Hello Fellow Tales Series Fans!
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by TalesLover777
on 2011-08-20 12:16:55
Hi there, everyone. *smiles* It's nice to meet you all. You may call me El-chan or Ninja-chan (from my username xElementalNinja). One thing's for sure, I'M A HUGE TALES SERIES NERD. No, seriously, if you say something or ask a question, you'll most likely get a Tales reference response. Hm, so far, I have all of the Tales games that are currently released in NA, except Tales of Graces f, and Tales of the Abyss for the 3DS. I will work on getting the Japanese versions next year, when I'm able to get a job. (I have the money for them now, but my parents won't let me.. *insert epic sadface here*) Well, I hope to get to know the rest of the Tales Fans here! *smiles again* Before anyone says, YES, I'VE READ THE RULES. You don't need to remind me..I'm not that noobish. |
Re: Hello Fellow Tales Series Fans!
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on 2011-08-21 01:28:09
Hi! Nice to meet ya (although i'm not one of tales of fans >.<) Have fun^^ |
Re: Hello Fellow Tales Series Fans!
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on 2011-08-21 07:01:59
Welcome, I hope you have fun! |
Re: Hello Fellow Tales Series Fans!
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by TalesLover777
on 2011-08-22 15:15:41
@Zero: Thanks for being the first one to welcome me. C: (It's okay if you're not a Tales fan, these games are rare nowadays.) @Toyumi: Thanks for the welcome! Yeah, this place seems interesting, so it should be fun. |
Re: Hello Fellow Tales Series Fans!
Fellow Tales fan here. There's a fan translation of Innocence if you haven't got it yet. Who's your favorite recent Tales character? Nice to meet you, by the way, names' Naru. |
Re: Hello Fellow Tales Series Fans!
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by TalesLover777
on 2011-08-23 14:32:53
@AppleNaru: Hi there! *smiles* It's great to meet another fan. Hm, fan translation of ToI, you say? I have to search for it. :O Favorite Tales character? Heh, I have a lot, but I could name a few. Jade Curtiss (TotA), Luke Fon Fabre (TotA), Leon Magnus (ToD), Stahn Aileron (ToD), Rutee Katrea (ToD), Yuri Lowell (ToV), Kratos Aurion (ToS), and Lloyd Irving (ToS). It's nice to meet you as well. You may call me Ellie, if you'd like. |
Re: Hello Fellow Tales Series Fans!
Alrighty then Ellie. I also like Lloyd, but I like Presea instead of Kratos, I don't know why. Also there are translations for game scripts, I.E. Tales of Hearts. |
Re: Hello Fellow Tales Series Fans!
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by TalesLover777
on 2011-08-24 15:03:17
@Naru: Yeah, Lloyd is pretty cool. Presea is another one of my faves, and I'd take her over Colette. Colette kinda annoys me at times, but she's okay. Kratos is one of the many memorable characters in ToS, in my opinon. I've known there were game translation scripts out there, but I didn't know they had the DS Tales games scripts out there. ^^; |