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Gendou Forum post count
Link | by clannadkanon on 2011-07-16 13:06:27
It seems like the posts in the forum lessens each day...

What do you think?

True or was it just a mistake on my part?

Re: Gendou Forum post count
Link | by on 2011-07-16 13:51:51
I wouldn't say it lessens each day. Each day brings a variety of post counts. You have to factor in people's personal lives, as well as regional differences, such as school, religious gatherings, and holidays. Somedays, the forum will have a boon of activity, and others, it's just plain slow.

Though it is true to say that the forums were much more active in the past, with posts being made within seconds of each other instead of minutes, or even hours. But there's really no remedy for that unless we receive a spike of dedicated users who actually like to discuss music, games, and the like, rather than fill the entire first page with the Waste of Time topic.

Tales of FC

Re: Gendou Forum post count
Link | by clannadkanon on 2011-07-16 13:56:56
Hmm... I guess you're right...

I hope the forums will become much more interesting in the days to come...
And with more passionate gendou forum users...

Re: Gendou Forum post count
Link | by devils-angel on 2011-07-16 14:56:20
Everybody just flocks and spams the chatroom anyways. Everybody comes and will eventually go, including me.
If the WOT threads get the most posts, then obviously people don't want to discuss anything.

Long live the GOLDEN AGE!!


Re: Gendou Forum post count
Link | by on 2011-07-16 15:11:17
not really even the chat room is nowhere as active as it use to be. I think its more because of social media to be honest. I'll see a user who hasnt been on in years here be facebooking every hour (at least when i had fb) and its the same on twitter. The friends they made here are on there too so they probably dont see a reason to come back since thats what most people do anyway.


Re: Gendou Forum post count
Link | by on 2011-07-16 18:41:28
Yea i agree that things died down here alot, which is why i stopped coming. Back when i started out here, it was a must to be here 24/7 or you missed out on some serious action. Now it doesnt even matter. DA said it well. RIP Golden age.

Part of the new age Gendou RP veterans: Kira, Rukia, KM Revolution, Smoker, Avian, L, and Ryu.

Re: Gendou Forum post count
Link | by on 2011-07-16 18:50:58
I agree with Ray. Everyone seems more concerned with things like Facebook and twitter.

I miss all the activity that used to go on in the forums. Regardless, I can guarantee you that I will be stubbornly hanging around the forums and making whatever posts I can. I love the community here.


Re: Gendou Forum post count
Link | by on 2011-07-17 09:34:54
@Jon:Same here.I went to many forums till now,but so far,Gendou was really good,considering that we have the RPG section.And now there's very little activities...(I once have to wait for days just to see ONE post)

Nonetheless,I'll be here all the time,even though I have no PC at the moment.

Freedom's the power of everything!! Usual RP characters

Re: Gendou Forum post count
Link | by misskarma on 2011-07-19 14:34:28
I don't post on here much (but I'll post more now that I stopped going on Gendou chat), so I don't really notice the post count.

Nonconformist 'til the end of time.

Re: Gendou Forum post count
Link | by red_13 on 2011-07-19 19:05:49
It really has gone down over the years, actually. When I first joined, the forums were actually quite lively, the WoT wasn't even accessed that much by normal users and only noobs posted on those threads to spam 'cause they didn't know where to go. Nowadays, WoT is the most active section 'cause all the other sections either died out, or no one has anything new to post them. It's kind of sad to see Gendou slowly making its descent into death, but I guess it's to be expected of all sites like this.

Re: Gendou Forum post count
Link | by on 2011-07-19 19:30:12 (edited 2011-07-19 19:37:39)
@Naru - Actually, when it comes to Gendou City, I think it's the opposite situation. The problem with Gendou City as far as I'm concerned is that there are too many new RP's being created. The thinning RP audience here on Gendou is being spread out because there are new RP's popping up every few days. They also tend to push other RP's further down the page which helps speed up their deaths.

I hate seeing the community here get smaller, because I don't really know what I'll do if it dies out. Other forums I've tried to get into haven't really panned out, and to be honest, I have nothing else going on in my social life to spend my time on. >.>


Re: Gendou Forum post count
Link | by srt01 on 2011-07-19 20:43:17
I agree. Even though i am only 3 years old in this community, i can see a general decrease of posts in the Forums. Also, even in the WOT it is usually the same set of people posting over and over again...

if chat dosent have many people on it, i will be like "meh, they have a life"
but if the forums are empty, i will be quite upset to the fact that people are starting to not care about this community and more concerned about social-network websites out side of gendou.

 photo SRTsigver3_zps80ee60d1.png

Re: Gendou Forum post count
Link | by on 2011-07-19 21:03:12 (edited 2011-07-19 21:07:40)
right, it's going down. many gendounians are now using fb and twitter to communicate, even they are still using gendounians as their names, but many things that was on the forum seems moved out to the fb and twitter, additionally there they can do things that might be considered as spam here... (but hey, isn't the no-spam is a plus point here? that's why I like to be here, in this forum)

oh, and I agree with Jon's post about the Gendou City, they really makes lots of threads there, but none has long life, and it seems only several people do that, and the type of RPs that only bring excitement at first then suddenly collapse (that's why I cancelled my new RP, it might be only make new dead thread)

Re: Gendou Forum post count
Link | by on 2011-07-19 22:44:53
I would have to agree also on gendou city. It seems that average rp only last a month or two and for someone like me who's creativity doesn't come second , it sucks. It takes me forever to come up with a background for my character and the personality he well have. I just hate to see it go down indefinitely. I've been wanting to get back into rping but the motivation is not there. I've been thinking of of possibly making another bleach rp similar to the one I was in back when I first started. I think it would have been a successful one if we just limited the amount of people who joined. So many people joined that nothing made any sense anymore. Anyways I'll stop ranting.

I think it's cool though that gendou keeps the forums and chat alive even though there's nowhere near as much traffic. Even he doesn't post as much as he used to but he keeps the site going. Not sure if the download rate of songs has lessened over the years but even radio when it's on doesn't get as many listeners anymore. Hopefully the forums will get more people in as time goes on.


Re: Gendou Forum post count
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2011-07-20 01:56:52
Funny thing is...the decrease in good topics has lowered the number of posts I do...per month.

Kinda missed the Golden Age...

Find me at Twitter and Google+

Re: Gendou Forum post count
Link | by holkers on 2011-07-20 05:27:36
/plays flute.

Just when I tried to make Malaysian thread more lively, it goes back to where it was from like a baby. Twice I've check in a week, it's only 3-4 post.

Ahh well.. People have lives. And well, they gotta enjoy it. /shrugs.

I claimed someone that I can't remember because photobucket is ended.

Re: Gendou Forum post count
Link | by red_13 on 2011-07-20 07:10:18
I agree with you, Jon. Too many RPs are being made, so no one can stick to just one that they like, that's why so many others die out so fast. I'm up for a good RP and all, but yea...

Re: Gendou Forum post count
Link | by on 2011-07-20 07:47:45
@Jon and Naru:True indeed.To add,it's difficult to catch up sometimes when one or two of us dropped out due to reasons.But as long I'm here and able,I'll do the very best to tackle any RPs I'm in,both old and new.

Freedom's the power of everything!! Usual RP characters

Re: Gendou Forum post count
Link | by on 2011-07-21 08:01:57
Now, I know I'm not too old in the Gendou community when compared to some other people here (I haven't even been here for 2 years yet), so I haven't been here long enough to truly notice the decline of posts in the forums. However, I have been here long enough to notice the decline in the amount of posts made in more 'serious' sections, and the increase in the amount of posts made in more lighthearted sections.

As for the forums in general, I agree with Haseo, Ray, and Jon; and the decline of posts made there is because of the lack of dedicated members and because of the increase of usage in sites like Facebook and Twitter. My reasoning for agreeing with them is that some people might not want to share too many details about their lives to people that they don't really know, and that you could do the same thing on Facebook and/or Twitter, only you would be sharing this information with a select group of people. Not to say that everyone shares that aspect of things, but it's just one way to look at it.

I have to agree with Naru about why people post in WoT, they post there just to have something to post in when the rest of the forums aren't too active (Like myself), which is an explanation for the increase in posts there.

As for the Gendou City and RP situation, I agree with Jon and Schaz. There are too many RP's being created, along with the fact that there are people who can't dedicate themselves to RP's to make them last a long time whenever a new, 'better' one comes around. I've noticed this problem just from this past year, from a comparison of RPing last summer to this summer. There weren't as many RP's that started up last year as compared to this year, or if they did, then they at least had enough players, or enough dedicated players, to make them last at least 100 to 200 posts or so. Now, an RP is lucky if it gets enough momentum to start and get up to 50 to 100 posts before it dies out.

Re: Gendou Forum post count
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2011-07-22 08:23:45
I still peek in Gendou City a couple of times a day. Number of RPs has increased but posts are still slow. One of the reasons why I didn't start a new RP despite multitudes of ideas, plots and storylines overflowing in my head these past few months is because of that. Didn't even join one for the same reason. It's kinda sad when the ball got rolling in the beginning, just to end up with people quitting halfway without notice. Most of us will be stuck there and can't continues on, till the RP just gradually...fades. There are big RP projects going on like the Crossover RP but it has been inactive for quite some time and I was really looking forward to it.

I completely stopped posting in WOT since, like the topic said, it's a waste of my time for 2, 3 years(?) and I haven't pop by in any other threads besides Gendou City, Programming and Other.

Well, like Holkers said, most probably everyone else have their own lives to get on to.Or, they might have switched to Twitter or Facebook since these are currently the "in" thing, or simply just decide to just download episodes and mp3 and forget about posting. It could also be because the forums ain't that active that they too, gradually stopped posting.

The only ones who are considered the old ones left still lingering around would be Jon, DA, Snake, Pame and myself. Could probably have left a few others but these are the few ones I can recall. And I have this odd feeling we're likely to stay active (or slightly active) till the forums finally folds (hopefully it picks up again so that it won't happen).

I'd like to add before leaving the stage that it will leave a bad aftertaste when you're the last person to post in a thread, no?

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