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Rumors mistake: anime? cartoon?
Link | by on 2005-12-01 23:44:50 (edited 2005-12-01 23:47:06)
Wad cartoon usually rumors make mistake?
Too me...

Hamtaro, Medabots, and Dual Master?
Not very sure... the drawing look like anime but actually is a cartoon tat is not produce by japanese ppl rite?


Re: Rumors mistake: anime? cartoon?
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2005-12-02 00:04:45 (edited 2005-12-02 00:05:26)
They are Japanese Animation...
You can usually tell the difference with the Character Models...

An example of Anime-inspired shows are "Totally Spies", "Martin Mystery", "Avatar", and "Robotech"

Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

Re: Rumors mistake: anime? cartoon?
Link | by on 2005-12-02 00:18:03 (edited 2005-12-02 00:20:05)
They ARE!? OMG!?
I thought they r.. =.=" cuz wen they present those "special thanks" at the ending song.. got a lot of english name approch~ yet the language is on english~ even the song's are.

anyway.... those like totally spice... their drawing cannot compair to anime... i nvr thought ppl will think its a anime XP



Re: Rumors mistake: anime? cartoon?
Link | by Eneeli on 2005-12-02 01:07:06
"Totally Spies" stinks bigtime. Just like every other cartoon inspired by Anime, the drawings always ends up strangely deformed...

Re: Rumors mistake: anime? cartoon?
Link | by midori hakkai on 2005-12-02 02:23:33
Can't agree more. I hate it when they try to imitate the drawing style.

"Even if you destroy this world, the world you wish for will never come..." ~Cho Hakkai~

Re: Rumors mistake: anime? cartoon?
Link | by SHOUJOTICjiuuri on 2005-12-03 21:38:32 (edited 2005-12-03 21:39:10)
One thing that i would like to say:

Original Anime: KAWAII!!!

Wanna-be Anime: KAWAII-JANAI!!!
eg.Totally Spies,Martin Mysteries....duh!


Re: Rumors mistake: anime? cartoon?
Link | by Triple M-san on 2005-12-03 22:41:52
Robotech IS anime, you know. It's a mix of Macross, Southern Cross, and Mospeada. It was very popular in the mid-eighties in America, and I believe it was recently re-released on DVD.

Onto the topic...

Hasn't this topic already been established? Oh well.. American "Anime" Sucks. Period. It may have a good story (Avatar, supposedly) or just crosover appeal (Totally Spies!/Martin Mysteries, again, SUPPOSEDLY) but they susally end in failure. Like anything American capitalism tries to make the nest "big thing". American animation companies have mostly learned to stay away from anime-styled drawings (Except PPG. That's decent...) and are trying to accept the fact that Japan's animation can't become another few bucks in their pocket. Luckily, more and more companies are liscencing anime and showing it on American television, so we may see descent shows (other than Adult Swim's plethora of anime) on multiple stations.

Re: Rumors mistake: anime? cartoon?
Link | by on 2005-12-03 23:43:25
Ultraman is consider a anime? Last time my bro argue wit me... i told him is a show... he said is a anime... zzzzz....

Anime is basically on japanese cartoon rite? anw... some anime dun look like anime... like Hamtaro.. ><" at first i thought was anime... than think of it.. dun look like... but actually it is really an anime... %#@#$#@ ><" i was confuse back than.


Re: Rumors mistake: anime? cartoon?
Link | by animezsuki on 2005-12-04 01:47:01
totally spies,Martin Mysteries r both wanna-be...copying anime..

and all those animes which r in english versions like pokemon..r damn annoying...

Re: Rumors mistake: anime? cartoon?
Link | by Lu Bu? on 2005-12-04 23:44:11 (edited 2005-12-04 23:56:14)
I knew someone is gonna comment on Robotech as an "Anime"...

Robotech's creator is not Japanese... It also didn't start in Japan... Therefore you cannot consider it as "Anime"

Macross however can be considered as "Anime" but inspired from the "Robotech" Series... Much like Transformers... (Which has a Japanese Counterpart as well...)

Ultraman is a Sentai show...

Some U.S. Dubbers are really pathetic nowadays...

I kinda remember when "Anime" was called "Japanimation" it's long... but it does say clearly that the show came from that country...

Kneel Before the Great and Benevolent Cow!

Re: Rumors mistake: anime? cartoon?
Link | by on 2005-12-05 02:57:02
hmm... wad is the meaning of sentai?
Anw~ indeed... those anime like pokemon, hamtaro tat has translate language really annoying.. but is the only way easier 4 kids to understand ><" Robotech really look like anime... they way they try to draw... @@"


Re: Rumors mistake: anime? cartoon?
Link | by Meckam on 2005-12-06 00:07:18
@ Shadeless
well basically 4 starters sentai is a superhero live-action in japan. The examples of these sentais are kamen rider series, fiveman, bioman, etc. And for the record... the ultraman cartoon show is a US release(check the production co. it's american) And as 4 robotech, it's actually a sci-fi novel that is anime inspired... You maybe wondering what is the difference between robotech and macross? Well robotech is the original story and it started in the US. While in Macross, it has the same story as but it several spin-offs like macross plus, macross 2, do you remember love? and so for... So the bottom line is, ROBOTECH HAS THE ORIGINAL STORY!!!! :)

"There are no compacts between lions and men, and wolves and lambs have no concord"

Re: Rumors mistake: anime? cartoon?
Link | by on 2005-12-06 01:28:10 (edited 2005-12-06 01:29:08)
Most anime inspired shows are pretty lame....anime that come from Japan are usually censored sometimes for worst.Japan is cool cause their level of censorship is pretty low.They can take all the violence/blood/gore/nakedness...etc.

By the way Meckam....ROBOTECH is NOT the original story....Robotech is a combination of 3 different japanese anime...Macross (1982)...Mospeada (1983)...and Southern Cross (1984)'s not considered anime but an American reworking of the japanese original.Harmony Gold aquired the rights for Macross for TV syndication but it was too they got the other two and combined them to make Robotech.

So my point is Macross/Southern Cross/Mospeada "ARE THE" originals....Robotech is "A(n)" original story...not "THE" original ^^

Re: Rumors mistake: anime? cartoon?
Link | by Meckam on 2005-12-12 17:48:09 (edited 2005-12-12 18:05:33)
I'm Back!!!! From Philippines w/ Love

To izumo: Well unlike you i do my homework, and i think your homework is WRONG!!!! I believe you are one of the people that still believes that ROBOTECH is not the original story!!!!

Well i admit i have a little minor setbacks, like i said ROBOTECH & MACROSS is the same but ALMOST. Why? Well there is the difference in the love story, in MACROSS they focus more in the singing power of LYN MINMAE(i dont know if the spelling is correct.. ^^!) while in ROBOTECH they focus on the war & the political issues itself. Approximately 30% of the story in ROBOTECH is changed for MACROSS. And oh! I forgot to say that the nationality of the hero in ROBOTECH is changed in MACROSS.

And to certify that i really telling the TRUTH buy the original sci-fi novel itself. All the details are bombarded in there from Veritech Fighters, to helmets, to the personality of every character, to the logical explanation of the SDF1, and so on.... The book has many twist and intruiging story line that is deprived from ROBOTECH & MACROSS. I understand that they cut because it will be too long. Unlike in MACROSS there is no really vivid explanation to those things. But From what ive heard, they made a manga out of it. I dont if the rumor is true or not but if they really did it in manga, i think the story is not yet finish until now. The novel really has the explanation,i think in one of the volumes of the novel, he thank the japanese people because they give life of his works.

If you want you can ask me a question about the things that bugs you in ROBOTECH. I think I'm competent enough to answer it. And the thing about you about HARMONY GOLD acquired rights got Macross for TV syndication? Well before HARMONY GOLD rights incident, before it became an anime, the novel is already out!!! Well i think it's pretty damn obvious whose "THE" original... So come, ask me the thing that i dont know about ROBOTECH.

And the last issue,is ROBOTECH an anime? Well today many artist use manga style and i think they are accepted now a days. For me, anime is not only intended for otakus from japan & anime fans who has japanese blood, but anime is for the whole world. It is a way of living where we can appreciate art at the same time culture.... :)

"There are no compacts between lions and men, and wolves and lambs have no concord"

Re: Rumors mistake: anime? cartoon?
Link | by on 2005-12-12 23:03:33 (edited 2005-12-12 23:16:01)
Whoa i didn't thought you get so into this discussion...a huge fan i take it.Don't get me wrong i enjoyed the Robotech series for what it opened the door to anime to North America.

However i still humbly disagree with your assessment that Robotech came before Macross.I don't think the creators of Macross:Mr.Shoji Kawamori and the character designer Mr.Haruhiko Mikimoto would agree with that.Mr.Kawamori also designed the Valkyrie (Veritech)...i know cause i have his artbook with all the concept art and timeline (1982).

Which brings me back to our (hopefully) peaceful argument....Macross was created in 1982...Robotech two years later.The novels you're talking about by Jack McKinney aka James Luceno & Brian Daley were created after due to the popularity of Robotech in (1986) which explains the series in greater depth.Many of the novel/comics were based on the "Sentinel" storyline...the conclusion of Robotech can be read in the final novel "End of the Circle".

The 30% is accurate but you have it the other way around...about 30% of Macross was changed for Robotech...why do you think it's called the "Macross Saga".The names are changed cause nobody in the US (back then) would care for Hikaru Ichijo...but Rick Hunter sounds like a cool name so lets use that...for example.Also a story about a song that can stop a terrible war would not interest North Americans (back then) but the actual war and influences will...note the Cold War was still in affect during that time.

If you still don't believe...look around the net...ask fellow anime to people living in Japan....check the dates of the original adaptations.

My only problem is that the original creators aren't getting the credit that they deserve.Macross is considered one of the most influential animes ever created...along with Space Battleship Yamato and Gundam.Without Macross there wouldn't be Robotech....that's all i'm trying to say.Robotech is a great series nonetheless....and i applaud your dedication & support for the series.

Like i said before...Macross is THE original story...Robotech is AN original story altered from Macross. Another example is Star Blazers which is Space Battleship Yamato.

I agree that Macross has no real ending...there is a retelling of the story the movie "Macross:Do you remember Love?" and the Lynn Minmay 30 min music video "Flashback 2012" which shows what happened to the characters after the TV series.

According to an ANIMERICA interview with the creators of Macross they said that the lives of Minmay/Misa/Hikaru have been told so there would be no sequel.Other characters would be more developed which is why there is Macross 7...which has Max and Milia...with a family.

Re: Rumors mistake: anime? cartoon?
Link | by on 2005-12-12 23:25:24
Oh i forgot to mention...if you wanna see Macross uncut...ADV films is releasing the original series onto DVD...with Mari Iijima reprising her role as Lyn Minmay...check it out.

Re: Rumors mistake: anime? cartoon?
Link | by on 2005-12-13 02:33:31
Oic... now i only know wad is sentai... @@"
Waoh... izumo and Meckam... i dun understand anything that u guys r saying ...hehehehe.. my english is really bad ><" sob... T_T


Re: Rumors mistake: anime? cartoon?
Link | by りんーちゃん on 2005-12-13 03:46:16
I thought generally, anime wasn't different from cartoons. I thought the only differences between them are the spelling and pronunciation. ü

You see, I thought anime is just the term given to the cartoons which have that certain characteristic that anime just have. Actually, cartoons are anime since anime is sort of just short for animation or animated. Cartoon is actually derived from caricature which is: a pictorial representation of a person or thing in which a defect or pecularity is exggerated so as to produce a ludicrous effect and lampoon which is: a malicious pice of work.


  m y . L i F E . i . t r a d e . i n . f o r . y o u r . P A i N .

Re: Rumors mistake: anime? cartoon?
Link | by Meckam on 2005-12-15 22:02:38
To izumo: First of all, i would like to say im sorry if you think that im being rude to you about this topic... :) Maybe you're right, maybe i get too involve in this topic.. :)

I have search the web just like you suggested, and it was shocking!!! You're right, but there are some points that i would like to make it clear... :)

First is that i believe both ROBOTECH & MACROSS compliment w/each other. Why? Because w/out these 3 animes there would be no ROBOTECH. But w/out ROBOTECH,you cant really appreciate the full epic behind it. I think ROBOTECH deserves a respect even though it's not the first one. Because it shows there's a potential behind it to become an epic. Thanks to the man that tied 3 animes into one (his 1st name is Carl but i forgot his last name... ^^!)... While in MACROSS, it will always be a part of ROBOTECH... :)

I conclude that both of this shows are ORIGINALS. ROBOTECH is the original epic & MACROSS is the inspiration to live on. I believe both shows have a reputation of its own. And thus,this is what some fanatics of ROBOTECH & MACROSS dont agree on. That's the issue, "WHO'S ORIGINAL?" lives on... Like i said on my last post,this anime shows that any individual can make an anime like this one. It's not only for japanese people... :)

I enjoy our discussion izumo,you are one of the people that has an in-depth understanding about animes & different entertainments like this... :) For that i give a *high-five* :)

"There are no compacts between lions and men, and wolves and lambs have no concord"

Re: Rumors mistake: anime? cartoon?
Link | by on 2005-12-15 23:25:04
To Meckam...^^

No need for apologies....i admire your passion with Robotech....i remember watching the series when i was a wee little was one of the shows that got me interested in anime and for that i'm eternally grateful.

You're RIGHT!^^...both these series (as well as the other 2)compliment each other...without the 3 japanese series we wouldn't have Robotech...and without Robotech we may never have been introduced to was Robotech that sparked real interest in North America...Yes all thanks to Carl Macek...the genius behind the epic that is Robotech.

You are what i call a REAL PASSIONATE FAN and for that i respect your input and applaud your dedication...and yes thanks to series like Robotech anime is now for everyone! I too enjoyed our discussion and hope to have more with you in the future! *high-five* returned :)


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