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Characters that makes u go, "KAWAII!!!"
Link | by Liang san on 2005-08-31 08:17:14
Hit me with the names of kawaii characters.... fire away...

let me start, LUMIERE!!!!

Fin. Nothing's better than kawaii girls.

Re: Characters that makes u go, "KAWAII!!!"
Link | by Kaimira on 2005-08-31 10:04:46
Ryo-o-ki ~ Tenchi Muyo! Image Hosted by Image Hosted by Image Hosted by

Re: Characters that makes u go, "KAWAII!!!"
Link | by Requiem on 2005-08-31 10:47:17
Aru (Al), when he was a little kid. Actually, Aru and Edo when they were children were the cutest things I've ever seen in my life. Romi Paku and Rie Kugimiya did _such_ a good job with them! (From Fullmetal Alchemist.)

And Whiz, from DNAngel. Because he's so huggable. Daisuki! ^_^

Why is it that whenever something appears to be fun, it nearly kills me?

Re: Characters that makes u go, "KAWAII!!!"
Link | by gendou on 2005-08-31 10:53:15
ikari gendou

Re: Characters that makes u go, "KAWAII!!!"
Link | by Shadowblade on 2005-08-31 11:25:45
"Kyon - Kyon" Sohma from FruitBaskets
He has that cute bad boy look

~Someday...I shall conquer the dark...and become whole again.~

Re: Characters that makes u go, "KAWAII!!!"
Link | by oldcrow on 2005-08-31 11:48:52
Rizel, from Rizelmine!

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Re: Characters that makes u go, "KAWAII!!!"
Link | by Lastor on 2005-08-31 12:30:07
Mylene from macross 7.she's funny and cute.

kid these days doesn't know the difference between "true anime" and "anime for marketing purpose"

Re: Characters that makes u go, "KAWAII!!!"
Link | by Lily on 2005-08-31 13:07:31
Ryo-o-ki ~ Tenchi Muyo!

*squeels* Ryo-oki! =D

Re: Characters that makes u go, "KAWAII!!!"
Link | by miss kris on 2005-08-31 13:29:19
sumomo from chobits! >.< honto kawaii!

Re: Characters that makes u go, "KAWAII!!!"
Link | by Aria on 2005-08-31 16:11:27
Yukito, Yue, Kero - CCaptor Sakura
Mokona - Rayearth
Pikachu, JigglyPuffy, Clefairy & Growlithe - Pokemon
Mistral & Mireille - dot Hack
Mojaru - Mojacko
Dark Magician Girl - Yu-Gi-Oh!


Re: Characters that makes u go, "KAWAII!!!"
Link | by on 2005-08-31 17:21:20
Mew - Pokemon
The littlest undigivolved digimon xD
Momiji - Fruits Basket
Duck's duck form - Princess Tutu
Kanone Hillbert - Spiral (He's ADORABLE in an ebil way. :D)

Re: Characters that makes u go, "KAWAII!!!"
Link | by Bushido on 2005-08-31 17:42:07 (edited 2005-08-31 17:46:55)
Dita, Jura, Meia, Barnette, Gosko (Its Goskunnyoo!) - Vandread
Faye, Julia (I forgot her name I think thats it) - Cowboy Bebop
Angewomon, Kari(when she was older) - Digimon
Dark Magician Girl - Yu-Gi-Oh
Sailor Girls(all of them) - Sailor Moon

Now I'll go think of some more...

I dont know how use HTML, I so dumb...

Re: Characters that makes u go, "KAWAII!!!"
Link | by Vera on 2005-08-31 18:33:30
-Momiji from Fruits Basket is SOO huggable!
-Daisuke from DNAngel-- positivly adorable; why did he have to be a guy?
-Kisa From Fruits Basket the ultimate princess waiting for her prince... How cute can you get?
-Rin From Inuyasha she is like a little lovestruck puppy following sesshomaru aroud everywhere he goes!
Tsukasa from Juvinile Orion My god i could die he is that gorgous! *passes out*

oh, don't mind me, just another insane person passin' through! ... I reject your reality and supliment my own.

Re: Characters that makes u go, "KAWAII!!!"
Link | by fadzreeq on 2005-08-31 18:47:08
Tsukino Usagi(Sailor Moon)- crybaby....cry and fight at the same time!
Sakura Haruno (Naruto) - Not so kawaii, but her innerside is TOTALLY different from her outside.
Maehara Shinobu (Love Hina) - I love to see her go "Auuu..." when Keitaro try to kiss any girl...
Shizuka (Doraemon) - A day without her is nothing compared to the future comes...(Time travel then!)
Chii and Sumomo (Chobits) - what is the most important thing when you travel? A talkative Persocon and a very cute one to blow you away!

Many, so many kawaii creatures out there. Just that I forget some of those!

Re: Characters that makes u go, "KAWAII!!!"
Link | by rogue-sama on 2005-08-31 19:48:21
Momiji from Fruits Basket is the ULTIMATE definition of Kawaii!! He's just so lively and cheerful and inquisitive. You just want to pinch his cheeks. He's so KAWAII!!!!

"There is no rest for the wicked..."

Re: Characters that makes u go, "KAWAII!!!"
Link | by Ayumi on 2005-08-31 20:49:17
Chibi versions. They're soooooo adorable! ^^

Are miracles worth believing? We'll just have to see, don't we? What you see, that is reality. What you remember, that is illusion. Ps: Why are you looking here? Coversation above!

Re: Characters that makes u go, "KAWAII!!!"
Link | by chizuru_chan on 2005-09-01 18:19:14 (edited 2005-09-01 18:19:54)
Fuji Syusuke, Kurapica, and Sasuke is the outmost meaning of the word kawaii.They're hondou ni kawaii desu ne....!!!!!

Oh, and yeah..I like those chibi stuff too, they're hilarious

Life starts simply , why change them?

Re: Characters that makes u go, "KAWAII!!!"
Link | by Sai on 2005-09-01 18:56:28
Nai from DearS my god KAWAII!!!!!!!!
also Tamao Tamamura from Shaman King!

アニメ ã?Œã€€æœ¬å½“ã?«ã€€å¥½ã?? ã?§ã?™ã‚ˆ

Re: Characters that makes u go, "KAWAII!!!"
Link | by Rui on 2005-09-01 22:12:15
Sohma Momiji and Seta Soujiro

Re: Characters that makes u go, "KAWAII!!!"
Link | by 千鳥おチビ on 2005-09-02 03:21:13 (edited 2005-09-02 03:21:50)
Have to say:

Konjiki no Gash Bell: Gash-kun: He's so cute, especially when he cried out loud "KIYOMARO~AH HA~"

Konjiki no Gash Bell: Umagon-kun: I like it when he says "Meromero meh~" totemo kawai~

Matantei Ragnarok: E-chan: When he says "Loki-tama" I've even had my beloved puppy named after E-chan coz his name stands for Excellence

Pokemon : Pikachu:Used to be my all time favourite.

Well the terms "Kawai" has been in my daily life, so I can't really put up a whole list here. It'll flood this forum ^_~

Ja mata ne


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