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Slow bittorent speeds
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-08-18 19:37:44
I have a cable modem (charter didgital cable) and yet my downloads are incredilbe slow 5kbps or lower. Rarely do speeds ever go above 20 kbps. I use bittornado and azures. I turned firewall off. I did port forwarding to my router. What is with my crappy download speed? There are plenty of peers. I see people in forums complaining how there speeds are only going 50kbps, If my speed went that fast id be happy.

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Re: Slow bittorent speeds
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-08-18 20:10:12 (edited 2005-08-18 20:57:16)
I know my download speed is greater than my upload. And I have gotten incredible speeds before. Ive gotten up to 220kbps once, but only once. I wish I could get more constant rate. It seems that peers refuse to connect to me. Should I try changing my upload speed, if so at what should I set it using bittornado?

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Re: Slow bittorent speeds
Link | by hobo on 2005-08-18 20:42:05
my highest: 2kb/s
lowest: 1kb/s

its hell.....


Re: Slow bittorent speeds
Link | by EricSoLazy on 2005-08-18 21:05:28
Sorry I used to be in your same problem, i now use azureus and have ports forwarded in my router setting and that cleared it right up> i dont really know what would casue you problems.. what service providered do you use. I have heard about the servie providers in some areas limiting the bandwith on the standard ports for bittorrent.. so maybe change those to a different range. remeber to forward the changed range too.


Re: Slow bittorent speeds
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-08-18 22:01:18
what range whould you recommend?

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Re: Slow bittorent speeds
Link | by Menos Grande on 2005-08-19 11:38:56
I usually get around 50 on a good day

Re: Slow bittorent speeds
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-08-19 12:10:26
tell us how to get this 50

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Re: Slow bittorent speeds
Link | by Kwin on 2005-08-19 12:49:16
well depends of the # of seeds n peers but my fastest its around 350kbs. I'm usually around 150 to 200. Im using BitComet n its the best one i even use...but if u wanna have GOOD SPEED u have to limit ur upload if ur using dsl...if ur behind firewall, u need active the port forwarded.

Re: Slow bittorent speeds
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-08-19 16:28:04
I just tried BitComet. No speed difference. Ports forwarded. Is it just my crappy charter digital cable? I know its capable of decent speeds, it just refuses to get them.

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Re: Slow bittorent speeds
Link | by EricSoLazy on 2005-08-19 16:51:24
You could try and call your internet provider, doubt if they will help. I had a problem in which the entire neighorhood was not getting the proper level of signal, we got slow speeds and fuzzyish cable. Are you sure you triggered your ports properly?


Re: Slow bittorent speeds
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-08-19 16:53:45 (edited 2005-08-27 06:42:55)
ive called charter. No help there. Ports are fine it can go fast but rarely does. How many downloads does every do at a single time?

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Re: Slow bittorent speeds
Link | by EricSoLazy on 2005-08-19 17:01:50
I have about 6 downloads going right now, each a little above 30.. and thats average for me, if something like Naurto comes out i can speeds around 200, i have cable too, so you should be able to get this. I feel bad cause I was in the same position.. what router/modem do you have? Firewall?


Re: Slow bittorent speeds
Link | by Seki on 2005-08-19 17:26:57
When you use bittornado, do you use a range of ports or just one port? Coz I found that if you use a range of ports and select "randomize" IT DOESNT WORK. So what I do is port forward a few number of ports then go to Prefs and enter one of those port in so it would be "Start: 6112" and "End: 6112". And dont put your upload to full, it kinda blocks your download. I was told to not set the upload to more than 50per cent of the download speed. And rather than using "Cable/Fast" mode on bittornado, use "dialup/ISND". I think it's to do with the size of packets you are dl. On fast mode, the packets are made larger (my visualisation) but with the other mode, the packets are smaller but comes in a continous stream. And also to allocate the files, it makes the dl goes a bit faster too I think, coz it saves the computer time to rearrange it as it dl. When I do all these, I get to around just under 30kb/s, and if i dont I get only 5kb/s or less.

Re: Slow bittorent speeds
Link | by hobo on 2005-08-20 17:46:18
Whoa! i just got a 7 today! rolf


Re: Slow bittorent speeds
Link | by animehuman on 2005-08-24 17:15:25
I had problems before, but with some technical knowledge and some research, I figured it out.

Bittorrent uses ports 6881-6999. Only forward these ports. When you download torrents, make sure they have lot of seeders on them. And the higher your upload speed, the faster your download speed. (I have tested this to be true)

Re: Slow bittorent speeds
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-08-27 06:40:25
I fiqured out my problem. Turns out I was using an old version of bittornado. Current download speed is 150 kbps while seeding 3 others. Its been a week since I upgraded and the Ive already downloaded over 30 gigs. Now the problem is Ive ran out of hard drive space and download faster than I can watch these and burn them.

My settings are set to unlimited with port range 10000-10004. Using bittornado 0.3.12.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: Slow bittorent speeds
Link | by oldcrow on 2005-08-27 19:16:53
Good for you that you figured it out! I'm happy for you.

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