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Most difficult thing to say to your parents
Link | by on 2005-10-25 13:42:00
"I smoked pot" it could be worse
like "im pregnant"

Re: Most difficult thing to say to your parents
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-10-26 02:48:12
"thank you"

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Re: Most difficult thing to say to your parents
Link | by nukeman on 2005-10-26 17:44:34

just nuke it

Re: Most difficult thing to say to your parents
Link | by miyamoto on 2005-10-26 18:42:45
"I hate you."

Simply because all 3 of my parents \m/

Veni, Vidi, Vici.

Re: Most difficult thing to say to your parents
Link | by oldcrow on 2005-10-26 22:01:17 (edited 2005-10-26 22:03:25)
How about "I just caused the destruction of the entire human race by creating a genetically engineered plague in a secret government laboratory, which then escaped to wreak havoc on an unsuspecting population."

I read Stephen King's "The Stand" recently and I was wondering how the scientists who engineered the plague felt about what they were doing. What were they, stupid? Why would they cooperate in making something designed to kill EVERYONE?

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Re: Most difficult thing to say to your parents
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-10-27 01:29:27
Because they're baka.

To respond to this thread, "I'm gay and now a dad."

Re: Most difficult thing to say to your parents
Link | by ladyfoxx on 2005-10-27 03:03:53
Right now it's: I love you.
That may come as a shock to most people, but if you knew me and my family, you'd understand.

At first I was thinking it'd be: I have a boyfriend
that's only because I've been dating him for 5 years now and they still don't know about him, but actually I'd be really comfortable doing it cuz it's time they find out anyway!! :D

Re: Most difficult thing to say to your parents
Link | by Evard on 2005-10-27 20:27:25
Looking at these I hope most of these are hypotheticl (cant spell) things to say
I hate you is the
hardestthing to say or
Just shut up for a second you clain all of your electronic problems on me and say Ill make them worse if I try to fix them but you dont know the first f***ing thing about computers
that I have wanted to say for years or somthing close to that in a diffrent situation

Death is the gift a blade shall bring, death is the gift a blade shall sing why is it my life sucks so much I mean it really sucks

Re: Most difficult thing to say to your parents
Link | by Rui on 2005-10-27 20:40:03 (edited 2005-10-27 23:10:43)
The worst thing I can say to my parents is "I'm pregnant" when I am not yet married.

I think they'll disown me if that happens.

I won't allow that to happen.

Re: Most difficult thing to say to your parents
Link | by khat on 2005-10-27 20:56:25
It's I love you. My mother and I are always fighting. We'll never get along even in a 100 years!

Re: Most difficult thing to say to your parents
Link | by kirisuto_kyo on 2005-10-27 21:57:49
i don't want to get A's in school.

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Re: Most difficult thing to say to your parents
Link | by on 2005-10-27 22:19:11 (edited 2005-10-27 22:20:50)
"You know, sometimes you guys suck"
"All you want is me to study right?"
"Why you guys don't like me to chat in forums?? You guys are BIG LOSERS"
"Do you guys enjoy very much controling my life and watch me suffer?"

Re: Most difficult thing to say to your parents
Link | by augg. on 2005-11-06 23:24:34
for some/most family, it would be "i love you"

"i wish you are not my mummy/daddy" ...?

Re: Most difficult thing to say to your parents
Link | by Sturm on 2005-11-07 08:26:15 (edited 2005-11-07 08:26:39)
"stop hearing and start listening"(cuz somtimes they just dont get it)

thats about it im mostly on good terms with my parents

"Empires rise and fall, but evil is eternal"

Re: Most difficult thing to say to your parents
Link | by SlayerX on 2005-11-07 08:58:41
By Miko: "Do you guys enjoy very much controling my life and watch me suffer?"

Well this is whaat i think of i'm begin controlled like WTF man.. no Freedom...

Re: Most difficult thing to say to your parents
Link | by Kyon on 2005-11-07 20:03:00
Well, as sad as it is, it'll have to be:

"I love you."

Because I don't.

Kyo's MINE. MIIIINEEEEE....*glares*

Re: Most difficult thing to say to your parents
Link | by Lith on 2005-11-08 10:42:44
I hate you Mom and Dad. You gave me life, you fed me, you kept me alive, but I hate you with the deepest scorn I can possibly dig from now til I die.

Re: Most difficult thing to say to your parents
Link | by Jester on 2005-11-08 11:15:32
Mom, Dad, I am sending you to the home for the aged.
Mom, Dad, I have written your last will with me as your beneficiary.
Mom, Dad, I have called overseas and you're paying for it.
Mom, Dad, I have hire someone to kill you.
Mom, Dad, say hello to your grandson.
Mom, Dad, I'm in jail...again.

Re: Most difficult thing to say to your parents
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2005-11-08 11:31:24
jester:i liked your difficult things to say to your parents

heres' mine:
-sorry guys,i forgot to pay my school fees
-mom,dad,i got fired and i need u guys to help me with my bills...
-mom,dad,dun hug me.remember the 3 sec rule?
-from today onwards,you're gonna listen to whatever i said,and do whatever i tell u to
-mom,dad,#### you.(u should know what the hexes are)
-mom,dad,i crashed the car to the neigbour's front door,again
-looks like i have to repeat first year again
-mom,dad,it's time you guys get off your lazy bums and do some work instead of lying around all day and leeching off me??
-mom,dad,i just got laid
-i've decided not to give you guys any grandchildren
-i'd like to have 3 more siblings,please?
-i saw u guys did something in bed last night

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Re: Most difficult thing to say to your parents
Link | by stoner4life on 2005-11-08 14:00:08 (edited 2005-11-08 14:02:12)
1. dont tell me not to smoke pot, you broke up pounds in your basement with the sherrifs son.
2. i defaulted on a lease and now i owe $4500.
3. i got pulled over by me old sunday school teacher while high.
4. dad, don't look at number three when you login, he let me go (drove me home and paid for tow truck)
5.i set the yard on fire
6.i destroyed the car
7.will you drive to the hospital (don't ask)
MORE TO COME! from the life of an anarchist

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