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Ten Things You Hate The Most
Link | by Yunalesca on 2005-08-20 12:06:00
1) People who label themselves. Everytime someone says "I'm a goth", I ask them "are you a visigoth, or an ostrogoth?", and they look at me like "o.O;;". Hate to break it to you, kids, but the Goths are dead. They lived during the 4th to 6th century, were killed by the Huns (I think), and the remainders mingled with the local population and eventually died out. So that doesn't include you, unless you're over 1500 years old. If you are, then, man, do I feel sorry for you. A walking bag of rot.

2) Vomiting. Nobody likes this. I don't really have to explain why I hate it. It's the one thing I'm squeamish to.

3) Kids. I happen to love babies, but I dislike kids. Okay, there are a few kids I really like, but they're really quiet, obedient and sweet. Most of the kids I see, however, enjoy interrupting your nice quiet dinner by yelling really loudly. I have super-sensitive ears (and super-sensitive everything else), so the sound of yelling really bothers me. So, why do I like babies? Because they HAVE to cry. They can't express themselves any other way. They don't know how to speak yet, obviously.

4) Obnoxious teenagers on online RPGs. 'N0000b', they say.

5) Netspeak. It's "you", not "u". And it's "for", not "4". HOW HARD IS IT to type out THREE FREAKING LETTERS? Are we really that lazy?! Apparently so.

6) Online journals. Go ahead, whine about how sucky your lives are. I don't have to read it, nor do I have to care. =3

7) People who insult you for something you created, such as artwork, simply because they're jealous. Ask them if they can do better, and they usually claim they can-- but they never actually show you what it is they're so "great" at.

8) Heat. I can't stand being sweaty. I think I'm going to move to Alaska or something one of these days.

9) Bad horror movies. I hate jump-scares. I like movies like Ringu, where they play with your mind and psychologically disturb you.

10) Dark chocolate. Usually, I like bitter things (I frequently drink plain espresso), but dark chocolate is sweet AND bitter. Make up your mind already, before I throw up.

Wow, I probably came off as a total asshole. I'm really not that much of a jerk, seriously. xD;;

Re: Ten Things You Hate The Most
Link | by H e l l o Disease on 2005-08-20 17:09:34
XD that was beautiful and I agree on the majority of the things on that list! and since i'm bored I shall write my own!

1) Those stupid people who buy crap from Hot Topic and are all like "OMG I'm so punk", and the sad thing is it's usually preppy people. And these people don't listen to true punk. They listen to crap like My Chemical Romance, Good Charlotte, The Used. etc.

2) Obnoxious people on forum sites who speak in l337 because they think they're cool. Face it. You are not cool. You're just pissing off everyone around you and making yourself look like an ass.

3) Freakishly obsessive fanboys/fangirls, with 0 intelligence and can't carry on an intelligent discussion about an anime or a game. They're posts usually consist of "OMG I LOVE INU-YASHA!!11!!! HEs THe Bst!1!1!" If they can even type up that much before they start rabidy drooling all over their keyborads. It's thanks to people like them that I hate Halo, and all anime aired on tv...

4) People who complain about "how awful their lives are" when they have no reason to complain. it's annoying as hell and frankly no one gives a damn.

5) I hate people that try to act random, or insane or funny. In order to be insane or random you have to truly come up with random crap. Not just say something you think is random in an attempt to be cool.

6) Rap Music. It just plain sucks. I don't think it should even be considered music. It disgusts me.

7) People who are only into things because it's "in" I hate them all. I've loved anime since I was in the 3rd grade. And I always will. I thought I would start crying when i walked into hot topic, and saw this whole display of anime stuff. Meaning pretty soon those above-mentioned poseur punks will be anime loving poseur punks! Great! I just can't wait for that to happen.

8) Cheerleaders. Need I say anymore. I mind as well express my hate for jocks as well. They're all so full of themselves and generally don't give a fuck about anyone other than themselves.

9) Grape soda. It's disgusting. I can't drink it and i'll probably throw up if I get anywhere near it.

10) Creepy Stalkers. NOBODY likes a creepy stalker. That's why you should all become "cool stalkers" like I am. ((tis a VERY long story))

I feel better now. Yayz for venting! and if anyone feels the need to flame me for some point I've made feel free! My AIM screen names in my siggy for a reason.

To dance!
No way to make a living;
Masochism; Pain; Perfection;
Muscle Spasms; Chiropractors;
Short Carrers Eating Disorders!

Re: Ten Things You Hate The Most
Link | by Seki on 2005-08-20 17:38:56
1) people who are culturally ignorant and insensitive

2) people who make fun of the Chinese or Japanese people

3) bloody commercials with racial stereotypes

4) Models that thinks they are hot but looks like crap

5) that head movement that so many chicks (especially afro-american ones) do when they say "watever"

6) I hate cold days

7) i hate rainy days

8) I hate my 'brother'

9) I hate people who just keep dissing you for the fun of it

10) I hate it when everything bad just keeps happening all in a row

Re: Ten Things You Hate The Most
Link | by Shiriu on 2005-08-20 18:22:50
Xian, I actually agree with most of your top 10...except 8 and 9! I never drank grape soda, and in my country there are no cheerleaders... but I have a feeling that if there were, I would hate them too ;)

1- People that judges others by Steriotipes! Every person is different, an individual, different than others, and its just stupid to judge them this way.

2- Those who have no moral or ethics, and are able to betray others just to get what they want. I would never be able to make friends with someone like that.

3- Most kinds of Soup! I dont know why I hate soup, maybe it was from my mother's cookings! And the weird thing is Im the only one in my family that hates it...

4- Waiting in line, that is probably the most boring situation one should encounter! The time spent there is ridiculous, and there is no one familiar to talk to most of the times. A total waste of time.

5- Ignorance, towards any subject, if someone is completely ignorant in a certain theme, then he shouldnt express his opinion without any knowledge about it in a conversation, it would only disturb the real conversation from others.

6- People who do things and only buy things that are "in". Most of them are weak-minded, and they actually remind me of sheeps! They are unable to mold their personality "outside the box". I have actually seen some guy saying that he thinks their parents are very annoying and hates them, just because it seems its "in"!

7- Photoblogs, seems like its very "in" these days, but very people are annoyed because we think its just stupid to create a webpage just for others to see their photos!!! WE DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR PHOTOS, DO SOMETHING INTERESTING!

8- Movies that, even though they have lots of action, their story is very annoying! can you say "Fantastic Four" and "Van Helsing"?!

9- I hate sandals! especially when someone is using it with socks.

10- My computer burning down! It happened once, but It wont happen again!

Re: Ten Things You Hate The Most
Link | by Seki on 2005-08-20 20:04:49
Shiriu, I so agree with your no. 5.

Plus I hate that phrase "The public has the right to know", err.. no not really. Especially when knowledge of certain things may hurt other people. Is it me or does the Press likes digging up dirt on everyone and letting the whole world knows about it? Which star is dating who and which broke up with who, I DONT THINK ANYONE WIF A LIFE CARES WHO WENT OUT WIF WHO DAMN IT!!

Re: Ten Things You Hate The Most
Link | by Bernz on 2005-08-20 23:25:19
1. My Computer-I hate it because its so freakin slow(128RAM). I only run my media player n internet browser and its all slow. i cant even download anime cause i fear it may breakdown or something.
2. Manufacturer of my computer( i decline to name who)-they gave me such a defective computer. so slow n i cant even upgrade because the RAM i have is obsolite, no longer in production and it cost nearly a $1000 just to upgrade to 512RAM.
3. Irresponsible people/bad plp-plp who litter on the ground, pollute the river and others, criminals,...etc
4. Laziness-breeds irresponsible plp. if u r not lazy, u wouldnt litter but instead dispose of yor trash the right way. Am i not right.^_^

Thats all i can think of for now. Anyway, i was just wandering, since u guys can come up with ten things u hate, what about ten things u like. Just a thought.

Re: Ten Things You Hate The Most
Link | by SSD on 2005-08-21 06:12:10
1. Computers
2. Snobs...
3. Chavs... The only people who have fun causing everyone else pain, and they're stupid >.<
4. My English teacher- Evil!!!
5. Telephones- Keep ringing...
6. cockroaches
7. Heights
8. Door frames -_-; They always seem to be in the way
9. School
10. People randomly popping up scaring the life outta me

Re: Ten Things You Hate The Most
Link | by Immortal on 2005-08-21 06:28:49
1. hosts

2. Roachers

3. Idiots

4. My classmate

5. Perverted old men

6. People who judges me badly

7. Waiting (I don't have much patience!)

8. Quizzes that I can't solve

9. Catterpillars (I don't know why but it creeps me out!)

10. people who hates anime...

Never forget the one whom you truly loved the most. People change but memories will never fade

Re: Ten Things You Hate The Most
Link | by Terrorz on 2005-08-21 12:42:55 (edited 2005-08-21 12:43:56)
Hmm I dont know let me think.

2. Stuck up women who say something but mean something else (dont worry I like the nice ones ^_^)

3.Stupid people who complain about stupid bullshit that dont matter

4.Stupid people doing stupid shit for attention

5.Being nice to people who throw it back in your face.

6.Bitching about someone when it was actually your fault in the first place

7.Lazyness its good to be lazy sometimes but not when you make other people do stuff for ya all the damn time

8.Faulty Electronics


10.Stupid people who thinks cartoons are just for kids. I WILL PLAY SPAWN FOR THEE THEN WHAT

Re: Ten Things You Hate The Most
Link | by EricSoLazy on 2005-08-21 13:02:19
There are only two things I hate, I can understand pretty much everything else

People who are proud and arrogant of thier ignorance, with a stubborn refusal to learn.

Hypocrites- I wont say im never hypocritcal, but at least I admit to it.

I also dislike the overuse of the work hate, hate is the most extreme level of negative emotion. I do hate those two things, but I could create a list of ten thigns I dislike very easily.


Re: Ten Things You Hate The Most
Link | by Yunalesca on 2005-08-21 17:26:57
Bernz-- the ten things we like? That could be difficult o.o there are so many things I like I don't think I could list them all!

Re: Ten Things You Hate The Most
Link | by Atelier on 2005-08-22 06:44:55
Hmm. I really hate people that only know to comment other but they dont relize their own mistakes.

by set-chan

Re: Ten Things You Hate The Most
Link | by on 2005-08-22 06:53:01
1. President Bush

2. Racism

3. Hunting

4. Idiots

5. Dal and Roti (xD Some food that my mother makes. I hate it.)

6. My perverted eighth grade science teacher...

7. My 9th grade Bio teacher named Mr. Lewis

8. ANY kind of bug. Bugs scare the bajeezus out of me.

9. Attention seekers

10. My ghetto ass brother

Yeah, that's about it...

Re: Ten Things You Hate The Most
Link | by pisang_keju on 2005-08-22 18:19:48
There's lot of things I hate but this is the top ten
1. Bush!!(father and son are same)
2. Racism
3. Agnostic
4. Dishonest
5. Corrupt
6. Natures damaged (animals, forests, etc)
7. My killer lecturer!!! Ugh...think they smart enough!!!!!
8. traitor...
9. J.....(cant say it sorry)
10. Nude video clip (esp. 50 cent video clip)>>>disguesting!!!!!

Re: Ten Things You Hate The Most
Link | by tamashimaro on 2005-08-23 00:05:14
1. harry potter(he looks like a fag..and how can totally unrealistic stupid story about a wizard is causing everyone to read it. but the author is really smart though, having an childish idea like that)
2. hard marking teachers
3. people that are fake
4. annoying people
5. video games that look fun but they are totally crap!
6. online games/music/movies download that make you pay!!!
7. people that pretend to be rich, but they aren't really that rich
8. showoffs
9. people that think they are pretty but they aren't reallly
10. computer crashing..?? i don't know

Re: Ten Things You Hate The Most
Link | by Aria on 2005-08-27 12:23:49
1. People who don't read the FAQs and Rules in this site.
2. People who says that their so great, successful, knows-everything but in real life their not the people they say they are.
3. Bullies...
4. Annoying Teacher and Professors...that will fail you just because he/she doesn't like you for one single and small reason!
5. Traitors...
6. Snakes...I hate snakes...
7. People who says animé is just for kids and it's cartoons
8. People who distrubs me while I'm peacefully studying for my exam the next day.
9. People who makes promises and breaks it without a good and reasonable reasons
10. People who has cellphones that don't even know how to open the damn thing! (If you want a cellphone and want to use it better study and read the manual for common and simple instructions and tasks)


Re: Ten Things You Hate The Most
Link | by oldcrow on 2005-08-27 13:39:13
1) People who look down on anime, but watch soap operas.

2)Jocks and "ghetto" people. They tend to treat you like dirt if you're not one of them, tho' not all of them are like this.

3)People who randomly insult you as you walk past. I told one kid who did this that I'd beat the crap out of him if he did it again. After that he was freakin' terrified of me. What a poser... It's weird because normally I'm one of the most nonviolent people around...

4)Spiders, ticks and mosquitoes.

5)Dirty lying politicians. In other words, most politicians.

6)Homosexuals who try to "convert" people to be like them. Otherwise, I don't really mind them--if they leave me alone I'll do the same for them.

7)Kids who treat their parents like dirt and say nasty things about them because they think it's "cool". (It's another thing if the parents deserve it, but they usually don't.)

8)"Pro-choice" demonstrators. They're so self-righteous and a lot of them are lesbians and ultra-feminists who think having children somehow degrades women, an attitude that REALLY pisses me off. If everyone thought like them, there'd be no more people. I don't hate the ordinary people, just the demonstrators and talking heads, so don't get offended...

9)Kim Jong Il. The world would be a safer place without him.

10)Scientists who work on biological weapons.

Sorry if I offended anyone...well actually I'm not sorry, I just don't care.

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Re: Ten Things You Hate The Most
Link | by Smi on 2005-08-31 23:55:05
I saw this thread a while ago, but ignored it since I don't really hate alot of things. But! there are some things that sorta bug me. I'll just write the ones related to anime.

Well, the Japanimation section in Video Rental Stores.

It's really dumb how they have a series and not have the volumes in order (vol.1, vol.2 and then vol.5) and have 3 copies of the same volume. If they just put them in order and have one copy of each volume, I would have completed some interesting shows I like. It took my brother and I forever to finish "Neon Genesis: Evangelion".

It is filled with porn/hentai. I understand that some people need their fix, but it's really embarrasing looking through that section. Can't they just put that stuff in the adult section?

The prices of Anime dvds. Serioulsy, 30 bucks for "FLCL"? It only contains 2 episodes!

The way "Inuyasha" is turning out. Ever since that "Band of Seven" nonsense (or was it before that?), it has become extremely dull.

Couldn't come up with 10. Hm, lets see...urine on the toilet seat, my pores, unexpected visitors (only when I'm wearing bum clothes), asian movies I would like to see, but they aren't released in R1, my laziness, and when I forget to login to this site, write replies in this forum, and it erases (short replies are your friend).

Again, it's more a pissed off thing than burning with rage. Maybe I should've waited for a "Ten Things that Bug You The Most" :P.

Re: Ten Things You Hate The Most
Link | by Sturm on 2005-09-02 09:06:13
1. uncomfterable silences
2. bad movies that i wasted money on
3. people who attempted the revival of power rangers
4. the revival of power rangers
5. any form of test that takes over 20 min.
6. people who waste money on super shiney cars
7. super shiney cars
8. people who think there pros at a game but are newbs
9. overly ghetto people
10. sleeping in a house that is over 85 degrees.

"Empires rise and fall, but evil is eternal"

Re: Ten Things You Hate The Most
Link | by lady_rin on 2005-09-02 10:12:56
"Hate is the most powerful emotion and feeling there is. You cannot hate the sea when it founders your ship. To hate an animal or thing also has no meaning in our realm. Hate is reserved for people, for nations and for a nations enemies. It is that hate that drives the British seaman in their domination of the sea".

Lord, Sir W. H. P. Royal Navy -1841 - My great-great-grandfather

I had to learn that on my 12th birthday. I also had to endure a punishment to teach me about hate, an object lesson my father said. It was pure hate and evilness. It was so horrible and brutal I still have nightmares 30 years later.

There is no place for it in my heart or my life. I dislike, I abhor even loathe. I don't hate. Even so deep down inside there is a little. For the biker who assaulted me, for my father and my brother and even some for King George the V of America.

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