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Evolution Incomplete or Evolution Complete?
Link | by »»Ran on 2005-10-25 00:40:51 (edited 2005-10-25 00:42:27)
Ever since humankind stepped on earth, evolution is on its side- to cope up with the harsh mother nature in order for it to survive.
Homo Sapiens (or modern man) stated to appear 200,000 years ago, which means that it has been long since it had appeared. Since it has been that long, do you think or should we think that a so-called "Super Human" is starting to appear nowadays? Is the famous "Human Calculator" Scott Flansburg is one of these? Likewise, is Einstein and other super geniuses indicates that humans are starting to evolve after all these years? Is someone out there (humans of course) begin to have some slight changes in physical and mental aspect? Is there something like "Evolution Complete" for humakind?
You might think that this is stupid, but I'm really into this thing so anyone, please help me...

Re: Evolution Incomplete or Evolution Complete?
Link | by Funsch on 2005-10-25 01:41:23
Actually facts show that a human's IQ increases in every generation, thus showing that we are evolving.

I also heard that aliens in UFOs could be humans from the future travelling back in time to visit our time period. Maybe they are the evolved humans?

I'm not sure there is a "Evolution Complete" Ran, I think humans will continue to evolve continuously and indefinitely.

I'm not sure if this related to what your talking about Ran, but check this game out. It's called "Fahrenheit" or in the US they renamed it to "Indigo Prophecy" for censorship purposes. It does sorta talk about Super-humans and a bit about evolution, without spoiling the plot I hope. I also posted a thread in this forum about the game Although, it doesn't mention anything about Super-Humans and evolution, for non-spolier purposes.

Re: Evolution Incomplete or Evolution Complete?
Link | by lady_rin on 2005-10-25 06:32:58 (edited 2005-10-25 06:36:16)
There is an international organization known as Mensa. It's membership consists people who are certified, by Mensa's tests, to be in the upper 2% of the IQ rating in the world. Both Ranger and I are members only I don't know why.

From Mensa I have learned that we are still evolving. The Mensa membership is proof. Instead of physical abilities or strength they have higher intellegence. Most wear glasses and have poor people skills and many are introverts. I used to work with a bunch of them. Pocket protectors and pens along with the latest PDA for work. Considering how many of them have lives that revolve around the internet and their jobs it's amazing any of them have girlfriends, sexy ones too. Based on that; I think man shall eventually evolve into geek. Instead of Homo erectus or homo sapiens it shall be homo geekiens.

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Sorry, it's been a strange morning. Josh, I have a subject however it will have to wait until I get home.

Re: Evolution Incomplete or Evolution Complete?
Link | by oldcrow on 2005-10-25 09:17:02
I think that if we are evolving, we are doing so at a very slow pace. Evolution occurs most rapidly in a small, isolated population. This allows benficial mutations to be rapidly spread through the gene pool, and also allows rapid natural selection among pre-existing genes. Humanity these days consists of a huge population that is increasingly less isolated and more "global", which are just about the least favorable circumstances for evolution. Therefore, if evolution is occuring among humans, it is happening at an extremely slow pace and will consist mostly of incremental changes.

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Re: Evolution Incomplete or Evolution Complete?
Link | by gendou on 2005-10-25 12:18:40 (edited 2005-10-25 12:19:04)
Evolution is a poor but popular word to describe descent with modification and natural selection. Both of these principals of nature are fundamental and not specific to any one species or group. All living things undergo mutation in the germ line. All human babies have at least 1,000 UNIQUE single base mutations. Complex measures like intelligence do NOT directly measure any specific genetic differences between people. If you consider intelligence to be evidence of human evolution, it is very weak. There is, however, strong evidence that certain genes which have a large role in the formation of the human brain have had, in RECENT history, very strong selection for them. Google Lahn's work on Microcephalin. Besides, wether or not any one gene is undergoing selection RIGHT NOW does not make sense because selection occurs over long periods of time. There is no RELIABLE way to predict a gene's selection in the future, either.

In conclusion:
  • There is no way for a species NOT to evolve.
  • Changes in a population's intelligence is VERY WEAK evidence of genetic changes in the population
  • There is GOOD evidence that the human brain has recently undergone strong selection
  • Evolution takes a LONG TIME. You cannot see it in one generation

Re: Evolution Incomplete or Evolution Complete?
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-10-25 14:11:19
And... that's Gendou for ya. Wraps up everything and answers everything, but somehow doesn't. Well, this post might be a bad example of the "doesn't" part, but whatever.

Re: Evolution Incomplete or Evolution Complete?
Link | by »»Ran on 2005-10-28 22:49:49
Gendou-sama, you really got a point. I never realised that before I put this post. Anyway, Thanks for all the answers from all the people who posted here. It means a lot!

Re: Evolution Incomplete or Evolution Complete?
Link | by :(*):Mangetsu:(*): on 2005-11-30 14:03:17
According to the mayan profecy, we haven't complete the evolution. It says that in December 21 2012, the world is going to finish if we don't change ( it talks about wars, of taking care of the enviroment, etc..). If we change we will evolute completely, that means according to them that the truth will be exposed, so we could read each other minds and know what they are thinking, and we enter into the door they left us, something like that.

無口になるほど好きよ 優しさどうしたら見えるの? 抱きしめてもっと強く 暖かな胸を信じるよ さよならソリティア 明日へ……

Re: Evolution Incomplete or Evolution Complete?
Link | by on 2006-01-11 18:26:06
but if man evolved from monkeys why are there still monkeys

Re: Evolution Incomplete or Evolution Complete?
Link | by TIE_Defender2nd on 2006-01-11 19:28:32
I just have a quik question...if the dinosaurs had millions of years to evolve, shouldn't there be any bit of possibility that one of species of dinosaurs could've developed into an "intelligent" life form? just wondering...

Re: Evolution Incomplete or Evolution Complete?
Link | by gendou on 2006-01-11 19:52:33
@meow: please get a high school education. after that, i will answer your question if it still needs answering, which it very likely will NOT.

@tie_defender2nd: intelligence, as far as we know, can be predicted by brain size. function is of course an issue, but there is no reason to believe that the brains of dinosaurs behaved all that much differently from ours on the cellular level. it is thought that the species of dinosaurs we have discovered fossil remains of all had tiny brains. this conclusion was made by analysis of the cranium (which is a bone, and fossils show us mainly bone, but little or no tissue structure). we have no way of measuring the intelligence of prehistoric animals, but there is no evidence that they had tools, in fact much evidence against. i believe it is safe to say that most dinosaurs were stupid lumbering giants. thats not to say that its impossible that some species of dinosaur, carnivorous in particular, was reasonably intelligent. the creators of jurassic park depicted the raptor as fairly intelligent. could be.

mammals seem to have larger brains than any other species, on the whole. the brain is to our evolutionary advantage, so it better working brains are heavily selected for in mammalian populations. the dinosaurs may have had different evolutionary pressure than we mammals. the larger herbivores, for example, probably had heavy selection pressure on genes controlling body size and length. also, we have no idea how old individual dinosaurs lived. it could very well be that dinosaurs lived hundreds of years, which can slow down evolutionary changes.

i find the most convincing explanation pure coincidence. the extinction of the dinosaurs left a giant hole open in the food chain, which mammals, being the survivors, filled.

Re: Evolution Incomplete or Evolution Complete?
Link | by TIE_Defender2nd on 2006-01-11 20:04:39
Ahhh... I C... thank you for such a detailed explaination :D

Re: Evolution Incomplete or Evolution Complete?
Link | by Mr. Dude on 2006-01-20 07:26:11
I personally think that all evolution has to do with scientific circumstance in one way or another. All animals have basically evolved biologically to suit their ever changing environment. It's just that there are so many different environments with so many different characteristics to them (i.e. air composition, atmospheric pressure) that animals have, themselves, developed different characteristics based on said environments and have had billions of years of evolution to further become suited to said environment. But because the Earth (and the universe itself) has such varied environments, some creatures have had it harder than others, so they probably have been forced to become more ambitious to evolve than others (i.e. monkeys of today compared to humans).

All organisms act on basic instincts so that they can survive and thus, they evolve to further their chances of survival. Of course there will always be obstacles preventing the organisms from achieving their instincts, thus they develop problem solving skills and a memory to log in the information recieved from every activity that goes on in the organism's life so that they can use the information received to help them adapt and survive. Personalities are created from said information. Humans are an exceptional example of this process, which has had 150,000 years to evolve to what humans are today.

...I think.

You need a reason to be sad. You don't need a reason to be happy. The secret to happiness is to face the fact that the world is horrible.

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