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FF7AC spoiler?
Link | by 破壊 on 2005-09-21 18:36:49 (edited 2005-09-21 18:39:35)
ok so im in US and i just saw AC today and i had some opinions.
Read at ur own spoiling risk if u live in the U S of A.

The movie is soo really cool so im buying it on psp when it gets dubbed maybe?
1)The person in the wheelchair that everyone thought was Sephiroth was really Rufus so that was surprising.
2)Geostigma was a disease left behind by sephiroth and i thought it was a new lifestream kind of thing?
3)And Loz's weapon ppl said it was a shield/gun but it was more of a shield/tazer/speed enhancer kind of, the tazer explosion thing reminded me of the anime BIG O!!hehehe
4) And Kadaj summons shadow monsters and when he got the summon materia wat was it a Weapon summon?
5)And Cid's new airship sheka looks like FF7 airship/FF9 airship mix.
6)Barrets gun arm is a tri-gatling gun that needs recharge cooldown time like a plasma rifle from Halo 2...
7)And its only been 2 yrs and the FF7 gang is all super strong?
8)Kadaj is sephiroth's spirit and when he absorbs Jenova's head into his chest he becomes Sephiroth which was mighty kick ass cool because Sephiroth looked sweeeet!!! with his long ass masamune.
9) The sephiroth theme song was remixed with rock music Mann! Nobuo Uematsu is cooool!!
10) and when Kadaj died and diffused into the life stream the lights looked like Spira's spirits from FFX which was surprising too.
11) And why is Cait Sith an old raggedy doll now that does nothing but talk?
12) Yuffie looks hot now
13)Aeris in the end walking away from cloud and Zack kinda reminded me of how the theme was when in the ending of FFX where tidus gets hi fived by his dad and auron etc.
14) Did cloud really meet his mother when he almost died in the fight wit loz and yazoo near the end or was it Aeris that he was calling mother?
15)At the ending credits btw songs sucked no offense it shows cloud riding thru the landscape of Japan so the background is real while cloud isnt kinda got wierd for me.. I havent seen last order yet so no spoilers for that yet.

well post comments for each number if u can plz n help me understand stuff

Re: FF7AC spoiler?
Link | by night_link on 2005-09-21 20:40:52
Wow, that's a lot of connections to the other Final Fantasys. I havent played any other Final Fantasys, so I'm not able to confirm anything. But I have to agree about 8.

Re: FF7AC spoiler?
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2005-09-21 21:14:58 (edited 2005-09-21 21:39:18)
1.) yes, seeing rufus back pretty much shocked everyone... after the Diamond Weapon attacks Midgar... Everybody thought Rufus was dead...
2.)Apparently the Geostigma is a sort of contamination brought by the events in FFVII... It was probably because of LifeStream Radiation and Sephiroths contamination... (I dont know if Sephiroth actually planned it but it seems like he needed it for a new Reunion)
3.) i believe the weapon was just a taser...
4.)its not a summon... its probably one of their abilities... (they never had any materia when they first encountered cloud)
5.)The New airship that was called 'Shera' was named after Cid's assistant (probably gotten married after the game or something...)
6.)Im not sure if its Barret's 'Missing Score' Ultimate Weapon...
7.)Yes... because (based on the game) if you really want to beat Ruby Weapon you are suggested to be at least lvl 99 and have a lot of rare materia(Final Attack,Mime,KotR,high level healing materia)...time consuming... isn't it?
8.)Still as strong... (but kinda hoped for transformations...)
9.) Its probably done by 'The Black Mages' Nobuo's rock group...
10.) hmm... actually the new Bahamut looked like it was posssessed by Sin... lols...
11.) probably the moogle is out of order? lols...
12.) ah yes... i love her even more now... hehe (She still has a problem riding airships... hehe)
13.) Cloud finally realizes that he shouldn't be too angry with himself that he couldn't save the both them and that he has friends with him
14.) It was Aeris
15.) The Artist was an inspiration to the director in making FFVII.. thats why he wanted his song to be in the movie...

Now Question!!!
- How many limit breaks did you see? (i counted and watched it all over again and some never used thier limit breaks...)
- What does the ribbon in the arms of the FFVII characters stand for? (kinda like a debate question.. if anybody says it prevents status change... lol) but i believe its something to honor their friendship and to remember Aeris

Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

Re: FF7AC spoiler?
Link | by 破壊 on 2005-09-22 04:27:04
I only saw a few of tifa's limit breaks in the fight with loz, vincent/caitsith/barret/cid used none. Red13 used cosmic power in fight against diamond weapon, yuffie might have used one too, and Cloud used braver, climhazzard, and something else i forgot name. The last one against sephiroth didnt look like omnislash tho.. bc 5 swords came out and he did 5 slashes and 1 big slash but omnislash was 15 hits so it might b a new move.

Cloud's ribbon was definately from aeris bc it was pink so its a reminder thingy that he let her die, Tifa had a red one so i thought it was a fighting ribbon? I didnt see red have one, cid might have had a black one, I think it generally is for memories, and as a cool accessory to their outfit?

Re: FF7AC spoiler?
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2005-09-22 06:07:15 (edited 2006-10-28 06:19:43)
Tifa - 4 (Beat Rush, Sommersault, MeteoDrive, Meteor Strike) though im not sure about the meteodrive
Red XIII -1 (Sled Fang)
Cid - 1 (Boost Jump)
Barret - 1 (Big Shot/Mind Blow...) i wasn't sure about what he used at that time...
Cloud - 4 (Braver, Climhazzard, Blade Beam, Omnislash v.5 )
Vincent- none
Yuffie - none
Cait Sith - none

Theres an FFVII OVA that i just downloaded(Entitled: FFVII: Last Order)... About the Nibelheim incident (its a little different from what was on the game story)

If you look closely every one from the party had a ribbon tied

Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

Re: FF7AC spoiler?
Link | by Nismosis on 2005-09-22 08:00:08
I don't recall RedXIII doing a limit break in the movie. There was a spell blast, but I figured that it came from Cait Sith who was riding RedXIII. That would at least give Cait Sith a purpose. lol

"Flamethrowers are proof that somewhere, someone, at sometime said 'I want to set those people over there on fire but I'm just not close enough to do it,' comforting huh?" - George Carlin

Re: FF7AC spoiler?
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2005-09-22 09:43:33 (edited 2005-09-22 10:00:13)
It was a counter attack by Red XIII that knocked bahamut down (I dont know if any of them had any materia because Kadaj and his group has them)

Oh yeah... speaking of the little puppet of Shinra...

I didnt see him at the intro where a brief explanation of the events in the game was being shown... poor guy...

Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

Re: FF7AC spoiler?
Link | by 破壊 on 2005-09-24 21:59:09
It was kinda funny how in the game it said 500 yrs later and then in the movie intro it says 498 yrs before referencing the 2 yrs after thing.

Yea and i saw that barret tried to use the big shot thing bc of the green light. not sure of the mind blow tho..
and I think cait sith did nothing.
And yuffie showed us that they got materia from where she was on the airship near the fight against sephiroth and cloud.

Yea and the Last Order thing was kinda screwed up with the storyline of Seph running away wit the head of jenova.
It was sooo sadd how Zack covered for Cloud when he was just about to get sniped on the head.

In the movie i think that Aeris and Zack are a couple in heaven and Cloud and Tifa has a son named Denzel bc when barret first appeared he told Denzel go and protect ur mother and Tifa was the one on the floor so can she be her? or is my subtitling wrong?

Re: FF7AC spoiler?
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2005-09-25 10:17:34 (edited 2005-09-25 11:23:22)
No.. its because Tifa was the guardian of the orphanage... therefore the closest thing this kid has as a mother is Tifa

Zack and Aeris had known each other before the game... but were not seriously intimate... (well... thats what she said in the game...)

I dont know where the hell yuffie got those materia... (probably kept some for herself in the end of the game...)

Limit Breaks in the Movie were of course different in the game... thats why we cant actually say what specific limit break barret used...

Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

Re: FF7AC spoiler?
Link | by zparticus27 on 2005-09-30 07:36:10 (edited 2005-09-30 07:42:41)
man first thing... the movie rocked! square enix really did an amazing job and a movie worth the mane was a phoenix down on all game based movie unlike the movie versions of mario mk duble dragon r.e etc which all suck..i hope the boys in hollywood pay close attention to how a good movie is done.... anyway i think aeris and zack are intimate... remember in the game where you visit zacks house and his parents say he had a girl friend...and barret did a limit break i think its big shot and cid did a dragoon like attack jumping high in mid air then percing that monster... and what was cloud's new weapon? it rocked especially the final limit which is kinda like omni slash...btw where did you find the ff:last order?
man i hope square would continue with making movies...ff8 movie pls!

Re: FF7AC spoiler?
Link | by zparticus27 on 2005-09-30 07:41:34 (edited 2005-09-30 08:10:50)
oh yeah i forgot to mention that Tifa is way hotter in the movie
and so is yuffie!hahahahahahahaha how many limit did tifa do in the fight with loz? i think there were 3 or 4....
and why is it called advent children?
and if kadaj is sephiroth's spirit are the other 2 sephiroth clones or ex soldiers?

Re: FF7AC spoiler?
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2005-09-30 11:41:46 (edited 2005-09-30 12:12:44)
The question about what or how kadaj and his brothers were "created" also escapes me...

if you remember all "sephiroth-clones" was created by Prof. Hojo...
Cloud was one of these "clones" (although i believe he was not exactly "cloned" but was injected with jenova cells after the Nibelheim incident... and i believe all the other "clones" were experimented the same way)

here at the end of the story of FFVII:AC Kadaj and his brothers disappeared in a "lifestream-like" form

hmm... maybe... cells from sephiroth(his anger and anguish, love for his "mother", etc...) and the lifestream created this beings after the final battle? (and would kind of explain Geostigma... a byproduct of this event)

"Advent Children"
-could be because... majority of those infected with Geostigma were kids? (hmm... maybe.. but that doesn't fill the void...)
-probably... about Sephiroth's "Children"? Kadaj and his gang? (a little more reasonable answer... i think?)

You cant consider the limit break cloud used against sephiroth in the last moments of FFVII:AC as the "Omnislash" limit... it was totally different in everyway...

Yes.. at the Destroyed Mako reactor map at FFVII his parents knew that he had a Girlfriend... However... Aeris said that they were not that intimate... unlike what she feels for cloud

His new Sword was probably made especially for him... (and it wasn't made from the swords/weapons he used from the game... its totally brand-spanking new set that makes up a new Buster Sword) if you recall the "Buster Sword" he used at the game wasn't his to begin with...

Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

Re: FF7AC spoiler?
Link | by zparticus27 on 2005-09-30 17:17:30 (edited 2005-09-30 17:19:44)
hmmm...i think kadaj and his gang are sephiroth's spirit right?besides kadaj said they were spirits and they were marionnetts i think...
and kadaj turned into sephiroth because of the head of he resembles sephiroth the most...and in the end was kadaj talking to jenova who he calls mother? and why did kadaj kidnaped the children in the first place? whats the purpose of letting them drink the water fom that place (i forgot the name)

and on the aeris and zack thing...remember when cloud was shot at the end and brought the final blow to the 2 other spirits... didnt he go to heaven or some sorts where in aeris and zack were talking and joking...didnt zack said "dont you want to be yearned" when aeris stop telling him to call mother...and i think aeris said early in the game that she had a boy friend that looks like cloud...and for me the reason aeris had a thing for cloud is because he resembles zack...since cloud kinda lived zack's life...he even said it in the movie...

and about the final limit i know ist not the omnislsh but kinda same since its a multiple slashing technique but it was way cooler than omni... cloud was going for sword to sword slashing sephiroth man its so cool!

one thing though i wish vincent and the other paty member fought more...
i mean their fight scene was cool fighting the big monster(its a weapon right?) but if tifa can have a solo fight
why not vincent, barret or even cid right!

and where can you find ff:last order? is it a cg movie or cartoon format?

Re: FF7AC spoiler?
Link | by 破壊 on 2005-09-30 19:12:23
The place of where the black water lake place is called the forgotten city which was their hideout and place of Aeris' death..
I think the children were supposed to b used as a protection for kadaj so cloud wouldnt attack him straight through the kids.

And i think Zack and Aeris were intimate together because he was her bodyguard and he fell in love with her so thats why he was going back to her in the truck before he got sniped saving cloud. too bad he never made it..

and it slashed only 6 times how is it cooler than omnislash that slashes 15 times? I thought the cool part was how 6 swords can fit into 1 sword to become his new buster sword.

ya the big monster was a weapon diamond to be exact. Ive heard some nooby ff fans calling it Bahamut and i called them stupid and stuff that bahamut would never b white, look that ugly, and do such a weak megaflare attack.

its a anime thing japanese cartoon if u will. The torrent is found here

it should be one of the torrents there some might b movies or the anime so look depending on the size should b less than 700 mbytes maybe around 100-200 mbytes i think.

Oooo and i downloaded the soundtrack for the Advent children and it is swweeett. I like the one winged angel, jenova, aeris theme, "water" the music that comes out when cloud faints next to tifa in the flowers, black water, and some others.

heres the torrent link:

the soundtrack is 40 bucks if u want the cd but i like putting songs on my PSP instead... I sooo want the FF7 zack's story for PSP its coming out next year i heard.

Re: FF7AC spoiler?
Link | by zparticus27 on 2005-09-30 22:43:23
well actually it was 7 slashes and omni slash did 16 slashes...and i stand to what i said the new final limit is cooler than omnislash! Cloud was moving so fast slashing sephiroth with every sword he was so cool! anway its one good movie! i just hope they do another final fantasy movie!

Re: FF7AC spoiler?
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2005-10-01 00:34:00 (edited 2005-10-01 00:34:16)
and thus.. we can't call the move "Omnislash"... it was a limit break for the new Buster Sword that utilizes all his swords

Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

Re: FF7AC spoiler?
Link | by Apl on 2005-10-01 01:00:50
Yes, it was a very good movie. i just dislike the bloodless violent.

Re: FF7AC spoiler?
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2005-10-01 14:07:05 (edited 2005-10-01 16:08:06)
@Skinny Choji
- quite right... that would explain the risk he took in returning to midgard...

- I was surprised that the house at the center of the Forgotten City had a name actually...

- Diamond? that thing was killed in the game with the Mako Cannon... i believe that the thing that appeared in the movie was a new Bahamut...

- its probably that Nobuo's rock group(The Black Mages) remixed the themes of the game... from the Jenova theme to One-Winged Angel...

- and refrain from posting the links... from what gendou said... it's "Bad Mojo"

- the voice sounded like Aeris... besides... Cloud also called aeris "mother"...

- yeah... the main reason he probably left the original Buster Sword was because he wanted to stop living under Zack's Shadow

- its true that i was a bit disappointed that Cid and the others didn't have more fight scenes...

- Last Order shows the events of the Nibelheim incident... (but was different and changed from the game... Last Order is in an anime form...)

- While i was trying to make a name out of the move... I wanted to call the new limit Break "Sword Dance" but it sounded dull... lols...

quite frankly... It would explain why Aeris was attracted to Cloud in the first place... because he resembled Zack... Why the hell am I defending Aeris and Zack's relationship??? I wanted Tifa and Cloud to be the couple! lol...

Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

Re: FF7AC spoiler?
Link | by zparticus27 on 2005-10-01 16:24:12
man your right...lets stop talking about aeris and move to the most beautiful girl in the her fight scene was wicked and totally beats the matrix...and tifa looks more like Rinoa...especially when she smiled at the cute!

Re: FF7AC spoiler?
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2005-10-01 16:28:33
at least she wasn't too "proportioned"

she's perfect now... compared to the old ver.

Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

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