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Most Popular Anime
Link | by kirima on 2005-08-10 15:12:46
When I say "popular anime", what do you think of? For me, the list (in order) is -

Cowboy Bebop
Fullmetal Alchemist

These aren't necessarily my favorites - these are just ones that I've seen pop up a lot.

Re: Most Popular Anime
Link | by Shiriu on 2005-08-10 15:15:10
Dragonball Z
Fullmetal Alchemist

Re: Most Popular Anime
Link | by dyaoka on 2005-08-10 15:17:00
the "popular anime" are all the n00b anime!!!! XD! haha. don't kill me. hahahahaha. i was kidding.

-Naruto (definitely...the narutards are everywhere)
-Bleach (we're gonna need a name for the fans too)
-Inu-Yasha (...the fangirls are crazy...)
-Full Metal Alchemist (X_x the fans are overwhelming here...)
-Rurouni Kenshin (...the RK fans are very mean to PMK fans...;_;)
-Neon Genesis Evangelion (old, but still has a large fanbase)

there are others that pop up lots on people's favorite's list...but, what can i say...'m too lazy to list them all?

LOLOLOLOLOLOL. i laugh at you. hehehehehehehehehehehe.

Re: Most Popular Anime
Link | by kirima on 2005-08-10 15:21:56
I guess you could say most of the shonen jump series are popular

Re: Most Popular Anime
Link | by dyaoka on 2005-08-10 15:25:14
.....yeah, they are. -_-;;; it's all about the "merchandising" from viz...stuff they could make money off of. *sigh* the money-grubbing world we live in today...

LOLOLOLOLOLOL. i laugh at you. hehehehehehehehehehehe.

Re: Most Popular Anime
Link | by クリッチ ^__^ on 2005-08-10 15:35:39
Id have to go with... Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi... if you even know what that is lol...

ã?°ã?‹! ^_^

Re: Most Popular Anime
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-08-10 16:42:59
One Piece is incredibly popular in Japan but for some reason Americans dont seem to go for it. Id take an episode of One Piece over Naruto any day. People may think animation style is to crude or there are too many episodes, but if your havent already got it, give One Piece a try. If you arent addicted to One Piece by the end of the Arlong Arc you are crazy. I was addicted by the end of the Kuro Arc.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: Most Popular Anime
Link | by kirima on 2005-08-10 19:07:25
The thing about the One Piece anime is that they tried to appeal to kids more than teens. I really liked the manga, but I couldn't stand the anime. However, I guess the only reason I like Pokemon is because I grew up watching it, and it might have been the same way with One Piece. Speaking of obscure, how many people have actually SEEN a Pokemon episode recently? Everyone's HEARD of it, but does anybody WATCH it?

Re: Most Popular Anime
Link | by rpg-er on 2005-08-10 19:19:55
Over here Inu-Yasha is still hot, but not as active. Cowboy Bebop, is now a classic. Fullmetal Alchemist still on a roll, but dying down cause there's no new episode. Naruto, big thing, but slowing down cause people are geting into Bleach. One Piece sucks over here, cause the voice over sucks. Rurouni Kenshin, big classic. Neon Genesis Evangelion, bearly no one heard of it over here. DBZ is dying fast, mostly cause of GT, which is new over here. Weird, I know. Trigun is making a come back in the manga. YYU, is classic also. That is the anime stat review from DC.

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Re: Most Popular Anime
Link | by kirima on 2005-08-10 19:30:14
GT, and the later Z episodes, were bad. I am sorry. They were bad. I think the seiyuu change in the middle of the American DBZ marked the crossover from good to bad. The fact is that all the sagas are the same after a while; all the ideas have been used up. It doesn't matter that they're getting up to Super Sayan 10 or whatever their on now; we've SEEN IT BEFORE. Super Sayan was only impressive the first time. I don't care how tall and yellow their hair is now, or how many people they've merged with. Thank you. I'm done...

Re: Most Popular Anime
Link | by 破壊 on 2005-08-11 05:29:10
Well i really dont know wat the most popular anime is right now tho. But I really like Naruto bc theyre making more movies i think? And Bleach is awesome! The subs are kinda coming out slow so i just see unsubbed raw files. I kinda understand wat theyre talking about about 70 percent of the time so its kinda confusing on wat the bad guys are talking about. Man I really hate that butt ugly pirate/skull/clown/bug shinigami with the bhudda swrd. Same here after i only liked the buu saga in DBZ and when they went to GT with the bad guys that were weaker than Kid Buu i kinda got bored. theres nothing to look forward to now that DBGT ended and gokus gonna stay dead. I almost saw all the dbz movies except when broly returns. O I live in japan too and I like One piece also but all my frends that live in US seem to hate it i dun know y?

Re: Most Popular Anime
Link | by Seki on 2005-08-11 05:36:52
What i think of as the most popular anime:

Initial D (from 1st stage til 4th)
Gundam Seed and Destiny
Full Metal Panic (all the way to Second Raid)

Naruto used to be but according to my friends who dl them, the plot is getting crap, rather like Gundam Seed Destiny as people are starting to say.

Re: Most Popular Anime
Link | by firemiste on 2005-08-11 06:18:49
Inuyasha. Bleach. full Metal Alchemist. Naruto. One piece.

Re: Most Popular Anime
Link | by Immortal on 2005-08-11 06:41:08
Most popular Anime/s

- Naruto
- FullMetal Alchemist
- Bleach
- Great Teacher Onizuka
- Fruits Basket
- Inuyasha
- Full Metal Panic!
- One Piece
- Hunter X Hunter
- Gundam Seed
- Gundam Seed Destiny
- Samurai X

.....yeah right, there are lots of them!

".....committment, attitude and discipline...the keys to your dreams"

Never forget the one whom you truly loved the most. People change but memories will never fade

Re: Most Popular Anime
Link | by EvianLain on 2005-08-11 07:06:53
Naruto, Bleach, Inuyasha, One Piece, Rurouni Kenshin


Re: Most Popular Anime
Link | by ryuusei on 2005-08-11 07:27:44 (edited 2005-08-11 07:29:53)
most populas anime
full metal alchemist
gundam seed destiny
full metal panic / fumofu
witch hunter robin
elfen lied
king of bandit jing

Re: Most Popular Anime
Link | by DJ.shadow on 2005-08-11 07:41:08
i think.
-shaman King
-fruit basket
-Peace maker
-one piece

Yeah. That's right.

"We're all here to do WHAT we're all here to do." "คนเราอยู่เพื่อทำในสิ่งที่สมควรทำ"

Re: Most Popular Anime
Link | by Chung-kun on 2005-08-11 08:57:14
i reckon

-shaman king
-gundam (series such as original,z,zz,seed,seed destiny)
-full metal alchemist
-Rurouni Kenshin or Samurai X

Re: Most Popular Anime
Link | by rpg-er on 2005-08-11 10:49:58
man i forget about shaman king and gundam. sk is a hit with little kids (english dub). gundam, everyone is collecting them. from dvds to models.

[signature removed by admin]

Re: Most Popular Anime
Link | by kira-sama on 2005-08-15 04:25:53
in anime grandprix in japan
the number one in year 2005 is gundam seed destiny..

damn, prince of tennis is number 7..

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