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Anime character most like u...
Link | by symphonia on 2005-06-29 02:59:16
hi guys! here's the case, i want to know which anime character do you think is most like u...[example: their hairstyle, their characteristics, looks, clothes, personalities...etc] i don't know i'm like who, how bout u???

p/s can you answer this riddle??

if there is an accident on the border line of the u.s and canada, where would you bury the survivors??^^

*~* Anime Is My World!!*~*

Re: Anime character most like u...
Link | by darkchi on 2005-06-29 03:04:55
im a bit like Genjo Sanzo sometimes with a sprinkle of Cho Hakkai and Son Goku. All from Saiyuki.

About the riddle..uhm...canada perhaps? i guess it depends on the nationality of the deceased.

"If you want to make sense, SHUT UP!!!"

Re: Anime character most like u...
Link | by Judgement on 2005-06-29 04:48:56 (edited 2005-06-30 14:23:51)
maybe narumi takayuki *kimi ga nozomu eien* .. looks pretty cool.. girls like him alot. He's pretty mysterious. I like him =P and i have the same hairstyle.

Re: Anime character most like u...
Link | by Rui on 2005-06-29 05:02:34
Masculine side: Trowa Barton (GW)
Feminine side: Most likely, my friends will say I'm more of Tomoe Hotaru (SM), well I think so too myself. ^_^

Re: Anime character most like u...
Link | by Suki-chan on 2005-06-29 09:43:37
Most people say I'm Weird (and thats putting it lightly)

I'm most like Edward(Cowboy Bebop) and Tohru(Fruits Basket).

We are Fighting Dreamers! Aiming for the Top!

Re: Anime character most like u...
Link | by Aria on 2005-06-29 11:39:20 (edited 2005-06-29 14:22:39)
In someway i'm like...

Miyuki Kobayakawa from You're Under Arrest...(shy, hides what she really feels and sometimes can't express her thoughts)
BlackRose from .hack...(sometimes reckless and says whats on her mind)
Minako Aino from Sailor Moon...(says whats on her mind and Positive Thinker even though lifes gives us shit!)
Mireille Bouquet from NOIR...(smart, emotional, and doesn't trust anyone easily)
Meia from Vandread...(cares for her comrade even though she doesn't show it very much)
Misao Makamichi from Rurounin Kenshin...(boyish...)
Tsukasa from .hack...(a touch of loner, mysterious, care less for the world...)

~the riddle...I wouldn't bury them coz they're still alive! They're survivors after all...the guys who died, depend on their citizenship...but it's cool if they were buried in the middle of the US and Canada border!^_^ it's more of a trick question than a riddle...~


Re: Anime character most like u...
Link | by on 2005-06-29 17:19:16
I would kind of be like...
Mikagi from Ayashi No Ceres cause he is very demanding and very violent and i'm like that myself sometimes if i'm in a very bad mood! :-P


Re: Anime character most like u...
Link | by PsYChO rOoKiE on 2005-06-29 20:25:49
I like most of the main character of all the anime i've watched...

But the one I really like is Son Goku from Gensomaden Saiyuki & Niwa Daisuke from D.N. Angel.

Although they always kicks butt, but they both have different personalities....

"She who turns the PAIN into a BOND, the HARDSHIP into a HOPE. I'm as a woman, will not lose to her," Megumi (Samurai X; Reflection)

Re: Anime character most like u...
Link | by Rika-sama on 2005-06-29 22:36:03
O.O...Oh God...I have a whole list!

Heisuke Todo (Peacemaker Kurogane)-Becuz I think lots of stuff are cute. -_-;
Shinpachi Nagakura (Peacemaker Kurogane)-I love to have fun alot, but when I get serious, I really do.
Tatsunosuke Ichimura (Peacemaker Kurogane)-I have a braty little sibling to take care of just like him...e__e"
Ryou Bakura (Yu-Gi-Oh)-I'm too nice all the him.
Kaname Chidori (Full Metal Panic)-I get a wicked temper.
Dark Mousy (DN Angel)-I once had a crush a long time ago, but I never saw him again since these past 5 years. (Like Dark with his girl)
Saya (Peacemaker Kurogane)-I stay quiet ALOT, but only near strangers. I am terrified of new ppl...O.O;

Yeeeah...That's all I'll name for now...I have spilt personalities. X__X;

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Re: Anime character most like u...
Link | by eeekar on 2005-06-29 23:16:21
Naru of Love Hina and Asuka of Evangelion....
You see, I'm a bit of a bit**...
I know that its not good...

Angels are falling from heaven

Re: Anime character most like u...
Link | by Yuusuke on 2005-06-30 01:20:50
I wonder...most char that Im really love is Shinobu Maehara from Love Hina....she is....damn cuuuuuteee!!!!!

Re: Anime character most like u...
Link | by Hibiki_chan on 2005-06-30 03:55:16
Hiyo all!
I feel that I am most like Himeno from pretear, always falling over herself and with a fiery temper! but I can also be sensitive. but looks wise.....probably chihiro from azumanga daioh. My boyfriend looks a spit 4 hideki in chobits hehehe.
And in reply 2 the silly riddle....u dont bury survivors! d'uh hehehehehehe. nice confusing riddle tho.
bye ya'll

Re: Anime character most like u...
Link | by on 2005-06-30 06:02:13
I look like Shiki Tohno and Keitaro Urashima, i wear glasses and i seem to get into all sorts of trouble regarding girls. The shiki side of me is when im serious, trying to find answers to secrets around my life.

Re: Anime character most like u...
Link | by Hana on 2005-06-30 08:33:03
I'd say I'm like Uo from Fruits Basket, I constantly threaten people if I think they're going to hurt me or my friends. Also I curse a lot...btw you don't bury survivors 'cause well they're still alive..

Re: Anime character most like u...
Link | by Phoenix on 2005-06-30 10:35:50
I'd say personality wise, I'm a mix between Vash the stampede, and Himura Kenshin. Cause... I like peace and stuff... and stuff.

Re: Anime character most like u...
Link | by kittycatsarecute on 2005-06-30 14:26:56
i would say it (even though i am a girl) would be kyo sohma +fruits basket+ because i always have a short temper

and about the question------you don't bury survivers-- you say they survived the crash but then you killed them so you would bury the "survivers" inbetween the


Re: Anime character most like u...
Link | by on 2005-06-30 14:58:55
Well, I think...I'm most like Natsumi from GetBackers, I have the hair, and I always act happy and caring most the time.

Re: Anime character most like u...
Link | by Nismosis on 2005-06-30 18:36:11
Umm...there are a few.

Hideki Motosuwa from Chobits
Koichiro Iketani from Initial D
Kouta from Elfen Lied
Suiji from Saikano (Saishu-Heiki Kanojo)

Eh, there are more but I can't think of them right now. ^_^;

"Flamethrowers are proof that somewhere, someone, at sometime said 'I want to set those people over there on fire but I'm just not close enough to do it,' comforting huh?" - George Carlin

Re: Anime character most like u...
Link | by spbusdriver on 2005-06-30 22:26:40
Shinku from Rozen Maiden

Re: Anime character most like u...
Link | by Hinata on 2005-07-01 13:45:50
Ahh...... Hakkai (Saiyuki) ^^
Fuu Hououji (rayearth)
Shaoran or Kurogane (Tsubasa) Shaogane is the 'person' that I am from Tsubasa, decided by a friend of mine because I wasn't just like one of them. ^^;;

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