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fma favs?
Link | by winry on 2005-09-04 17:49:28
who likes fma and wht happends on the last ep.......dont be mean

dont try getting something u cant have it will only break ur heart...

Re: fma favs?
Link | by winry on 2005-09-04 17:52:38

dont try getting something u cant have it will only break ur heart...

Re: fma favs?
Link | by MuzikPreeze on 2005-09-04 22:27:48
Fullmetal Alchemist?
I like it. The story's intriguing and makes you think.

on the last episode of the series, Al sacrificed himself along with the rest of the philosopher's stone to bring back ed's soul and his original body (along with the arm that was lost to wrath) and after Ed was revived, Roze told him what Al did and so Ed sacrificed himself to bring Al back. So as I understand it, Al's body was never really gone, it was kind of like in a stasis inside the gate. So when Al's body was revived in the alchemy world, Al looses all his memory of being an armour over the past like 3 or 4 years and Al has the appearence of when the same age as the moment when they first try to bring back their mom through alchemy. Ed is then stuck in the technology world and Al's trying to find a way to go to the technology world by studying under the teacher. Ed's trying to find a way to return to the alchemy world by studing more technology. Ending kinda sux, that's why there's the movie: Conqueror of Shambala, a FMA movie that explains what happens afterwards to Ed and Al.

Re: fma favs?
Link | by Liang san on 2005-09-04 22:57:46
anyone got any idea when the movie will be released for downloadin via bittorrent? i cant wait

Fin. Nothing's better than kawaii girls.

Re: fma favs?
Link | by kira-sama on 2005-09-07 23:44:03
ENVY RULEZZ! i love that homunculus..nfufufu..

Image hosted by tsuzuki asato - yami no matsuei Image hosted by hitsugaiya toushiro - bleach Image hosted by allen - d dray man

Re: fma favs?
Link | by wrath012 on 2005-11-28 12:58:43
Duh Wrath for me and the rest of the seven sins except gluttony (hint:the fma movie)

if you love someone and that person doesn't love you ....don't be sad because one day you will have someone who loves you too. :3

Re: fma favs?
Link | by sabianmoogle on 2005-11-28 19:39:53
I love FMA, my favourite charector is probably Hughs or Armstrong.

Dano: What developes in a human ovary? Syd: EGG!! Dano: What type of egg? Syd: TAPEWORM!!! Dano: What?! How would that get there?! Syd: Bad digestive system! Dano: THEIR NOT EVEN CONNECTED!!! Syd: REALY bad digestive system!

Re: fma favs?
Link | by wrath012 on 2005-12-07 10:44:45
well wrath is the cutest (for me) and ed is probably glad i got my*...and ...ripped off

if you love someone and that person doesn't love you ....don't be sad because one day you will have someone who loves you too. :3

Re: fma favs?
Link | by alex on 2005-12-07 12:27:45
I love Fullmetal Alchemist, but I'm not home when the eps come on so i tape them and watch 'em later. I've never acually seem the last ep but thanks MuzikPreeze cause i really wanted to know what happened.

Re: fma favs?
Link | by animezsuki on 2005-12-07 22:29:48 (edited 2005-12-07 22:30:58)
FMA is nice, i watched the anime 2 =P

Re: fma favs?
Link | by wrath012 on 2005-12-08 13:20:48
hey MuzikPreeze have you seen the FMA movie that is in japan...Trust me it is sad well because i've seen it already

if you love someone and that person doesn't love you ....don't be sad because one day you will have someone who loves you too. :3

Re: fma favs?
Link | by Feyon on 2005-12-08 13:33:27
EDWARD ELRIC ALL THE WAY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Re: fma favs?
Link | by floopy! on 2005-12-08 15:03:41
after 52 episodes, you would think that the characters got better... but... they seemed more distant =/
i would say Lust just b/c she made a last effort... i will not elaborate for spoilers.. XD well, it just seemed that her burst of emotion and action was refreshing from the usual driven ed and al.

Re: fma favs?
Link | by music_luver93 on 2006-01-28 00:32:47
i practically LOVE al in the movie... he's like WAY cuter than ed (ed is HOT, not CUTE) in the movie!!! but then i think it's gunna be sad if they dunt make another FMA movie and let them reurn home... *cries*

~staring at my pile of homework and snapping my fingers like crazy but it still won't burn...~ blueflame alchemist

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