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any anime that made you cry?
Link | by leriko on 2005-11-04 23:22:10
Are there any anime that made you cry?
For me it is only one piece. Though there are so mush funny things but this anime deserve lots of tears. The scenes that made me cry was when Chopper leave Drum Kingdom and when Luffy ring the Golden Bell of Shandia.

dunno what to write now... oh yeah... i'm gonna be crazy now...

Re: any anime that made you cry?
Link | by Lost Fang on 2005-11-04 23:33:15
Currently... No I haven't cried for years maybe I'm less emotional?


Re: any anime that made you cry?
Link | by GeicoGecko on 2005-11-04 23:35:31
hasn't this post already been made? like, a long time ago?

I'll eat you.

Re: any anime that made you cry?
Link | by leriko on 2005-11-04 23:36:32
sorry if it was already made. I've just joined this forum.
Well, it's not really that bad right?

dunno what to write now... oh yeah... i'm gonna be crazy now...

Re: any anime that made you cry?
Link | by GeicoGecko on 2005-11-04 23:41:27
anyway, Air, Kanon, Kaleido Star, Tsukihime (The game's not sad), And a bunch more i can't remember and i don't bother reliving because my room will be flooded... with tears.

I'll eat you.

Re: any anime that made you cry?
Link | by Luis on 2005-11-04 23:54:20
GRAVE OF THE FIREFLIES!!! WAAAAH HUUUUHUHHUHU!!! I've cried for 2 hrs, believe me this is very saaaad.

"If you can't pull heaven raise hell!"

Re: any anime that made you cry?
Link | by Aoi Hitomi (Blue Eyes) on 2005-11-05 06:01:12
Yeah, Luis, Grave Of The Fireflies was so saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!
*eyes well up* She died!!! *sobs*
Chobits made me cry too *sobs louder*
at the end, *tears start running*
happy tears though...*bottom lip quivers* WAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!
*runs, howling, to bedroom to watch them again..and then watch Titanic*

3 hours later... *indistinct sobing coming from bedroom*

Re: any anime that made you cry?
Link | by Black Rock Shooter! on 2005-11-05 07:53:03 (edited 2005-11-05 08:16:23)
lotsa them...lessee(some spoilers,not sure how to change font colors)

AIR(i cried,alot)
Saikano(this one makes me cry till my eyes turns red that i dun dare to watch it the second time)
Kanon(there's one episode when i though one of them died...dun remember her name though,she got a bag with angel wings.)
full moon wo sagashite(didn't really cry but tears were coming outta my eyes)
sokyuu no fafner(i almost cried)
fruits basket(i can't hold back my tears on this one)
full metal alchemist(i know it's weird to cry while watching this anime,but i still cried.*spoiler*the part when hugh died and his daughter asked her mom why they are burying her is quite sad too)
memaid melody pitchi pitchi pitch(some eps made me cry like a girl.sry if offended any girls out there)
rizelmine(i cried at the 3rd or 3nd last eps)
trigun(why?why does wolfwood hafta die??)
pretear(some part a just...saddening)
onegai twins(the part when they found out who's the real sister)
inu yasha(the love triangles is too much for me)
da capo(the part when nemu was sick that she's coughing out sakura petals)
kimi ga nozomu eien( the whole anime is depressing that can't stop crying)
elfen lied(i cried alot and the last episode...too emotional)
mai hime(some eps)
kenshin ova(not sure which ones but the part when kenshin died when he finally met kaoru is the most sadenning part i've ever seen)
mahou shojo lyrical nanoha(the part when they invaded testarossa's castle)
tenshi no shippo(the first few minutes of the first eps already bring tears to my eyes)
kita he:diamond dust drops(i got quite emotional watching this one)
fushigi yuugi(alot of ppl died...especially when one of the twins died)

i'm getting teary eyed just remembering these animes...i'm going out for a walk

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Re: any anime that made you cry?
Link | by Shadow on 2005-11-05 14:13:51

"A past may chase you if you try to escape from it...but once you confront it, it's just an old memory inside you. There's nothing to be afraid of. - Hakkai"

Re: any anime that made you cry?
Link | by Yuki on 2005-11-05 20:17:30
Air, Loveless (crying out of happiness cause the bet was over and i didn't have to watch it anymore)

Re: any anime that made you cry?
Link | by on 2005-11-05 20:21:46
Fushigi Yugi
I cry os sadness and happyness
I just love it sooo much
especially the last sentece of the first part
(Its just right under this)

Re: any anime that made you cry?
Link | by Evard on 2005-11-05 21:36:33
umm... isnt this like the saddest anime fourm topic somewhere around here?

Air(I wanted to cry forever I have only seen a few sadder things)

FMA when whats his face died and his little girl was crying and sceeming but daddy has to go to work he told me he has a lot of work to do how can he do his work?(cried for an hour)

Grave of the fireflies (saddest thing I have ever seen (made me realize more than ever how lucky I am to have a family lie mine)(Seen it 5 time and cried every time unless I whached it with freinds who I am the voice of reason and the tough guy in)

Death is the gift a blade shall bring, death is the gift a blade shall sing why is it my life sucks so much I mean it really sucks

Re: any anime that made you cry?
Link | by MarK on 2005-11-05 21:40:05
Many Anime, especially in Rurouni Kenshin OVA, damn!!! when Kenshin Died!!! I cried!!! T_T

Re: any anime that made you cry?
Link | by Aoi Hitomi (Blue Eyes) on 2005-11-06 05:50:53
The Rurouni Kenshin OVA, I forgot about that one, even after I cried for an hour *slaps forehead* I'm an idiot.
I cried when Dragon Ball GT ended too,
I was like "NOOOOO IT'S THE END!!!!!" and sulked for a week afterwards.

Re: any anime that made you cry?
Link | by Mousuke on 2005-11-06 15:41:43
Samurai X the movie--the whole thing was depressing, but esp. the last episode
Naruto-- When Haku and Zabuza died, when Lee got crippled, Naruto vs. Sasuke
Cowboy Bebop--when Ed and Ein left and when Spike died....I cried the most at this anime than any other
Trigun--when Wolfwood died
FMP:TSR--When Kaname was crying in the rain for Sousuke, the sweet ending

...they say that a good anime makes you cry. ^_^

"Chidori!.....It's just a coincidence." ~Sagara Sousuke

Re: any anime that made you cry?
Link | by Evard on 2005-11-06 15:55:18
I'm going to have to review my cowboy bebop cause I dont remember ED and Ein Leaving spike I can see that happening though I dont remember it pluss there is already a fourm on anime that made you cry so.. (no offense but can we lock this)

Death is the gift a blade shall bring, death is the gift a blade shall sing why is it my life sucks so much I mean it really sucks

Re: any anime that made you cry?
Link | by GeicoGecko on 2005-11-06 16:33:14
i wanna change my answer, every anime made me cry, here's why.

-Some animes are so funny, i split my sides (Keroro)
-Some animes are so sad, tears were gushing from my eyes (Kanon)
-Some animes are so hot blooded, i was crying with tears of passion, and burning inside with a heart of pure heroism (G Gundam)
-Some animes are so over rated, it makes me cry looking at all the unnecessary crys of fandom (Akira)
-Some animes are so cute and fluffy, it tickles me so much that i cry (Hamtaro)
-Some animes are so moe moe, it makes me go MOE!!! and then i cry because i know i will never meet a girl like the one in the anime (Rozen Maiden)
-Some animes are so screwed up, it makes my head hurt so much, that i roll around on the ground pleading for the pain to stop (Evangelion)
-Some animes are so warm, i get a feeling of of the powers of friendship, and love, that I burst out in tears of joy (Kaleido Star)
-Some animes are so intricately drawn, i cry because i know i will never be able to reach that level of illustration in my life time (Hoshi no Koe, and others by 星海誠)
-Some animes are so closely related to what happens to me, I cry from thinking about my life slowly turning into what happens to the characters in the anime (Comic Party)
-Some cartoons that are often mistaken as anime, but are not, make me cry from realizing the stupidity, and ignorance of the general public around me (Totally Spies, WITCH, Samurai Jack (just because he's japanese doesn't mean it's a damn anime))

There you have it, every anime makes me cry. Now go and stare at yourself in the mirror and ponder how you can lose more weight.

I'm kidding, i love everyone.

I'll eat you.

Re: any anime that made you cry?
Link | by Sango on 2005-11-06 18:50:04
Any anime that made me cry? Well, to be honest, there isnt any that have made me cry. But i just recently finished watching a series and that ALMOST made me cry, it was peach girl .__.

Re: any anime that made you cry?
Link | by fox on 2005-11-14 15:17:54
FMA wen Hughes died....i cried a lot.


Re: any anime that made you cry?
Link | by Elie2908 on 2005-11-20 08:51:55
hm... mayb ish Vandread... haha... ALL v romantic & sad anime makes mii cry... haha.. (i'm i crazy??) =X

EvEry 1 HaS A DreAm.. BuT WhO ReAlI Go & AcHeIvE It??

(p/s: Feel FrEe 2 add mi in ur MSN if u have 1...)

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