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Best PSP game uve played so far?
Link | by 破壊 on 2005-09-12 04:26:25
well i wanted to know if anyone actually really liked the psp games so far im waiting for the better ones to come out. The one im playing right now is Burnout: Revenge and it is awesome.

Re: Best PSP game uve played so far?
Link | by night_link on 2005-09-12 11:30:29
Ape Escape. I just love playing it on my friend's PSP.

Re: Best PSP game uve played so far?
Link | by Valfor on 2005-09-12 18:25:16
Metal Gear Ac!d

Re: Best PSP game uve played so far?
Link | by Necrosis on 2005-09-21 12:48:58
I dunno... I'd say either Tales of Eternia or Lumines. Both are fun. Both are great. Tales of Eternia is friggin' hilarious! I never played the Playstation whatever version, so while I was in Japan visiting my grandparents, I got this game. Lumines is fun to play when you are bored, have nothing to do in class or whatever, or if you are simply looking for a good challenge. Ya know?

The Sarcasm made a whooshing sound as it flew over his head. -Artemis Fowl -Armadias [OUT]

Re: Best PSP game uve played so far?
Link | by Yaumul on 2005-09-23 10:26:48
Highjacking the thread a bit as I don't own a psp but I have been debating if I should get one or not..

I noticed there is a 'Ghost in the Shell: SAC' game out in Japan and supposedly being released elsewhere soon. That could be the game that finally ends the debate for me and I'll pick up a psp along with that game I think.

Re: Best PSP game uve played so far?
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2005-09-23 12:03:23 (edited 2005-09-23 12:04:22)
so far Twisted Metal:Head On... destroy! destroy!

im looking forward to GTA:LCS, Y's series, Megaman PS1 remakes (and other PS1 remakes... wont they make a Harvest Moon remake... lols)

Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

Re: Best PSP game uve played so far?
Link | by cheesethrower on 2005-09-24 04:11:54
Burnout Legends

I loved the console versions of all of these, and when I heard it was on psp I basically went happy with joy. It does have some bugs that take away some of the fun of it, like near impossible crash levels and a stupid time limit on road rage, but other than that it's my top pick for the psp. :)

Re: Best PSP game uve played so far?
Link | by 破壊 on 2005-09-24 21:37:48
I only bought mine bc of the FF7AC but i think i might get better games along the way when it comes out. Plus i bought the 1 gig mem stick duo think so i can hold about 400 songs.

Re: Best PSP game uve played so far?
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2005-09-25 21:14:57 (edited 2005-09-25 21:15:32)
@Skinny Chouji

what are the special features in UMD of FFVII:AC?

Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

Re: Best PSP game uve played so far?
Link | by phil on 2005-09-26 18:47:03
Need For Speed Underground Rivals


Re: Best PSP game uve played so far?
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image HostingKite_Shinji on 2006-05-06 11:04:52
Megaman Maverick Hunter X, this is a really good remake with added features and 25 minute long anime ^^

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Re: Best PSP game uve played so far?
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting イタチX on 2006-05-06 11:08:55
guilty gear xx reload!!

Re: Best PSP game uve played so far?
Link | by flamegod on 2006-05-06 11:49:32 (edited 2006-05-06 11:49:53)
Bleach Hit The Soul 2

The game is the bomb!!!!And theres anime scenes too

Re: Best PSP game uve played so far?
Link | by ~Kyo~ on 2006-06-01 20:32:11
GTA:Liberty City Stories!

Re: Best PSP game uve played so far?
Link | by on 2006-06-02 04:38:01
for me wildarms 2

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