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Black Rock Shooter TV Anime
Link | by niinii101 on 2012-02-03 06:12:07
Hey everyone, has someone seen the first episode of Black Rock Shooter anime series?

Re: Black Rock Shooter TV Anime
Link | by on 2012-02-04 02:21:17
Yes! I think it's nice. I like how they relate from the girls' school life to the world with all the fighting . But I think the fightings are quite fake . Look at the main character , she got hit by the 'bulldozer' like thing and she's still alive .

Photobucket Photobucket

Re: Black Rock Shooter TV Anime
Link | by on 2012-02-04 21:12:07
Saw it the other day, and from the way the first episode was, I think it's going to be a good, if not great, series. The animation was really good, it has to be some of the best animation I've seen in an anime. I can't wait for the next episode to see how the problems created in the first episode will be resolved/continued.

@ xNIKONIKO- I thought that myself about the fighting, but there's an explanation as to why the fighting is exaggerated and "fake" on the Black Rock Shooter Wiki. According to them:
"In the Black Rock Shooter anime, Saya Irino implies that there is someone out there who takes a person's pain from their hearts so that they will never feel physical pain when the are hurt. The "other selves" are implied to be this, as Black Rock Shooter is seen screaming in pain while Mato goes through emotional turmoil."


So I guess the other world with the fighting in it is akin to the world of the main character's emotions, so the only pain they feel is from their other selves, the main characters, emotions? Or something like that. I'm confusing myself. XD

But in the end, it's kind of a cool concept, despite how confusing it may be. It makes more sense seeing it in action rather than in writing, or at least I think so.

Re: Black Rock Shooter TV Anime
Link | by richwiggles on 2012-02-05 07:07:22 (edited 2012-02-05 07:10:49)
I watched it... sometime recently (2 days ago?) and thought, "Damn... Hanazawa Kana again?... Good enough for me. =3" Lol.
But yeah, the first ep itself was pretty good. Compared to the OVA done like... some time ago, I liked it a lot more. The art was a lot better (of course) and it has a lot more potential since it's not just a 1 ep OVA.
Of course, the theme song was just a huge dose of nostalgia too.

Oh god, and that ending of ep 1 feels like extreme foreshadowing at it's best/worst.

Oh and I almost forgot...

Re: Black Rock Shooter TV Anime
Link | by on 2012-02-05 14:53:49
Idk about you guys but i feel that the story is going to be way too predictable.
As a BRS fan hopefully this wont fail, I'm hoping to see WRS somewhere in this as well xD

Re: Black Rock Shooter TV Anime
Link | by kelreifblue on 2012-02-05 17:16:05
Supercell FTW \m/

Re: Black Rock Shooter TV Anime
Link | by on 2012-02-06 12:17:18
I will download it when its finished and watch it later

Re: Black Rock Shooter TV Anime
Link | by on 2012-02-09 18:33:37
The single movie was good, but I feel that the series is disapointing.


Re: Black Rock Shooter TV Anime
Link | by on 2012-02-10 03:58:48
it wasent a movie it was a OVA

comparing the OVA and the current series, then the series would win. the story is more developed (currently anyway, even tho we all know whats going to happen)

the OVA and anime have no relation to the game although some would argue otherwise

if you really want to know about BRS and all those other characters also the characters that didnt make the cut into the anime or OVA go read the manga

Black Rock Shooter ~Innocent Soul~

the way i compare the 3 BRS story concepts is through the worlds they live in

the OVA/Anime depict a dream like world that represents Mato and Yomi as well as other people in a dream world

the GAME is based on a modern type Apocalyptic world

the MANGA is based on a world known as the Threshold, a place between Heaven and Earth where BRS protects the peace

Re: Black Rock Shooter TV Anime
Link | by catsrule310 on 2012-02-24 15:06:26
I just watched EP4, and oh man, here we go, with Yomi flipping like in the OVA, but better. I like the fight sequences, as metaphors for real social conflict. I find it intresting. Mamiko Noto as Saya/Black Gold Saw is amazing, too. Arata is okay, I like her attitude, so she's growing on me. But god I hate Yuu, even in the OVA I hated her. Let;s hope she stays out of the way again. Also, BRS seemes much smarter than Mato, just saying.

Suzumiya Haruhi rules!(LITERALLY) Kanade Tachibana is my waifu~!

Re: Black Rock Shooter TV Anime
Link | by on 2012-02-26 02:28:54
dude... spoilers == ive already seen it but for other people thats just spoiling it for them

Re: Black Rock Shooter TV Anime
Link | by kirausa on 2012-02-26 06:50:45
I've heard about it, it's around 8 episodes right? I'm dying to watch it right now!

Re: Black Rock Shooter TV Anime
Link | by on 2012-03-02 00:28:35
yeah apparently its going to be 8 episodes the story is predictable (as i said before) HOWEVER the way they made the story flow is amazing it may seem draggy at some parts but its all apart of the emotional connection between you and the anime xD

Re: Black Rock Shooter TV Anime
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2012-03-05 13:46:21 (edited 2012-03-05 13:56:38)
DA, or another mod, do your thing with this guy. ^

Anyway, for the topic at hand, does the anime follow the OVA? Do you need to have
watched the OVA for the anime to make sense, or can the anime be watched for new

I wanted to watch the anime, but I've never seen the OVA. If I need to watch the
OVA first, I'll prolly do that later on and then watch the anime after. If the
anime is a stand alone and you don't need prior knowledge, though, I shall watch it!

Re: Black Rock Shooter TV Anime
Link | by on 2012-03-05 14:10:36
@ Shuy- It doesn't follow the OVA, but it's more like an extension to it (Eg. It goes into more detail than the OVA did, has better art quality than the OVA, etc.). I think the anime can be watched without having watched the OVA, but it's nice to get the general feel of the anime from watching the OVA prior to it.

Re: Black Rock Shooter TV Anime
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2012-03-05 14:14:05
Ah, alright. Hm. Do you remember how long the OVA was? Like episodes + length?

I could totally look this up, but my laziness while on the forum knows no bounds..

Re: Black Rock Shooter TV Anime
Link | by on 2012-03-05 14:22:49 (edited 2012-03-05 14:26:54)
@ Shuy- There's only one OVA, and I think it was around 45 minutes long or so. I'll check to make sure my memory is correct. XD


Turns out its around an hour long according to a version of it I found online. I was close. XD

Re: Black Rock Shooter TV Anime
Link | by You're Not Alone! on 2012-03-05 14:44:45
Oh, wow. Why did I think there was like 6 OVA or something? I had it in my head
there were quite a few episodes relating to BRS, since I thought I saw something
on a site before about the multiple BRS episodes subbed. Prolly just me not

BUT THIS IS PERFECT! I can watch the OVA and then get right into the anime, oho!

I'll have something to do this weekend with a new anime. Good times. THANK YOOOU!

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