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favorite male character in anime
Link | by Window on 2004-07-10 19:42:26 (edited 2005-02-19 06:31:09)
Ryuichi Sakuma and Tohma Seguchi from Gravitation.

Re: favorite male character in anime
Link | by Rei on 2004-07-11 07:59:28
Genjo Sanzo of Gensomaden Saiyuki. Best main character EVER, as he totally doesn't act like one >3. Sexy monk... Muahaha.

Re: favorite male character in anime
Link | by Aethylla on 2004-07-11 17:48:04
Going with the Naruto buzz, mine's Naruto. He's sooo cool. And my all time favorite..... Yuki Sohma from Fruits Basket!!! He's soo kawaii!

Re: favorite male character in anime
Link | by Angel on 2004-07-12 00:17:31
Naruto eh . . .Itachi can own him anyday . . . as you can see i prefer Uchiha Itachi from Naruto. . . hes just bada** . . . maybe to bada**. No male char has anything on Itachi . . .
Maybe Ryuuga-sensei from Mahoromatic but thats because hes an android and has a cool glowing sword . . .

Re: favorite male character in anime
Link | by Rem on 2004-07-12 04:54:29
My favorite is Vash from Trigun. He's so funny!

Re: favorite male character in anime
Link | by Norkinu on 2004-07-12 15:51:48
ok, inuyasha is kick ass; kyo from fruits basket; Kiba from wolfs rain;(both cute and cool, not to mention sarcastic) is Enki (rokuta) from twelve kingdoms. Kenshin! um..... sesshomaru!
lets see, theres soo many, yet i now lack ideas, but yeah, those.....

Norkinu the Demon Child
(and her friend the Chipmunk on Crack!)

Re: favorite male character in anime
Link | by Lexi on 2004-07-14 19:08:51
Tamahome of Fushigi YUugi..which is odd because i hate everything about him.Lets call it destined love,but i care about him like hes a real person LOL

Dir En Grey:my eternal VizKei passion.

Re: favorite male character in anime
Link | by OkitaKun on 2004-07-14 19:22:27
Mine has to be Okita from Peacemaker and Kyo from Samuria Deeper Kyo

"Lay down your swords"
"NO we won't"
"Then you DIE"
from Rk

Re: favorite male character in anime
Link | by mel on 2004-07-14 21:19:08
I enjoy pretty much all men in anime, just as long as they are cute, I suspect. Evil men with cocky attitudes work if, in fact, they are Bishounen. Although, I agree, I still hate Tamahome even after watching the entire series, Oni and Eikoden included.
Now, the only thing I worry about are those annoying GIRLS...

- When Life gives you yaoi, make lemons. -

Re: favorite male character in anime
Link | by kira on 2004-07-15 04:19:27
I think it's Shinichi Kudo from detective conan...he's cute at times, especially around Ran Mouri, but he is damn COOL when he's sloving cases...
Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu!!!


Re: favorite male character in anime
Link | by Marle on 2004-07-16 12:15:17
I really like sagara sousuke rom full metal panic. Hes good looking and hes really funny. he can also fight and he knows pretty much nothing but war and mecha. That is cool

i also really love shiroi kumo from ffu. Hes cute and mysterious. i love those type of guys. just like sesshomaru you cant tell their type of characters and how they feel.

Re: favorite male character in anime
Link | by Wererat42 on 2004-07-18 00:27:02
Claus from Last Exile, Edward from Full Metal Alchemist, and Naruto from... well, Naruto.

Re: favorite male character in anime
Link | by Hikura on 2004-07-18 11:03:33
Waii! ^-^ Hiei and Kurama from YYH, and Yusuke of course.
Zoro, Chopper, Ruppi from One Piece. Done.

always Hiei and Kurama love. And Kurama-uke.

Re: favorite male character in anime
Link | by ruiki on 2004-07-18 16:19:52
My favorite male anime characters are:
Kira-G. SEED
Hikaru-Hikaru NO Go

Re: favorite male character in anime
Link | by masterjjx on 2004-07-18 20:04:20
Itachi-Naruto and Monkey D. LUFFY- ONE PIECE

Re: favorite male character in anime
Link | by Kem on 2004-07-18 21:03:16
I like Vash from Trigun, Spike from Cowboy Bebop, Miroku from InuYasha (He's SO funny!!), and Conan from Detective Conan. He's adorable with those giant glasses...

Re: favorite male character in anime
Link | by Momo on 2004-07-31 01:32:24
Kyo-FB *drools*
Yuske-YYH *drools more
Toboe- WR
Ryoga-Ranma 1/2
Gene-Outlaw Star*keyboard messes up from drool*
Hasuma-Eerie Queeie(yea i no hes gay but hes hot and its a shame hes gay)
i think thats all

It's all fun and games untill Snape ends up in a banna suit....

Re: favorite male character in anime
Link | by bubbles on 2004-07-20 10:10:41
I have sooo many!!!
Inuyasha : Inuyasha (YAY!)
Sesshomaru : Inuyasha (sooo hot)
Miroku : Inuyasha (I love perverts!!)
Fred : Outlaw Star (gay guys are hilarious!)
Kenshin : Rurouni Kenshin (I call him Kenny)
Hotohori : Fushigi Yugi (I would've picked him!)
My mind is blank right now so I'll probably remember some more later.....*drool*

"And what was the real lesson? Don't leave things in the fridge..."

Re: favorite male character in anime
Link | by FireXian on 2004-07-20 20:17:26
RAR gotta love kintaro from golden boy

Re: favorite male character in anime
Link | by Wolfsbane68 on 2004-07-22 02:23:15
Homura from Gensoumaden Saiyuki, prolly the only one to "zakenna" the Jade Emperor to his face ;-D

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