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Forum clean-up
Link | by oldcrow on 2005-08-27 13:16:15
Does anyone know what happens to old threads? Does Gendou delete them if they haven't been updated in like a year, or do they just sit around and clutter up the forums?

Just curious...

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Re: Forum clean-up
Link | by gendou on 2005-08-27 20:10:32
um, i dont know if clutter is the best word for it. some threads will get deleted if there is a reason. for example, i do prune the "report broken links" topic often.

questions that people may have are most often ones someone else has had before, that is why people invented the concept of a "forum". old posts can be searched and read to inform new users who have the same question. this is not clutter, it is informative data. however, the threads containing Non-informative data are often deleted right away. this is not the place for conversation, thats what instant messenger is for.

Re: Forum clean-up
Link | by oldcrow on 2005-08-27 20:32:23
Ok, I think I get it. I was just asking because I almost never look at threads from beyond the first 5 or 6 pages.

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