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English to Japanese, for a school play
Link | by animeallen on 2005-08-11 04:53:18
Ok guys I need someone to translate this english phrase into Japanese cause we need it for our school's play...

"Kill all the filipinos!"
filipinos is what we people in the Philippines are called...

I hope you guys could help

animeallen, keywords are:
Drummania | Guitar Freaks | GFX Designer | WebDev | noyPi

Re: English to Japanese, for a school play
Link | by night_link on 2005-08-11 09:26:47
Whoa, uhh I tried this out on and I got:


Please if anyone can read Japanese, please verify. Then again, why bother if they could already speak Japanese... But I must say, your play already has me on the edge of my seat wondering what's going to happen.

Re: English to Japanese, for a school play
Link | by aoi on 2005-08-12 00:04:07 (edited 2005-08-12 00:59:01)
Hrm, well... I think what you wrote was 'Firipino jin zenbu wo koroshinasai'

That almost sounds too nice. I think it's kinda like 'kill all the filipino people please.' I don't really know how to insult people in Japanese yet so I dunno if i'm going to be much help. I think if you change the ending on Korosu it'll work.

Re: English to Japanese, for a school play
Link | by animeallen on 2005-08-12 06:22:03
hmmm... well maybe, but tanks guys for helping! It will really help

animeallen, keywords are:
Drummania | Guitar Freaks | GFX Designer | WebDev | noyPi

Re: English to Japanese, for a school play
Link | by ParaParaJMo on 2005-08-12 06:46:34
instead of koroshinasai, try using korose

If Guns Kill People Then Pencils Mispell Words

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