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What Makes You Think You Deserve MEIA GISBORN??
Link | by ~[+:Z:+]~ on 2005-11-30 06:53:11
This topic is kinda 'provoking' but actually it's juz to kill some time^^....let's see... CALLING ALL MEIA'S OBSESSORS!!! WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU DESERVE MEIA GISBORN?? Me? I've been watching Vandread since 2000(yup, since the show firstly made it's appearance INTERNATIONALLY) untill now (wow, that's kinda long....don't you think you should get the hang of it by now? Dude, IT'S BEEN 5, i repeat, 5 YEARS!!!)and untill today, keep on repeating it(almost memorize all Meia's Dialogue),
Wasted 3 years searching for Moon Light Lullaby sung by Fumiko Orikasa (Meia's Seiyuu)......Till I found (GOD BLESS YOU!!! LONG LIVE GENDOU.COM!!!!)......I AM sick....yup, and being proud of it... So, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU, i repeat, YOU DESERVE MEIA GISBORN????

"It takes the same amount of courage for a man to jump off a building's roof and to confess to his love..." -Harima Kenji (School Rumble)-

Re: What Makes You Think You Deserve MEIA GISBORN??
Link | by KeLRei on 2006-02-15 04:06:39
well, i onced been obssessed with meia but not anymore because i realized that she only reminds me of rei ayanami. but i onced became like you and its nice to know that someone feels the same way like i did.

The Goddess of Cresent Blue Moon whisper in our dreams saying:
SEEK us... FIND us... KNOW us... and walk in the PATH between the silence of the two worlds"

Re: What Makes You Think You Deserve MEIA GISBORN??
Link | by Mr. Dude on 2006-02-16 20:25:45
Meia is a pretty hot character, with the stoic personality (I kind of suffer from that too) and the loner persona (...that too). I can't say that I'm obsessed with her I guess I really DON'T DESERVE MEIA GISBORN.

You need a reason to be sad. You don't need a reason to be happy. The secret to happiness is to face the fact that the world is horrible.

Re: What Makes You Think You Deserve MEIA GISBORN??
Link | by louise on 2006-02-17 00:18:08
Meia Gisborne was looks like rei ayanami from evangelion because her hair is color blue and they both pilots but meia was obnoxious girl because she hates men and she dont need help from anyone before but now she's change in vandread 2nd stage. For me, meia learn how to pilot the dread in her young age before and i like her,but now there are many hot female anime pilots that i can choose from. Compare to mu la flaga (from GSeed), he was the ace pilot and he use his M.A Mobius Zero to manage to battle against the coordinators and Meia uses his dread but her machine was too fast beacuse her speed and mobility was high. To compare these two pilots, Mu has a special ability and he can use his flash to her but to Meia, she has no special ability.

Re: What Makes You Think You Deserve MEIA GISBORN??
Link | by Char Aznable on 2009-05-07 19:21:27
i have watched this show for nine years, and all the rest of the anime girls suck.
Even in the shows they are very boring. I watch anime when i was 8 years old. If you still say Meia Gisborn is your's ill take you hunting. ALL Hail Meia Gisborn

all hail zeon

Re: What Makes You Think You Deserve MEIA GISBORN??
Link | by Raizo_O on 2009-05-07 21:19:52
among all fighter aircraft and mechas, there are none of them can match the beauty of Meia's Vandread (does it have a name btw?)

What do you think of Planetarium?
That beautiful twinkling of eternity that will never fade, no matter when.
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.”
~Yumemi Hoshino~

Re: What Makes You Think You Deserve MEIA GISBORN??
Link | by Char Aznable on 2009-05-08 16:02:37 (edited 2009-05-09 16:56:42)
she is mien only mien Meia Gisbron is all mien all day I Watch Vandread For me to see Meia Gisbron i dream of her. She rocks my world i Don't like no other anime girl like i love Meia Gisbron. Her Flying rocks better then any othere anime pilte. ALL HAIL Meia Gisbron All Hail Meia Gisborn ALL Hail Meia Gisborn ALL Hail Meia Gisborn

all hail zeon

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