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Samurai 7 Licences by ?
Link | by OkitaKun on 2004-09-30 07:40:08
yes yes it licences by ....................... funisucktion. lol even though they suck i still want to know the ending.

"Lay down your swords"
"NO we won't"
"Then you DIE"
from Rk

Re: Samurai 7 Licences by ?
Link | by Nagi on 2004-10-01 04:32:59
Question: what exactly is your problem with FUNimation? Are you still stuck in 1998 like about 99.99...9% of the FUNi-hater crowd and can't get over DBZ, or do you actually have something valid?

Re: Samurai 7 Licences by ?
Link | by gendou on 2004-10-01 08:07:12
i second that FUNimation sucks

Re: Samurai 7 Licences by ?
Link | by Aethylla on 2004-10-01 18:08:02
Well... i just think that if Funimation does to Samurai 7 as they did to Fruits Basket, then i don't have a problem with it. Kiddy Grade sucked... ^_^ but that's just the anime.

Re: Samurai 7 Licences by ?
Link | by mizuno on 2004-10-03 02:34:23
I have to agree with Nagi, FUNimation has really sucked in the past but it looks like they're trying to improve their status and move beyond DBZ. I've dumped on them in the past only because they had crappy shows and they edited the first two sagas of DBZ and didn't release the uncut episodes on DVD.
They now have Samurai7 and FMA, 2 guaranteed hits as long as they don't screw up too badly and do as good a job as they did with Fruits Basket.

Re: Samurai 7 Licences by ?
Link | by Nagi on 2004-10-07 21:06:10
The first two seasons of DBZ actually weren't edited by FUNimation, but by Saban, who had the primary rights to the show. For the third season, the entire deal (including distribution, which was Pioneer's gig) was signed over to FUNimation, and that was the first time they even had the chance to produce an uncut DVD.
And now the original rights to the first two seasons have expired, allowing FUNi to pick those up, too. Uncut releases of those are, as a result, finally on the way.

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