new one is the 'free' 15th Anniversary one which I'm currently using.

You think with popular games, there'd be popular avatars with them, but no.
Uncharted 3, which is not even out yet, has a few avatars, like seriously?
C'mon Sony, I think you can do a better job than this. There's barely a difference between PSN+ users, too.
People don't complain really about it, but I'unno, I think they should make more.

The best ones are probably the Disgaea ones or maybe the World Cup LBP ones.
I think with games like UFC or other sporting games, or AC:B should get new avatars.

What do you guys think?


Re: Lack of PSN Avatars?
Link | by on 2011-01-23 01:17:48
I agree with this.I've been using the same avatar since I went online the first time and I'm kinda getting sick of it XD

Re: Lack of PSN Avatars?
Link | by on 2011-01-23 08:12:44
Yea, I noticed that as well. It really is kinda sad too. There's like, no selection at all once you get down to it. Like you said, PSN+ users probably get no more than 7 premium avatars.

And you can make your own avatars? I knew you could make your own themes (I'm running a custom one right now), but I never knew you could do custom avatars.

Tales of FC

Re: Lack of PSN Avatars?
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-01-23 13:35:29
Yeah, but it's really gimmicky. I haven't personally tried it yet.
You can also do custom user icons if you don't like the smiley face and such,
but again only you and users on your ps3 will be able to see it, so it's kinda pointless.

I'd expect JPN PSN to have a crazy amount of good avatars. Anyone ever check it out?

Recently spent 10 uPlay points for the AC:B theme, but all you get really are three backgrounds.
The actual theme is like the default theme if not it is, ugh, waste but whatever...
I'm using the GT5 theme with a custom background (a very sexy background might I add ^_~`) and it's a hawt combination.


Re: Lack of PSN Avatars?
Link | by on 2011-01-23 14:50:30
I'll try the JPN PSN when I get home because I downloaded the Tales of Graces F demo off it this morning. I was trying to find that section earlier but I was lost in a sea of Kanji. Even the design and layout of the JPN playstation store is different.

Tales of FC

Re: Lack of PSN Avatars?
Link | by on 2011-01-26 20:49:38
Personally i'm ok with the selection of PSN avatars, yes i know it would be cool if there were more or that you could design your own. I was literally suprised that some Disgaea ones were available so i quickly snatched up a couple of them (Flonne & Rozy), i also bought one of the Soldner X ship avatars too.

As for themes i've been using the Trinity Universe character roster theme but you can get some really good ones at PS3themes. I found this Final Fantasy Versus 13 one that was really well made which i'm currently using.

I never bothered creating another account so i can use the japanese version, though i've been wanting to do so recently though.

Re: Lack of PSN Avatars?
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2011-01-26 22:22:33
I really think they need some more. I doubt it, though. Despite all the popular
games out there, still no real avatars for 'em. And you're right, they are really
random with what they did choose as games to have avatars.

But uh, how do you make your OWN avatar -- on the Playstation site or something?

Re: Lack of PSN Avatars?
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-01-31 17:18:36
Just bought two new AC:B avatars (Brute (current), Ezio).
Though I did wish maybe they had a transparent background like most of the PSN avatars.

Hopefully this is a step towards more avatars. And I'm not sure myself how to make your own, it's some sort of hack/glitch.


Re: Lack of PSN Avatars?
Link | by on 2011-02-04 00:54:19
what they could of done is let us upload our own or keep making new ones
every month

Tales of FC

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