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Inu X Kag or Inu X Kik?
Link | by Gabby-chan on 2005-11-09 23:55:22
It's always been a debate ever since the manga's creation: Should Inuyasha be with Kagome or Kikyou? Well, in my mind, the answer is... NEITHER.

C'mon people, think about it. Would you ever want to be in a chaotic relationship like Kagome and Inuyasha's? Remember, Inuyasha is really the first person Kagome's ever "loved". She doesn't know what love is at this point of her life; she's only 15, for god's sake!! Kagome loves Inuyasha "unconditionally" because she doesn't know any better. Yes, she's only following her heart, but there are plenty more guys out there that could and would treat her better (a perfect example would be Kouga), and the first person you fall in love will usually not be the person you spend the rest of your life with; realistically, no, but in the world of anime, the sad truth is yes. People are swayed into believing that a relationship like Kagome and Inuyasha's is what a perfect relationship is all about, but they never solve their problems, Inuyasha's constantly jealous, Kikyou's still alive, and Kagome lives in another era. If I was ever in a relationship like Kagome and Inuyasha's, I'd kill myself from being so worn out from it. They're too young to find their soulmate.

Now everyone's thinking at this point that since I'm so against Inu X Kag, I am a full supporter of Inu X Kik. WRONG. If I was comparing their old relationship when Kikyou was really still alive, then I would be. Unlike Inuyasha and Kagome's relationship, Inuyasha and Kikyou had a solid foundation for a relationship. Just because their relationship isn't cuddly and sparkly with beautiful moments of unnecessary humor and overrated romantic scenes doesn't mean Inuyasha and Kikyou's relationship is less profound and valid than Inuyasha and Kagome's. Realistically, a relationship like the one Inuyasha and Kikyou had would probably last much longer than a relationship like Inuyasha and Kagome's. But now, with all the complications of their lives, there is no way a relationship like Inuyasha and Kikyou's would work out without hurting someone else. Whether it's the fact Naraku wants to kill her, or that Kagome loves Inuyasha, Kikyou knows in her heart that their relationship could never survive.

"The red thread of fate, once broken, can never be rejoined." - Kikyou

That's Kikyou's feelings right there about how she thinks about her and Inuyasha together. No matter how much she may still love Inuyasha, Kikyou knows that she cannot act upon her feelings because they could never be together again.

So, in conclusion, if you look at the two main relationships of the anime Inuyasha in my point of view, they could never work out in the real world.

"But because we need to move forward, the time will come when I have to let you go." - Kikyou, Inuyasha

Re: Inu X Kag or Inu X Kik?
Link | by doo7749 on 2005-11-19 17:27:13
lol yah I get ur point. But then who WOULD Inuyasha go wid?An anime cannot just survive on one relationship...unless it's something like saiyuki...

Re: Inu X Kag or Inu X Kik?
Link | by Aries on 2005-11-19 20:10:09
Kikyo should be with Sesshoumaru. He's more her maturity level.

Re: Inu X Kag or Inu X Kik?
Link | by Kyosha on 2005-11-20 18:19:48
If I had to pick from inuyasha and kagome to inuyasha and kikyo, i would choose inuyasha and kikyo since i hate kagome. If i had from the range of characters, i would choose as Aries said, kikyo and sesshomaru, my two favorite characters from the show. Firstly, kagome would most likely not stay in the feudal era and secondly they are both way too shy to admit anything. I'd like to hear Inuyasha say that she loves kagome to her face. Besides, Inuyasha gave kikyo something, like his mother's lipstick(or whatever was in the shell that kikyo put on)he didn't give anything of symbolic quality to Kagome except being extrordianrily nice.

angel's assasination...

Re: Inu X Kag or Inu X Kik?
Link | by YeNg on 2005-11-26 11:55:15
i think, i will take Inu/Kag, they do belong together, faith had brought them back together, kikyou is dead, she should stay dead and go back to where she came from and just rest in peace. She looks so tired to open her eyes. I dont hate her, I pity her so much... Sesshoumaru and Kikyou? Nah! I never seen any interactions from both.. so I dont think they can end up together! And about the Sess/Kag lovers! Oh please! Thats so impossible! Just like a Her/Dra!

Re: Inu X Kag or Inu X Kik?
Link | by hoheshii on 2005-11-26 15:11:03
Inuyasha should stop hiding his feelings and marry Jukotsu.

Wise Man says: "Take a dog off its leash and it will wander."

Re: Inu X Kag or Inu X Kik?
Link | by Rukia on 2005-11-26 15:35:12
Heck aye! @ engineer
Wow, I totally agree with you! XD
Inuyasha should go with Jakotsu... -Dreamy-eyed.-

Kagome and Kikyo are better off with nay one, just because Jakotsu pawns them all. Hahahah... =D

Re: Inu X Kag or Inu X Kik?
Link | by Gabby-chan on 2005-11-28 15:56:57
Hell yeah, engineer! Lmfao... Jakotsu shows his love/obssession for Inuyasha WAY better than Kagome and Kikyou. xDDDD Kikyou and Sesshoumaru? I don't know about that, seeing as they only interacted like once or twice during the entire series, although they both are on the same maturity level.

Don't pity Kikyou. Though she deserves the pity, she doesn't want it. She's taken control of her own life, thank you very much.

"But because we need to move forward, the time will come when I have to let you go." - Kikyou, Inuyasha

Re: Inu X Kag or Inu X Kik?
Link | by (.::*~*Elcair*~*::.) on 2005-11-28 19:25:25
Inuyasha and Kagome is better. Kikyo is dead so ... Why should they be together? She should rest in peace .... in heaven or something like that.

.::A PaRt Of mY LifE BelonGs tO YoU ::. .::Let'S bE TogEtheR iTsuMo ::.

Re: Inu X Kag or Inu X Kik?
Link | by hOnxx on 2005-11-28 20:45:04
kikyo should just leave inuyasha and kaogme together and getlost...
she says kagome does not belong to their world but neither does she..
she is dead but why is she still on this world pestering inuyasha?

i dun have a siggy so sue mi xD ~!

Re: Inu X Kag or Inu X Kik?
Link | by 千鳥おチビ on 2005-11-29 20:39:41
Kikyou can return the soul to Kagome and turns back to dirt and bones, whereas Kagome can also return to her own world to look for someone who loves her more than Inuyasha does. Someone who devoted her like Hojo?

Let's leave Inuyasha to ponder for the rest of his life since he is so indecisive. Otherwise he'll just have to take both of them? What's the point, coz, both Kikyou and Kagome looks exactly the same...just that one is older version and the other is a younger one...

As a fan, I like pairing Kagome with Inuyasha's half brother, the Tai Youkai, Sesshoumaru-sama. He's so kakkoi~fluffy...

ja mata ne,


Re: Inu X Kag or Inu X Kik?
Link | by Gabby-chan on 2005-11-30 19:08:08
If anyone knows anything about Inuyasha, they should know that Kikyou doesn't deliberately go out of her way to interfere with Inuyasha and Kagome. Rather, it was proven in episode 47 Kagome does the interfering with Kikyou and Inuyasha when she decides to eavesdrop on their conversation; she didn't have to listen. Knowing Kikyou, she would probably go and see what's happening, and then leave if it does not pertain to her.

"But because we need to move forward, the time will come when I have to let you go." - Kikyou, Inuyasha

Re: Inu X Kag or Inu X Kik?
Link | by uchiha.michelle on 2005-11-30 20:25:17
I don't like both of them... Kikyo's death and Kagome might go back to her world and never come back. But if I must choose, It'd be better if Kagome's with Inuyasha.

Re: Inu X Kag or Inu X Kik?
Link | by Orichalcos on 2006-02-19 15:26:14
None of them for me.

KagxInu would never work. From the fact that they're from different times, Kagome treats him as a slave with the Sit command!

KikxInu also wouldn't work for they're from different worlds. Kikyou wanted Inuyasha to change to human for her which proves she can't accept him as a hanyou.

Re: Inu X Kag or Inu X Kik?
Link | by Triple M-san on 2006-02-19 15:55:02
I've got to say, there's a lot of Kagome hate shuffling around the forums I visit. Thus said, I'm a KagInu shipper. If Inuyasha is left alone at the end of the manga, the entire romantic complexity of the plot will have gone up in flames. I doubt Takahashi-san will leave the main male character alone in the end after Naraku is defeated. Kikyou is only "alive" to extract revenge upon Naraku. She's just as helpless without souls as Kagome is without her bow. People seem to forget this fact and thus, automatically place the two [Inuyasha and Kikyou] together.

@Gabby-chan: Yes, Kikyou does delibrately go out of her way to interfere with Inuyasha and Kagome. Everytime she appears in his area, Inuyasha runs off to meet her. He can easily smell her scent in the breeze. She does evesdrop, but she uses her soul collectors to spy because she can't sense Inuyasha or Kagome.

I believe that in the end, Inuyasha will not die with Kikyou (or he'll split his soul into demon and human and send the human soul to Jigoku with her). Kagome does love him, and Kikyou does not anymore. The two star-crossed lovers have their differences, but I think Inuyasha would rather spend his days being "sat" by Kagome than burning in Jigoku eturnally with Kikyou.

@Orichalcos: Yes, Kagome always "sits" Inuyasha, but he WAS a "wild" demon before she met him. What, do you think you can just waltz up to a puppy and expect it behave? Of course not! Inuyasha was (and is) a puppy demon. He needed a leash and punishment in order to work with Kagome. Loving friendship and trust are his leashes. "Sit" was her punnishment for him. Arrows were Kikyou's punishment.

Re: Inu X Kag or Inu X Kik?
Link | by Gabby-chan on 2006-02-19 16:06:51 (edited 2006-02-19 16:14:13)
@ Orichalcos - Kikyou only wanted to change Inuyasha into a human because he, being a hanyou, and she, being the priestess protecting the Shikon no Tama from demons and greedy humans, couldn't be together. Their relationship, in a way, was forbidden. She believed in "killing two birds with one stone", so to speak, and didn't think twice about how changing Inuyasha might make him feel. Kikyou just wanted them to be happy together, and knew it would be easier for them to be together this way. She loved him but was so desperate to cast aside her responsibility and be free that she just didn't think about asking him twice to change for her. Don't think that the only reason she asked Inuyasha to change was because she couldn't except him for who he is; there's always more to Kikyou than just a simple reason.

"But because we need to move forward, the time will come when I have to let you go." - Kikyou, Inuyasha

Re: Inu X Kag or Inu X Kik?
Link | by Gabby-chan on 2006-02-19 16:13:54
@ Triple M-san - I can see what you're saying about Kikyou and Inuyasha; I suppose she can be rather manipulative sometimes, knowing that Inuyasha would come and find her. But Kagome can be quite manipulative herself. After she and Inuyasha get into a fight, she goes home and promptly expects Inuyasha to come and get her; don't tell me she doesn't because they have had plenty of fights now that she should realize that by now. It's her way of seeing if Inuyasha cares enough to come and try to make up. So that's definitely manipulative. If you're up to date with the Inuyasha series, it's clear that Kikyou's main objective is to rid the world of Naraku and the Shikon no Tama, not to get Inuyasha back.

"But because we need to move forward, the time will come when I have to let you go." - Kikyou, Inuyasha

Re: Inu X Kag or Inu X Kik?
Link | by Triple M-san on 2006-02-19 16:27:19
Your post is contradicting. You say that Kikyou wanted him to change because she wanted their relationship to, basically , "be legit." They would both be human and everything would be easier. Yet you say that she could accept him for who he was. These are contradicting statements. It's like only talking to your friends in public when they look "acceptable" to society's standards. Even if she could accept who he was, she still bowed down to society's ideals and asked him to change. She didn't have to, but she did anyway.

Re: Inu X Kag or Inu X Kik?
Link | by Orichalcos on 2006-02-19 16:50:14 (edited 2006-02-19 16:50:53)
@Triple M-san - Okay so now I know why what's what. I still don't understand why Kagome abuses the Rosary. Sure from what you say, he's wild, but I recorded why she uses it. When he starts a fight, sure I can sort of understand that, but when he does something Kagome doesn't like such as keep something to himself that's none of her buisness she gets angry and sits him. Like this quote (Kagome then Inuyasha then repeat)
"So what?"
"What did you talk about?"
"What do you mean"
"You can tell me, you don't need to lie."
"Why would I need to lie? Stupid."
What is that about? Was it because she doesn't like Kikyou, did she not like him calling her stupid? I don't understand why she got so angry.

Re: Inu X Kag or Inu X Kik?
Link | by Triple M-san on 2006-02-19 16:59:37
@Gabby-chan: Again, you seem to miss the point. When you fight/fought with your parents as a child/teen, what's the last thing you did? You went to your room and shut the door. Kagome's return home is not a "test" to see if Inuyasha loves her; rather, she wants to escape the conflict and vent her anger out away from him.

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