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What is the difference between cartoons and anime?
Link | by camui on 2005-08-01 04:28:57
Hello there I was just wondering what is the difference between cartoons and anime.... is there really a difference?....I'm confused x_x


Re: What is the difference between cartoons and anime?
Link | by yobo on 2005-08-01 05:27:38 (edited 2005-08-01 05:28:08)
anime = japanese cartoon (?) I think

Re: What is the difference between cartoons and anime?
Link | by kirikus on 2005-08-01 05:45:51
Don't call anime cartoon please T_T

anime = animation made in japan, and sometimes ppl also consider Korean or Chinese animation as anime too, but i think it's mostly japanese animation. Anime can also be called Japanimation o.O

cartoon = kiddy stuff and animation in USA and somewhere that's not in Japan or somewhere near Japan.

"Power is necessary because conflict will never end." Chairman Dulindal, GSDestiny. *nod in agreement*

Re: What is the difference between cartoons and anime?
Link | by yumeNOnaka on 2005-08-01 05:48:37
I agree with Kirikus
Anime not Same as Cartoon in the US
Anime and Cartoon genres ARE very different
Some Cartoon likely copies anime style
Anime much easy to view.

yes its a big difference About Cartoon and Anime



Re: What is the difference between cartoons and anime?
Link | by Radishman on 2005-08-01 10:54:40
Anime is animation from Japan. Wouldn't Japanese people call US cartoons anime? I think it's kind of silly to assume that all cartoons are kiddy. Is anime not kiddy as well?

Anime = Animation
Cartoons = Animation
Cartoons = Anime

Re: What is the difference between cartoons and anime?
Link | by kirikus on 2005-08-01 12:17:23
bleh...why does us cartoons call anime when the word anime sounds like japanese? they can just call it animation

"Power is necessary because conflict will never end." Chairman Dulindal, GSDestiny. *nod in agreement*

Re: What is the difference between cartoons and anime?
Link | by Shiriu on 2005-08-01 15:32:16
yobo and Radishman are right, Animes are cartoons, and cartoons arent kiddies.

Re: What is the difference between cartoons and anime?
Link | by RzmmDX on 2005-08-01 22:36:24
Yeah! Cartoon SUCKS! Anime ROCKS!

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Re: What is the difference between cartoons and anime?
Link | by Evard on 2005-08-02 05:59:04
anime is diffrent from cartoons mainly in its style of drawing and in how the charaters tend to have more defined thoughts personalitys unless i havent seen somthing where an anime was like ED, EDD, and EDDY.
but I have to say that cartoons arn't just for kids take a look at family guy or futuama

Death is the gift a blade shall bring, death is the gift a blade shall sing why is it my life sucks so much I mean it really sucks

Re: What is the difference between cartoons and anime?
Link | by Daizengar on 2005-08-02 06:32:32 (edited 2005-08-02 06:33:46)
Anime is just the way the japanese people chose to call their animation. Animation shortened = anime. Easy as that. Cartoons are what the english speaking people call their animation. So for all intents and purposes Anime means animation produced in Japan. While art-style between anime and cartoons tend to be different, it isn't really a definable way of distinguishing between the 2. American companies have been known to contract the services of a japanese animation studio before after all. Geographical origin of the animation is probably the most reliable method I guess.

Aside from that there is a world of difference between Anime and Cartoons. Cartoons are targeted at kids. Vast majority of them lie either in general viewing (anyone of any age) or teens. There have been a few that have gone beyond a teen rating but they are very few. Anime on the other hand has the full range of ratings possible. From general viewing to mature adults only, you will be able to find shows to your liking. Calling it kiddie..... well it says you haven't seen much anime.

edit: Fixed typo

Re: What is the difference between cartoons and anime?
Link | by kirikus on 2005-08-02 08:27:29
It's true...I have forgotten that there are kiddy anime, in which i hardly watch those category. I would find it very weird to call Totally Spies and Teen Titans anime too....brr....I just can't call it anime...

"Power is necessary because conflict will never end." Chairman Dulindal, GSDestiny. *nod in agreement*

Re: What is the difference between cartoons and anime?
Link | by masaru on 2005-08-02 14:10:54 (edited 2005-08-02 14:12:06)
I think we've pretty much covered that anime = animation in Japan (I see it almost in every replies...).

For this purpose, I'm going to call Japanese animation Japanimation and call English Cartoons...well, English cartoons.

- Most storylines in Japanimation are meaningful, they don't just focus on bimbo-ish spies saving the world in every single episodes without any progress on the plot.
- Character developments.
- Most cartoons fail to keep the audience interested enough to tune in for next time.
- Japanimation does not hesitate in using gore and violence.
- The way movements are animated is just so different. You can notice the HUGE difference in animations between Ghost in the Shell and Totally Spies. Or between Bleach and Teen Titans.
- Cartoons suck at making audience emotional.
- Cartoon is better than Japanimation in humor.
- Voice acting makes all the difference...It doesn't matter if it's a dub or an english anime, there's no denial Japanese voice actors do better job.
- Last but not least, openings/endings. 'Nuff said.

There are probably more but I have a feeling that I'll be hated if I go farther than this.

Re: What is the difference between cartoons and anime?
Link | by Radishman on 2005-08-02 15:38:48 (edited 2005-08-02 15:40:58)
- Most storylines in Japanimation are meaningful, they don't just focus on bimbo-ish spies saving the world in every single episodes without any progress on the plot.
First of all: Totally Spies... pretty much owns. They don't have girls doing episodic stuff? Kiddy Grade, Najica, Aika, etc. are all episodic at the very beginning and try and add a plot towards the end.

- Most cartoons fail to keep the audience interested enough to tune in for next time.
That's all opinion.

- Japanimation does not hesitate in using gore and violence.
There's blood in Powerpuff Girls. It all depends on what type of toon you're watching. Itchy & Scratchy anyone?

- Cartoons suck at making audience emotional.
You didn't cry when Bambi's Mom died? :)

- Cartoon is better than Japanimation in humor.
I think it might be a cultural thing. I'm sure people in Japan find their stuff funnier then our stuff over there because they get the humor as it's targeted towards them.

- Voice acting makes all the difference...It doesn't matter if it's a dub or an english anime, there's no denial Japanese voice actors do better job.
You're probably a sub fan, so there's no convincing you. Trust me the Japanese track isn't flawless. Some voices do sound better in English. I wonder if the Japanese feel the same way for Totally Spies over there.

- Last but not least, openings/endings. 'Nuff said.
Now I'll give ya SOME credit here, I like Japanimation op/cp songs because they are lyrical and that's pretty rare in toons.

Re: What is the difference between cartoons and anime?
Link | by masaru on 2005-08-02 21:06:16
"First of all: Totally Spies... pretty much owns. They don't have girls doing episodic stuff? Kiddy Grade, Najica, Aika, etc. are all episodic at the very beginning and try and add a plot towards the end."
I've never seen any plot in Totally Spies as of now, and how long has this show been running? All I see is daily basis of Opening floor --> Mission overview --> Gadgets --> Meeting "hot" guys --> Discover the mastermind --> Get in a fight pattern. I can't even see any sign of a plot yet to come at all.

"There's blood in Powerpuff Girls. It all depends on what type of toon you're watching. Itchy & Scratchy anyone?"
I didn't say cartoons don't use gore. I said Japanimation doesn't HESITATE to use them. It means the amount of gore can mount up to an incredibly large number, enough to make audience sick.

"You didn't cry when Bambi's Mom died? :)"
Not really, I felt sorry for her but that's pretty much it. I cried when Misuzu (Air) died though.

"I think it might be a cultural thing. I'm sure people in Japan find their stuff funnier then our stuff over there because they get the humor as it's targeted towards them."
I guess that's kinda true, there are jokes that can be found funny only when spoken in Japanese. But as a Japanese mself, I love Family Guy and The Simpsons, which made me laugh more than any anime that managed to do so. I wouldn't be surprised if someone said comedy revolves around them.

"You're probably a sub fan, so there's no convincing you. Trust me the Japanese track isn't flawless. Some voices do sound better in English. I wonder if the Japanese feel the same way for Totally Spies over there."
I watch RAW, and I've watched anime on T.V. until I moved out of Japan. I don't remeber saying Japanese voice acting isn't flawless, I said they do a better job. I've never heard an English voice acting that's better than the original, except for Kratos from Tales of Symphonia (which isn't an anime).

By the way, it's been bugging me, is there a Japanese version of Totally Spies O.o? I've never heard of that...

Re: What is the difference between cartoons and anime?
Link | by mark on 2005-08-02 21:21:13
cartoons = kiddy and stupid
anime = the best

Re: What is the difference between cartoons and anime?
Link | by Radishman on 2005-08-02 21:25:31 (edited 2005-08-02 21:31:24)
Totally Spies debuted on TV Tokyo sometime in 2002. It's weird though. It's considered a Western series, but is produced in Europe. Is that considered Western? Always thought that meant North America. About your VA comment... I always get offended when people come off "OMG LIEK TEH DUB = SUXXORS. SUB 4 LIEF!!!!!!!!!1111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Thanks for the Air spoiler. :)

Re: What is the difference between cartoons and anime?
Link | by Chimie on 2005-08-02 23:25:07

Re: What is the difference between cartoons and anime?
Link | by kirikus on 2005-08-03 00:09:33
no gore = boring, unrealistic
gore = interesting, more realistic because ppl bleed when they get hurt.

that's why i like berserk so much o.O

"Power is necessary because conflict will never end." Chairman Dulindal, GSDestiny. *nod in agreement*

Re: What is the difference between cartoons and anime?
Link | by Radishman on 2005-08-03 08:20:05
gore = interesting, more realistic because ppl bleed when they get hurt.

But people don't fly, go to alternate dimensions and became snow princesses either. :P

Re: What is the difference between cartoons and anime?
Link | by Lunarkry on 2005-08-03 10:20:32 (edited 2005-08-03 10:22:06)
Anime = For one thing, its japanese. Generally big eyed, colorful, and the most important point of all: elegant. Well, I'm trying to come up with a word which describes it as 'wondrous' but that doesn't quite come out correctly either...

Plus, anime characters are mostly beautiful and makes you all high-pitched and go, "AAAAAHHH!!! KAKKOIII!!!!!!" or "KAWAIIII!!!!"

Cartoon = usually drawn in a chibi-way and should it be drawn properly, would have the influence of punks, square fingertips and the worst bit of all, when they turn super natural, the english dub is just no good - makes it look corny.

I mean, japanese dubs scream and shout all the time but they don't look silly because audience can actually feel the soul in the anime. As for cartoons, they make cartoons just for kicks so people will get entertained with no soul placed into it.

Plus, I don't recall ANY cartoon I watched, saw a hunk and go, "OH MY GODD!!! HE'S HOTTTT!!!" - not a single one.

But anime hunks...? Phoaarrrr... HOTT in here...!!

and yep, Masaru and Radishman, totally agree with u 2: The open/end songs are definitely a magnet.

Lunarkry... :p

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