Evangelion Movies
Whoa... its an interesting movie... Soo complicated so whatever... Sometimes view anime give me idea, loves, friendship... Sometimes view anime give me some path of true life Sometimes view anime give me some interest to a hitech... Evangelion one of anime give me Idealize thanks... Watashiwa Anime no Manga wa DaiSuki.... ^^ |
Re: Evangelion Movies
which movie? rebirth? or death?
I live anime. Do you anime?
Re: Evangelion Movies
In my opinion, I think the movies ruined Evangelion. But that's just me. |
Re: Evangelion Movies
How could you say movies ruined Evangelion. They Arnt even movies. Death & Rebirth is just the summary of the season plus 15 extra minutes of cut footage. End Of Evangelion is a remake of the last 2 episodes of the Series, which were sucky. Be happy for EoE. This was greatness unlike those last 2 episodes where Shinji was bitching and then soon everyone was around said Congradulations. (well, the only good part of the last 2 episodes was when Shinji thought up what world..and Rei was like thats the guy who was looking at my panties and so on...) |
Re: Evangelion Movies
Well, I have nothing against Death and Rebirth because, as you said, it's just the summary of the season. However, EoE bugged the hell out of me. It added the unnecessary and ridiculously violent extermination of everyone at NERV (seriously, for a series that was so reluctant to kill off any of its characters [Toji would've been crushed in that thing; I'm sorry, but he would've], that was a tremendous deviation), it murdered the cerebral transformation that Shinji underwent and gave us a excessively confusing explanation of everything we had already learned, at it ended with only two humans left alive. To each his own, I say, but IMO they should've left the last two eps. exactly as they were. Either you got it, or you didn't. PS - Shinji was always one to bitch. He bitched throughout the entire show. It was just part of his character. Nobody ever said he was strong. If you didn't like him bitching at the end, you probably couldn't stand the rest of the show, either. |
Re: Evangelion Movies
So true. But your gotta remember. Other than the extermination bit, no one died, except Misato, Ritsuko and the few that Asuka Killed. Everyone turned to LCL. And you may remember Yui telling Shinji that the people could come back if it was in their hearts, or something like that. (i dont feel like watching the movie at this time). lol. And the Touji was just the Anime. In the Manga his ass was grass if you catch my drift. Hey. If you have the DVD of EoE watch the directors comentary. They say some funny things, also, they talk about the Life Threatning letters the director got for the last 2 season episodes. Anyway, I have a question for you. If you have one at all what was your favorite line in the movie. Mine is a mix inbetween, Shinji's "I'm so Fucked up".... Aoba's "Idiot, you kill or you die".... Misato's "So Fucking what if im not you" |
Re: Evangelion Movies
Heh, wow, I forgot about that "The people could come back etc..." part. But, yeah, you're right. Ok, so it's not so horrible then. I still like the original ending, though. *Shrugs* And you say that Touji dies? Good. That was ridiculous. Seriously, if you get crushed like that...but nevermind. I'll just rant. Life Threatening letters, eh? Well damn. I liked those episodes. Especially the final fifteen minutes. It seemed...so perfect...but, whatever. I'm weird. ^^; And I'd definitely have to agree with you: Shinji's "I'm so fucked up," was perfect. For everything. It fit wonderfully. |
Re: Evangelion Movies
The movies added to the great mystery that is Evangelion... And as for the violence, well, I think that's what happens if you're so crazed bout the things that are going on around you. Evangelion is great, period. ![]() |
Re: Evangelion Movies
wow...after watching the series....its left me angry and confused... Now, after watching the movie......its left me sad and confused.... but, this anime really gives you things to ponder about. Its very accurate in the religious basis anyways, and it also gives a sense of ..how should i put this...it makes you love life more, and to embrace it. I mean, wasnt that the main idea of the anime? Everyone has their hardships and mental blocks, but they eventually broke through the barrier and did what they could. This whole anime revolves around the whole concept of adam and eve. The ending of the movie, is also adam and eve. Only shinji and asuka remains. One male, one female. And an ocean of primidorial soup, for which life will grow out of again.
There are times when a man must stand up. *washing dishes*
Re: Evangelion Movies
Honestly, if anyone was bitching throughout the whole show, it was Asuka. What's weird, though, was that she's basically the female version OF Shinji, only her attitude needs major improvement. They have basically the same problems. But I can't see myself saying I like her, because, well, I DON'T. ESPECIALLY at the end of EoE. I LOVE Shinji, though. And for some reason, I feel kinda protective of him. That's why the end of the Evangelion tv show kinda made me happy, because he found that he wasn't so worthless after all. But to find that out after HOW many episodes? Come on, Shinji, dear... Oh, and Kaworu was HOTT, which was a shame that he was only in one episode. |
Re: Evangelion Movies
End of Evangelion was really really good, but very sad. I still need to see Death and Rebirth |