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Can you list all the Animes you have watched?
Link | by on 2005-10-19 16:57:13 (edited 2008-01-21 14:08:56)
Not only the Anime but Mangas Too!
A great way to revive your Memory. ^ ^ I just like listing things so yea. Have Fun Muaahaha! if you don't like Listing it's fine.
well I haven't seen or read much
mines is:
01. Doraemon(Old Manga)*
02. ChinJung(old Manga)
03. Akazukin Chacha*
04. Pokemon
05. Dragen ball
06. Fruits basket
07. Fushigi Yugi*
08. Inuyasha*
09. .Hack//Legend of the Twilight
10. Yuyu Hakusho
11. Jing King of Bandits
12. Negima!*
13. Love Hina!
14. Let's Go! [finally remembered the name]
15. Peach Girls
16. Miracle Girls
17. Mamalade Boy
18. Cowboy bebop*
19. Evagelion
20. Ayashi no Ceres
21. Flame of Recca
22. Yu-gi-oh! GX
23. Super Gal!*
24. Fullmoon wo Sagashite*
25. SaliorMoon Classic
26. Full Metal Panic
27. Kare Kano: His and her circumstances
28. Cartcaptor Sakura*
29. Tsubasa Chronicle
30. Asumanga Dioh
31. D.N.Angel*
32. Naruto*
33. OnePeace
34. Narutaru
35. Spirited Away
36. FMA
37. Nana
38. Gravitation*
39. Zatch Bell
40. Sister Princess
41. Alice 19th (Manga)*
42. Kamikaze Kaito Jeane*
43. Air*
44. Princess Tutu*
45. Piano
46. Gravitaion*
47. Galaxy Angel
48. Bobo-bo-bobobobo <--Gah how do they name that?
49. Dragon Ball Z!
50. Kaleido Star*
51. Conan*
52. Bleach!
53. Yakitate Japan*
54. Chobits*
55. Gundam SEED*
56. Gundam SEED Destiny
57. Eureka07
58. Mermaid Melody Pitchi Pichi Pitch!
59. Gakuen Alice*
60. Suzumiya Haruhi No Yuutsu*
61. Lucky Star
62. Spiral
63. Skip Beat
64. Back Stage Prince*
65. Ultra Maniac*
66. Gentleman's Alliance
67. Vampire Knight
68. Hamtaro
69. Speed Racer*
70. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni

O o" Oh jeez at fist this list had only like 7 It's growing
I think there is more but...I can't remember....
I will add more when I remember!
Try your best!

Re: Can you list all the Animes you have watched?
Link | by GeicoGecko on 2005-10-19 17:27:10
It's impossible, sorry

I'll eat you.

Re: Can you list all the Animes you have watched?
Link | by tiffany on 2005-10-19 20:00:15
lemme try.
full metal alchemist
school rumble
e's otherwise
dragon ball/z/gt
azumanga daioh
yuyu hakusho
full metal panic/ fumoffu
elfen lied
That's all I'll say because I don't know the end.

Re: Can you list all the Animes you have watched?
Link | by niwa on 2005-10-19 21:35:18
Full metal alchemist
gundam seed/wing
akazukin cha cha
tenjo tenghe
dragon ball/z/gt
ghost in the shell
love hina
digimon/all of them
yu gi oh
vandread/second stage
too many... >_<

Lol Tiem~

Re: Can you list all the Animes you have watched?
Link | by on 2005-10-19 22:16:58 (edited 2005-10-31 23:30:37)
01. Sailor Moon Sailor Stars
02. Sailor Moon Super S
03. Sailor Moon Classic
04. Maburaho
05. Naruto
06. Fushigi Yugi
07. Tactics
08. Aishiteruze Baby
09. Ah! My Goddess
10. Vampire Miyu
11. Detective Conan (From Part 1 ~ The latest)
12. Chobits
13. Gundam Wing & Endless Waltz
14. Great Teacher Onizuka
15. Pokemon
16. Fruit Basket
17. Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
18. Sister Pricess Repure
19. School Rumble
20. Bleach
21. Project ARMS
22. Sailor Moon R
23. Wedding Peach
24. Vampire Miyu OVA
25. Beyblade
26. Digimon
27. Gundam Seed
28. Gundam Seed Destiny
29. Spirited Away
30. Kiki's Delivery
31. Card Captor Sakura
32. Doraemon
33. Initial D (from Stage 1 to Stage 4)
34. Sailor Moon R
35. Izumo - Takeki Tsurugi no Senki
36. Akazukin Chacha
37. Nightwalker
38. Bakuretsu Tenshi

Too many of them~~ >.<"

Re: Can you list all the Animes you have watched?
Link | by GeicoGecko on 2005-10-19 23:00:48
Let's start in no particular order eh? (i'll mess up otherwise) I will list only series.
Astro Boy, Getter Robo (all series), Mazinga (all series), Raijin-Oh, Grand Daiser, Gundam, Gundam Zeta, Gundam ZZ, Char's CA, 0080 war in pocket, F91 (only a bit), 0083 (a bit), Victory Gundam, G Gundam, 08th MS Team, Gundam X, Gundam Wing + Endless Waltz, Turn A Gundam, Gundam Seed, Gundam Seed Destiny (half, i didn't have the will to finish it), Nadeisco, Sailor Moon, DB(Z, GT) as painful as it was to endure, Yu Yu Hakusho, Pokemon, Digimon, Monster Ranchers, Yu Gi Oh, Maburaho, Mahoraba, Conan the freakin genius detective, Ge ge ge no Gitaro, Kaleido Star, Seraphim Call, Fafner of Azure (i think it's called), Azumanga Daioh, .hack/ all series (including those ovas they include in the video games), Cooking master boy, Infinate Ryvellius (can't spell that name), Stellvia (Harry potter, IN SPACE!), CCS, Chobits, DN Angel, SHuffle, DC/DC2, Wish, Sensi's time, GTO, Onegai Teacher/Twins and I listened to some of the Friends episodes, GA (all seasons), Rahxephon, Chise-Ultimate Weapon (SAD SAD STORY!!), One, Kanon, Air, Ultimate Girls, Keroro Gunso, Elemental Gerad, Ah my goddess, Sister Princess/Repure, School Rumble, Ikkitousen (sweet sweet series), Yumeria, RO Animation, Vandread / Second Stage, Jojo's Bizzare Adventures, Saint Seiya (never finished it, never will), EVANGELION (Shoot me), GaoGaiGar, BetterMan (Dark gaogaiger), Doraemon, Doctor Black Jack, DearS, Hino no Tori, Big O, Giant Robo, Dendoh GEAR WARRIOR (good songs), Escaflowne, Rozen Maiden, Last Exile, FMA, FMP/Fumouffu/Second Raid, Macross (Zero, 7, +), Uta~Kata, Record of Lodess War, Hamtaro (HURRAH! HAM HAMS!), Moon Phase, Wolf's Rain, Tsubasa/XXXholics, Kino no Tabi (so GOOD!), Clamp campus detectives, Dokuro~chan, Initial D(NOT BECAUSE I LIKED IT!), ichigo 100%, (I'm still going), Midori, Angel Sanctuary, Arc the Lad (HORRIBLE!), BASTARD!! (it never finished i think), Beyblade (sad...), Black Cat (crap ending), Comic Party, Crayon Shin-chan (still funny after 50 manga books, impressive), Cyborg 009/Remake, Cyborg Kuro-chan (when I was younger), Stratos 4, Elfen Lied, Fruits Basket, FLCL (Never did finish it...), Gad Guard, Gate Keepers, bit of Saiyuki (didn't like it), bit of Naruto (didn't like it), bit of GetBackers (liked it but no will to buy it.), Ghost in da shell biatch, Golden Boy (horrible name), Happy lesson/Advance, Hell Sing, Hikaru no Go (crapped out ending), Iriya no Sora, Jinki:Extend, Kiddy Grade, Kujibiki Unbalance, Lain, Makasate Iruka!, Love Hina, Magister Negima, Madlax, Rayearth, Mai-Hime, Tsukihime (completely crapped out in the end.), Marmalade Boy (OH WHY OH WHY???), Meteor Garden (OH WHY OH WHY???), Loki Ragnarok, Ninja Scroll (bloody), Dominion Tank Police, Patlabor (patlaBORE), One Piece (didn't finish, didn't like), Pita Tan (WAHAHAHAH NOOO SO SAD!!), Prince of Tennis (WHY OH WHY???), Ranma 1/2, Rizelmine, Sakura Taisen, Scrapped Princess, Shaman King (horrible... just horrible...), Slam Dunk (when I was younger), Star Ocean EX (dissapointing), Tantei Gakuen Q (ehhhh i like his previous work better), Tenchi Muyo (ahhhh young), Texhnolyze (weird...), Tokyo Mew Mew (Sailor moon, except cute), UFO Princess Vlakyrie, Yakitate JAPAN!, Zoids (can't remember which ones).

If I remember more i'll come back and fill out the form, i think this is enough for now, I've watched atleast 3 times this much though, and I didn't include the movies.

I'll eat you.

Re: Can you list all the Animes you have watched?
Link | by Lethe on 2005-10-19 23:21:03
Just as many series as have been watched in the sense of any or something more substantial than one or two volumes or full series?

If you mean full series, then my list is short:
Chobits, Hellsing, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Yami No Matsuei, the cut versions of Sailor Moon S and Super S, Excel Saga, Berserk, and Miyuki- Chan in Wonderland. Told ya.

If you mean at least one episode, then the list grows.
Escaflowne, Inuyasha, Mahoromatic Maid- Something Like Beautiful, Corrector Yui, edited Sailor Moon and SMR, Gantz, Onegai Teacher, Dirty Pair, Burn- Up (Can't remember which OVA), Last Exile, Yuyu Hakusho, Dragonball, DBZ, and DBGT (Why? -_-'), Dirty Pair Flash, Fushigi Yugi, Tokyo Mew Mew, FLCL, Bubblegum Crisis, Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040, Outlaw Star, Angel Links, Puni Puni Poemy, Dragon Half, Ranma 1/2, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Robotech, Ghost in the Shell SAC, Record of Lodoss War, Sol Bianca- The Legacy, Yu Gi Oh!, One Piece, Pokemon (Why?), X, Silent Mobius, and Digimon Seasons 1 and 2. There might be others, but those immediately come to mind.

Celestial Warrior Chichiri
Monk Chichiri

Re: Can you list all the Animes you have watched?
Link | by GeicoGecko on 2005-10-19 23:25:29 (edited 2005-10-19 23:25:44)
Most of the animes on my list, even if it says unfinished, is atleast half way through. Most of them are done and through with too.

I'll eat you.

Re: Can you list all the Animes you have watched?
Link | by »»Ran on 2005-10-19 23:59:01
I don't think so... I watched tons!

Re: Can you list all the Animes you have watched?
Link | by animezsuki on 2005-10-20 00:00:42
r u crazy???!!!!!

i can cover the whole page the animes i watched or even more O.o

Re: Can you list all the Animes you have watched?
Link | by on 2005-10-20 01:23:49
Yes i can cause i've been keeping track of them since i started wathching many...many...many...years ago...okay 8 yrs ago...i could jot them all down...but nobody wants me to do that.I don't want to do that....boring.

Re: Can you list all the Animes you have watched?
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-10-20 01:39:42
I could if you gave me a list of all anime ever created and I could go down the list and check boxes. But that would take forever and im to lazy.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: Can you list all the Animes you have watched?
Link | by Bernz on 2005-10-20 01:42:48
I ve watched many over the years but heres some of what i can remember:
1. Rurouni Kenshin
2. InuYasha
3. Detective Conan (still watching)
4. Naruto (still watching)
5. Bleach (still watching)
6. Gensoumaden Saiyuki
7. Rave
8. Gundam Seed/Destiny (still watching Destiny)
9. Shaman King
10. Ragnarok the Animation
11. MAR (still watching)
12. The_Law_of_Ueki (still watching)
13. Digimon
14. Ranma (watched part of it only)
15. GetBackers
16. Cooking_Master_Boy
17. Ayashi_no_Ceres (watched part of it only)
18. DNAngel (still watching)
19. GTO (watched part of it only)
20. Ah! My_Goddess (still watching)
21. Tantei_Gakuen_Q (watched part of it only)
22. Vision_Of_Escaflowne (watched part of it only)
23. Tenjou_Tenge (watched part of it only)
24. Soukyuu_no_Fafner
25. Slam Dunk
26. GateKeepers
27. FF7 Advent Children
28. Slayers (watched part of it only)
Well thats about all of what i ve watched but i believe there r more just that i forgot which n what. Oh well the list will always grow as we will watch more and more anime over time.

Re: Can you list all the Animes you have watched?
Link | by Nara on 2005-10-20 03:38:44 (edited 2005-10-20 03:41:14)
Oi. Soo many. Let me see if I can name some.

1. Sailor Moon
2. Tenchi Muyo(Universe, in Tokyo)
3. Dragonball Z
4. Digimon
5. Pokemon
6. Escaflowne
7. Mon Collie Knights
8. Inu Yasha
9. Full Metal Alchemist
10. Samurai Champloo
11. FLCL
12. Gatekeepers 21
13. Last Exile
14. Love Hina
15. Super GALS!
16. Naruto
17. Shaman King
18. One Piece
20. D.N.Angel
21. Gundam Wing
22. .hack//sign
23. .hack/Legend of the Twilight
24. Cardcaptor Sakura
25. Yu-Gi-Oh!
26. Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
27. Trigun
28. Cowboy Bebop
29. Gokudo
30. Elf Princess Rain
31. Ranma 1/2
32. Revolutionary Girl Utena
33. AH! My Goddess!
34. Gravitation
35. Legend of Himiko(Himiko-den)
36. Hikaru-no-Go
37. Paranoia Agent
38. Slayers(Next, Try)
39. Kare Kano
40. Azu'manga D'oh
41. Chobits
42. Excel Saga
43. Fushigi Yugi
44. Decesendents of Darkness
45. Yu Yu Hakusho
46. Rurouni Kenshin
47. Great Teacher Onizuka(GTO)
48. Big O
49. Lost Universe
50. Kikaider
51. Outlaw Star

And that's all I can remember! XD;;

Re: Can you list all the Animes you have watched?
Link | by on 2005-10-20 18:52:31
Whoa! You read/watch alot!
I can't really remember the ones that I watch when I was young
I liked them but I never remember its name...(How dum is that)
I read the ones that are at the Library cuz I don't have enoutgh money T^T aien't that so pain full
I want to read Fullmoon Wo Sagashite Soooooo much but they just don't have it at the library...and I don't have enought money to buy the series.

Thank you for your replying! ^^

Re: Can you list all the Animes you have watched?
Link | by kitten on 2005-10-21 22:48:24 (edited 2005-10-21 22:52:23)
Sailor Moon
Cowboy Bebop
Tenchi Muyo
Samurai Champloo
Dragon Ball Z
Dargon Ball GX
Dragon Ball
Samurai X
Parinoia Agent
Wolf's Rain
Witch hunter robin
Love Hina
Get Backers
Full Metal Alchemist
Outlaw Star
One Piece
Code Lyoko *not that good of an anime*
hamtaro(its cute ok?)
.hack/Legend of the Twilight
Cadcaptor Sakura
Shaman King
Big O
Ah my Goddess

Don't walk behind me i may not lead;Don't walk in front of me i may not follow;Just stand beside me and be my friend

Re: Can you list all the Animes you have watched?
Link | by Urahara_Kisuke on 2005-10-21 23:08:27 (edited 2005-10-21 23:12:55)
wow...all u guys sure watch/read a lot...

1.Dragon Ball Z
2.Dragon Ball GT
7.Rurouni Kenshin
9.Ayashi no Ceres
10.Yakitate!! Japan
12.Strange Dawn
14.CardCaptor Sakura
15.Full Metal Panic
17.Mon Colle Knight
18.Ragnarok Animation
21.Gensoumaden Saiyuki
22.Boys Be
24.Ranma 1/2
25.Galaxy Angel
26.Samurai Champloo
27.Samurai Deeper Kyo
28.One Piece
29.Shaman King
31.Full Metal Alchemist
32.Gundam Wing
33.Gundam SEED
34.Detective Conan
35.XenoSaga Animation
37.Akazukin ChaCha
38.Tsubasa Chronicles
39.CLAMP School Detective

Man I cant think anymore...too much...just too much...but some of these
i didnt watch to the end

If anyone disagree,draw your sword and prove you are true

Re: Can you list all the Animes you have watched?
Link | by phil on 2005-10-22 01:35:26
Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball GT
Azumanga Daioh
One Piece
Wolf's Rain
Scrapped Princess
Full Metal Alchemist
Gundam Seed
Love Hina
Kiddy Grade
Samurai Champloo
Excel Saga
Kare Kano

Can't think of anymore at the moment...


Re: Can you list all the Animes you have watched?
Link | by Rhapsody on 2005-10-22 01:51:02
I watched very little so.. erm,
Azumanga daioh
School Rumble
Fruits basket
He Is my master
Full Moon wo Sagashite
Love hina
Magister Negi magi
Full Metal Alchemist
Tsubasa Reservior Chronicle
Tokyo Mew Mew
Slam Dunk
Flame Of Recca

i think theres more but cant think anymore


love I Love Kurosaki Ichigo!

Re: Can you list all the Animes you have watched?
Link | by kuroineko on 2005-10-22 03:21:02
I can't post it here, so if you wanna check it out here's the link:

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