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Late Night Ponderings of the Insomniacly Inclined
Link | by riiko-chan on 2012-05-15 04:06:01
I don't know if many of you know, but recently I had my second child, Vincent; named for Vincent Law of Ergo Proxy.

As it is, I find myself up at odd hours of the night, including today at 3am.

So my pondering of the night is about video games. Why must they be so expensive? And why in heavens name would anyone want to spend real money on in game items? I realize it's like any other hobby, and thusly it's justifiable to those who do it, but I just don't see the point. It's like spending hundreds on something like shoes or handbags. I can't justify spending money on those either. Most I'll pay for shoes is 80, and that was for my Etnies.
Another ponder is why do most men not want to change diapers or hold a newborn? I know diapers are stinky affairs, but really, you think we women like it any better? Hell no. As for holding a newborn, my poor little guy gets crazy manhandled by me, but people like my brother or the gramps are so afraid to even hold him. I find it funny...

Until tomorrow night, when something else will occupy my mind.

Re: Late Night Ponderings of the Insomniacly Inclined
Link | by on 2012-05-15 18:26:34
Poor you Riiko.
And as for spending money on whatever we enjoy, it's a disease in which can't be cure. :D!

Ohai. I HAZ RETURN AS OF 18-APR-2020!

Re: Late Night Ponderings of the Insomniacly Inclined
Link | by riiko-chan on 2012-05-18 00:11:44
Too true Mikoko, too true.

So, my home has finally been infected by My Little Pony. Thats all Rel wants to watch. And of course we won't even mention the toys. Gotta love marketing strategies. At least it isn't Hannah Montana anymore. *shudders*

And returning to work is fun. Absolutely nothing has changed, and it makes me laugh so hard. My boss tells me not to let my corker fall into her old habits and thats exactly whats happened. After 2 days. Ahhh work, how I missed you.

Time for more porker feeding. Til next time :3

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