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Japan Hits 8.9 Mag Earth Quake 3/11/2011
Link | by not here on 2011-03-10 22:51:57 (edited 2011-03-13 20:28:01)
Any body heard the news?? dunno where to find news streaming can i get some info here if your in japan

Re: Japan Hits 8.9 Mag Earth Quake 3/11/2011
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-03-10 23:22:38
You can find it all over google. Just found out today as well. Pretty rough.
Saw some articles where it was like 6.0+ Magnitude, 8.8+, pretty serious if I remember those scales.

Hope everyone's okay though, that's rough.


Re: Japan Hits 8.9 Mag Earth Quake 3/11/2011
Link | by not here on 2011-03-11 00:08:09
Dont know who to believe some says 7.2 , 7.9 , 8.9 ??? any reliable source out there?

Re: Japan Hits 8.9 Mag Earth Quake 3/11/2011
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-03-11 00:55:45
From what youtube showed, apparently they got a tsunami as well. They had that nasty one not too long ago, too.


Re: Japan Hits 8.9 Mag Earth Quake 3/11/2011
Link | by not here on 2011-03-11 01:19:44
Found some update it said that 6 people dead in japan dont know if its the tsunami or the quake that cuases this deaths

Re: Japan Hits 8.9 Mag Earth Quake 3/11/2011
Link | by sactoman01 on 2011-03-11 02:11:23
From what I've read the damage has been substantial, especially in the Sendai area, 80 miles west of the earthquake epicenter. The area around Sendai has suffered both earthquake and tsunami damage, and I unfortunately expect a pretty substantial casualty toll.... :-(

Re: Japan Hits 8.9 Mag Earth Quake 3/11/2011
Link | by on 2011-03-11 05:30:09
just saw it on TV. they said it's 8.2 ...
wow... and 28 dead... hmm... I don't understand this number.. in aceh death number is above 130thousand... how can the number differ so many?

Re: Japan Hits 8.9 Mag Earth Quake 3/11/2011
Link | by Aoi on 2011-03-11 06:06:46
It's 8.9 magnitude, and I'm sure of it. And about what Schaz said. Well, it's still a few hours after the tragedy, I'm sure the number will continue to rise. I sure hope Gendou users in Japan are okay though.

Re: Japan Hits 8.9 Mag Earth Quake 3/11/2011
Link | by on 2011-03-11 06:49:36
On a train of rational thought, Japan is centered in the Ring of Fire, one of the most earthquake active spots in the world. Though I've heard that there were several earthquake that were spread out by a span of 15 minutes. If the plates are shifting that much, then Japan really won't be the only one having massive earthquakes.

Tales of FC

Re: Japan Hits 8.9 Mag Earth Quake 3/11/2011
Link | by roxas678 on 2011-03-11 08:13:01 (edited 2011-03-11 08:15:41)
My mother's side of the family is there. Luckily most of them are in Kyoto. But I'm worried for my cousin: Retsu. She was in Akihabara to watch an AKB48 show. We got absolutely no news about her situation and it's scaring the crap outta me. She happens to be my favorite cousin and I enjoy hanging out with her when we can.

I already asked one of my friends in Ikebukuro and two more in Shibuya to help me search for her. One more of my friends was on vacation and almost in the center of the quake, he was at Shinjuku.

I am really hoping that everyone is alright...

@Shaz- To answer your question about the death toll is simple. Due to Japan's constant earthquakes and other disasters, their buildings are specifically designed to stand strong. Also, the people themselves are taught since young on how to handle a quake. Finally, a good prior warning system helps to evacuates the coastal towns asap.

Re: Japan Hits 8.9 Mag Earth Quake 3/11/2011
Link | by gendou on 2011-03-11 08:18:54 (edited 2011-03-11 08:33:51)
We had a tsunami advisory where I live:
The wave has passed and all is well here, thankfully.
I hope Chile fairs as well, too.

Re: Japan Hits 8.9 Mag Earth Quake 3/11/2011
Link | by on 2011-03-11 11:25:52
there's still some pretty strong aftershocks going on over there.

killian kakashi praga

Re: Japan Hits 8.9 Mag Earth Quake 3/11/2011
Link | by on 2011-03-11 12:11:18
When I heard about the earthquake this morning on my way to school on the news, this scared the crap out of me. My Earth Science class literally saw the warning signs of it, the day before we were checking the USGS site for recent earthquakes and we saw all of the earthquakes that had hit Japan yesterday; apparently, those were in preparation for this big one.

And the tsunami isn't the only thing to worry about. My earth science teacher told my class that because of the massive earthquake, a nuclear power plant caught on fire, and there's the threat of some sort of nuclear radiation in the area now as well. My heart goes out to anyone who was affected by this earthquake.

Re: Japan Hits 8.9 Mag Earth Quake 3/11/2011
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-03-11 12:32:40
Here's some pictures where people stayed at Tokyo Disneyland:


Re: Japan Hits 8.9 Mag Earth Quake 3/11/2011
Link | by 五四三二一 on 2011-03-11 21:07:21 (edited 2011-03-11 21:13:56)
The following is a link to a page on yahoo, it contains links to the Red Cross and other humanitarian organizations if you would like to help out the people Japan in this great hour of need:

Help out if you can.

Of course they are all major organizations that help out all over the world not just Japan, however, most of the funds donated during this time will like go to helping out in Japan. If anyone finds additional ways to provide assistance, please post links.

I, personally, intend to make a donation on Tuesday, my next payday.


Re: Japan Hits 8.9 Mag Earth Quake 3/11/2011
Link | by Aoi on 2011-03-11 22:13:01
Saw this circulating around Twitter. I confirmed it to be real and not a hoax.

"You can text 'REDCROSS' to 90999 to donate $10 easily and quickly if you are feeling so inclined."

Hope Japan will recover soon.

Re: Japan Hits 8.9 Mag Earth Quake 3/11/2011
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-03-11 22:19:29
Ignorant people were bringing up Hurricane Katrina and making foolish Godzilla jokes on Twitter earlier.
I'm glad it's not trending anymore, but seriously, how ignorant can people be online...


Re: Japan Hits 8.9 Mag Earth Quake 3/11/2011
Link | by kuhraziemike on 2011-03-12 07:33:51
Alrighty........ During the the past few days, I was focusing on 'internal problems'. Then, read the newspaper and somewhere along it says Japan is hit by an earthquake. Became ignorant and never bothered much. Even when I saw the full headlines today there was little enthusiasm.


When I saw the news at 2000 hours Malaysian time, I started to shed tears and my heart sank. Indeed, I knew that I was starting to lose some of my humanity and I was feeling quite guilty, so that's why I wanted to see the news. Without a doubt to myself, I knew I was going to have some tears go down.

At least I felt genuine sadness and we have gotta remember that we're not super-humans; we can't feel sadness continuously. (Though there are numerous exceptions)

Well, not sure for you guys but I'd like to empathize with roxas678. I mean, his/her favorite cousin's there, so yeah.......

Re: Japan Hits 8.9 Mag Earth Quake 3/11/2011
Link | by υƞιϲo on 2011-03-12 20:50:44 (edited 2011-03-12 20:51:10)
Knowing how efficient the Japanese are, they're already back to their normal lives with their railway system up and running.
We should very much provide more help towards the islands and the coastal parts of Japan.
Relieving news: Everyone in the mainlands are safe.


Re: Japan Hits 8.9 Mag Earth Quake 3/11/2011
Link | by roxas678 on 2011-03-13 09:29:32 (edited 2011-03-13 09:30:00)
Update: My cousin, Retsu has finally been found. Props to my pals, Raiha Saotome, Mori Tsukiakari and Sandayuu Kirisame. They found her over in Akihabara a bit roughed up bit fine. Apparently the studio of the famous group AKB48 was under lock down and they just opened up.

A hell of a relief for my family I can tell you.

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