Thank you Gendou
I'd like to thank the creator of this website. The presence of this website has helped me through some tough times throughout my life. I've been a member since 2006 and am sincerely glad to see that this website is still how I remember it. Keep it up Gendou and thanks! -----Updated April 11, 2014: I'm still here and still kicking. Just wanted to say thank you once again for this great website. Every time i come back here it's the exact same and nothing has changed (except more awesome music). Thanks Gendou. ------Updated May 17, 2021: Hello again, Just dropping by, 7 years later, to drop my little update. I have been up to a lot since the last time I came by. I have a daughter now, a wife, and a job that I don't enjoy too much. We are moving from Canada to France so I am hoping this will give me a fresh new lease on everything. I don't think anyone will ever read this so this is more of a message to my future self :) Take good care of yourself and, if it hasn't happened already, get your bum to La Tranche-sur-mer already. |