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Any Yami no Matsuei fans?
Link | by Lynn on 2005-07-07 21:36:01
I'm a big fan of the manga, though since it's not very popular, I was curious to see how many people here liked it :] And does anybody know when more of the manga will be coming out?

Re: Any Yami no Matsuei fans?
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2005-07-07 23:42:55
Me!! I'm a fan of Yami no Matsuei!!

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Re: Any Yami no Matsuei fans?
Link | by shai on 2005-07-07 23:47:47
im a fan as well :D

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Re: Any Yami no Matsuei fans?
Link | by Ayumi on 2005-07-08 03:02:18
Me! Me! Me! ^^

Are miracles worth believing? We'll just have to see, don't we? What you see, that is reality. What you remember, that is illusion. Ps: Why are you looking here? Coversation above!

Re: Any Yami no Matsuei fans?
Link | by chudaps on 2005-07-08 06:10:26
I like this one a lot too, although I haven't read the manga. Just the anime series ^^ Is it the same as the storyline in the manga?

Re: Any Yami no Matsuei fans?
Link | by Shippo91234 on 2005-07-08 10:40:30
I've read some of the manga, but I've never seen the anime... @_@ Ah, I didn't know there was an anime to begin with....huh..

Anyway, comforting to know there're other fans beside you, eh? *^^*

Re: Any Yami no Matsuei fans?
Link | by Urchin on 2005-07-08 13:28:44
Yami no Matsuei is one of the greatest shonen-ai and yaoi mangas and anime around. The drawing style is just so beautiful!
However, in my opinion, if you really want to go into depth with the characters' development and with the actual plot I would suggest sticking to the manga. The anime on the other hand is much to vague to get interested in anything. Also, after each arc every character seems to have got their minds erased, it also doesn't have a true conclusion (for people who like to have endings). The problem with the anime was that they chopped the story up so that it would fit 13 episodes, instead of giving the anime an eloquent storyline. However, the anime features coloured in and running around characters that have voices! So... I suggest getting both, but watch the anime before reading the manga. If not, just settle down with the manga and download the Yami no Matsuei music track.


Re: Any Yami no Matsuei fans?
Link | by Hotaru on 2005-07-08 20:32:35 (edited 2005-07-08 20:32:50)
Waieeeeeee~ I saw/read both. I agree with Urchin. The anime IS pretty to watch (Wahhhh, Hisoka... *drool*). See the anime first, then read the manga. Each individual manga pretty much tells its own story, or kinda stands on its own, yet at the same time, you're getting to know each character more and more. But, hey! I got the whole Yami no Matsuei series for 16$! The boxset with English and Japanese voices (DON'T. WATCH. THE. ENGLISH. Unless you wanna hear *sneer* Yugi's voice replacing Tsuzuki's...)

Re: Any Yami no Matsuei fans?
Link | by fantasymania on 2005-07-09 02:35:36
im a huge fan of yami no matsuei! ..though, to be totally honest, the anime is kinda disappointing compared to the manga but its still one of the best ive seen! is volume 11 the last volume for the manga series? I have only have till 9 and cant wait to get my hands on the other two @@

Re: Any Yami no Matsuei fans?
Link | by Lynn on 2005-07-09 22:46:26
Yeah, I prefered the manga over the anime. In the Devil's Trill episodes, there was so much left out, it really suprised me. Isn't it still running? I've only seen 5 of the mangas in english, but i heard it's up to 11 in japan..

Re: Any Yami no Matsuei fans?
Link | by riezawa on 2005-07-10 02:41:31
ahh... the anime that began my plunge into the world of shonen-ai, leading me to more and more until it helped me (in a major way) realize i'm bi ^^;

so yeah, i'm a fan XD

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Re: Any Yami no Matsuei fans?
Link | by athena88 on 2005-07-11 02:13:12 (edited 2005-07-12 00:48:07)
Any1 knows the ending 4 the manga? Like most fans, i've only watched the anime on DVD(oh God, listenig to Muraki's English voice was really torturing!). I really think Tsubaki-hime shouldn't die since she seemed like a perfect girl for Hisoka(sorry for my independent thought, but it's just an opinion). What i luv the most bout YnM is the OP song & The Devil's Trill tune! The OST CD is, well overall not really ok but there R 6-7 trax that i luv.

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Re: Any Yami no Matsuei fans?
Link | by sze on 2005-07-15 09:05:15
volume 11 is the last book published in japan.. however. it is not completed.. so u'll be left hanging..


Re: Any Yami no Matsuei fans?
Link | by Heather on 2005-07-27 10:04:47
I believe, if I heard correctly, that due to a disagreement between the mangaka and the publisher, the manga in Japan was never completed. It's a pity, too, since the manga was wonderful. I guess that's what doujinshi is for. =X

Re: Any Yami no Matsuei fans?
Link | by athena88 on 2005-08-03 00:20:42
IS that true? even Saiyuki mangaka, Kazuya dealt wit problems wit the publisher but still, the manga's still running(rite now i think she's restin)!sounds unfortunate, no wonder every YnM fan kip sayin the story's not actually completed yet!

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Re: Any Yami no Matsuei fans?
Link | by EmAn on 2006-02-15 08:48:20
Well i think most of the Characters are slight gay.. but i like it!!!

Im a big fan of it!!!! ^__^

"It MaKes SenSE ThAt YoU TrY HaRd foR THe SaKe oF tHE PeRSoN YOu LoVE.."

Re: Any Yami no Matsuei fans?
Link | by Ekirin0450 on 2006-02-15 09:37:44
I love the series! They can't not finish it... This is the first time I've heard about that. *sigh* I was so excited that the manga went into more detail about everything opposed to the anime.

Re: Any Yami no Matsuei fans?
Link | by Kaimira on 2006-02-15 10:07:15
I love Yami no Matsuei, I like Hisoka ^_^ I think theres only going to be 11 in the entire series.. there are up to 9 vols out in the US atm, and I think 10 is coming out in March and 11 is coming out in May Image Hosted by Image Hosted by Image Hosted by

Re: Any Yami no Matsuei fans?
Link | by tsukiko on 2006-02-15 13:01:26
Yami no Matsuei rocks!!

Re: Any Yami no Matsuei fans?
Link | by lolo on 2006-02-15 19:39:07
i like Yami no Matsuei very much too~~~ but why it stopped so long time??? ; ; even Matsushita Yoko also seems disappear... ; ; where has she gone??? T_T

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