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Common names in Japan
Link | by night_link on 2005-09-19 10:29:15
What are some of the more common names for boys and girls?

Re: Common names in Japan
Link | by Necrosis on 2005-09-21 17:55:57
NAMES, EH? I guess, some like: Koji (me), Takuya... well, most people refer to each other by last names anyway, there are lots of common names. In fact, one could speculate that every name is a common name. Except the ones in animes. I usually don't hear anime names anywhere else, except for in other animes. Exceptions are like; Sakura, and names you hear all the time, like that. Although, there isn't, like, some mass of Sakura's in Japan, like there is in anime, for some reason. Of course, we don't use names from feudal Japan anymore either, so you won't see many Yoshitsune's or Beinke's.

The Sarcasm made a whooshing sound as it flew over his head. -Artemis Fowl -Armadias [OUT]

Re: Common names in Japan
Link | by Blackcatkira on 2005-09-22 07:49:33
Gal-Hinako,Takako,Yuki,Mai,Yuri(almost most of the names which ends with an 'o'
*yuki is a name which can be either a boy's or a gal' interestin...Any1 noe y.... If u noe plz tell mi!

Re: Common names in Japan
Link | by yanashi on 2005-09-23 03:45:41
for girls i say 'aya' (ayako, ayane etc...)

Re: Common names in Japan
Link | by Image hosted by on 2005-10-01 01:51:20
There are heaos, Mitsuki is a nice name, sakura (sakurako)- most japanese girl names end in ko i think... and there are heaps of others, one of my personal fave names for guys are any names that end in suke ^^" sosuke, yuusuke, eisuke...etc

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Re: Common names in Japan
Link | by Jester on 2005-10-06 13:36:47

Re: Common names in Japan
Link | by Toujiru on 2005-10-11 19:00:35
My dad says that the big hype for the parents in Japan, the younger generation families, is using the old Kanji and incorporating them as the child's name, or having several of them put together for a new meaning. Using the kanji for '5' and 'Month', the boy's name would be "Itsuki" or May, for example in showing the wierd kanji. Old Kanji that is so unfamiliar, and never used anymore in conversations or in the media. There are a lot of parents who choose to give their daughters English names, spelled in katakana, such as Erika, Emi, Risa (off of Lisa).

Re: Common names in Japan
Link | by Draxxias on 2005-10-20 02:40:23
Most Japanese Last names can be summerized with "田中村" (Tana,Ka,Mura).Even almost any combanation of the three kanji is a common first name for Japanese people. Even If they don't use ONLY those three Kanji, Many Japanese people still use those Kanji.
As for first names... I have no clue

Re: Common names in Japan
Link | by Rhapsody on 2005-10-22 03:25:52
I think its Hitomi and sakura. and names wich ends with na.


love I Love Kurosaki Ichigo!

Re: Common names in Japan
Link | by elite fighter on 2005-10-22 14:31:15
ayumi or megumi...(both of them end in -umi)

"A group of three? That's only going to burden me." ~Sasuke

(After Naruto,Sasuke accidentally "kiss")
"Naruto, I'm going to kill you..."
"My mouth is going to rot..."

Re: Common names in Japan
Link | by saki on 2005-10-22 16:26:50
O_O sakura? yet it's my fav. anime name ^^;


Re: Common names in Japan
Link | by chi on 2005-10-22 19:56:11
chi... coz its my name.... wahehehe!

Re: Common names in Japan
Link | by ~・ tomomasa ・~ on 2006-01-16 04:41:49 (edited 2006-01-16 04:42:40)
My fav name is,
"-Mioto-", "-Serena-", "-Cocoa-" (*^.^*)
Especially, it is "Mioto" to use. nyahaha~~

I Love Anime is, Harukanaru toki no naka de -hachiyosho- and, Tomomasa-sama LOVE.
Seiyuu is, Koyasu Takehito , Inoue Kazuhiko etc...
My Live Journal Name is, tomomasa (*^.^*)

Re: Common names in Japan
Link | by tsuki on 2006-01-16 06:31:31
akane too. =P

[ ~ * - ]

Re: Common names in Japan
Link | by koneko-chan on 2006-01-17 19:48:39
Chiemi is my Japanese name ^-^ and I like Sakura...but it seems like a common name...

Re: Common names in Japan
Link | by SCHALA on 2006-01-17 20:21:49
Common names... Sachi, machi, hitomi is pretty common. Yumi, Tatsuya, Yae. I personally love Yae, I have a character from my book named Yae ^_^
I can't think of a lot more right now. But Watanabe is a really common last name


Re: Common names in Japan
Link | by Immortal on 2006-01-17 21:47:17
not exactly the most common name in japan but in Anime...I think the name Sakura is the most common name used in an Anime...

Never forget the one whom you truly loved the most. People change but memories will never fade

Re: Common names in Japan
Link | by tsukiko on 2006-01-18 01:09:00 (edited 2006-01-18 01:09:12)
definitely the name, Sakura

Re: Common names in Japan
Link | by kaiou on 2006-01-19 00:35:34
... sakura, i think....

Re: Common names in Japan
Link | by sai on 2006-01-19 07:34:17
...Is there really something like "most common name"? Well, if say, i ask what's the most common name in America? Can anyone tell me?

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