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right and wrong
Link | by zparticus27 on 2005-12-02 06:25:53
well im just wondering how one thing or person can be right or wrong...
what i mean is how can we be right or wrong?must people agree or disagree with me for me to e right or wrong? or is there an unwritten rule about right and wrong?

Re: right and wrong
Link | by on 2005-12-02 06:31:31
in my opinon, one can feel if he/she is doing something right or something wrong... that is if his/her concience is still inside him/her.

Re: right and wrong
Link | by nats on 2005-12-02 09:50:58
Everyone has a different opinion about things. For example, If I think that killing someone is RIGHT, which for others is WRONG, I still think that I'm right. Because I said to myself that I'm right. Do you get it? ^_^

Re: right and wrong
Link | by S-a-c-h-i-e-l on 2005-12-02 11:27:56
Right and wrong are stated in the Old and New Testament in the Bible :P
Thou shalt not kill. That's a bad thing to do.
Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Really good one.
Thou shalt not bear false witness. That means don't lie.
I think you guys can get it.

Re: right and wrong
Link | by Jester on 2005-12-02 11:41:40
morality. as long as you don't harm anyone or anything, you are doing the right thing...i guess.

Re: right and wrong
Link | by Kotuso on 2005-12-02 14:06:54
The strong are right and the weak are wrong. If the strong didn't set the right then the wrong would not exist.

Re: right and wrong
Link | by Wolf on 2005-12-02 15:19:33
all perspective

Re: right and wrong
Link | by Tryn-chan on 2005-12-02 18:55:31
One person could be right or wrong IF he/she believes in it. It's the same case when some people can't help believing that if someone else wrongs them, then the act is really wrong. (Like, if someone cheats on you, you would think that it's injustice on your part, even if said person thinks that what he/she did is "right".) It's all a matter of judgement, I suppose.

Re: right and wrong
Link | by yuu_voltz on 2005-12-03 06:42:32
There are right or wrong in this world, that had been passed from generation to generations. From parents, to their children.
Like killing, for example, are more considerate as WRONG
But people can argue for infinate number of times, about this topic.
Like lies are "wrong"... But what about White Lies? The lies to make people happy.. Is it still bad and wrong? What if it's neccessarry?

Right and wrong are usually based on the person's judgement. If he believes that something is really right... than for him it IS "right". The same issues goes to "wrong".

But for me, personally, I believe that every answer in life is based on the Bible. And I believe everything, and every rules in the Bible is "RIGHT". And there's no doubt about that.

Re: right and wrong
Link | by »»Ran on 2005-12-03 06:57:50
First thing you want to see if what you are doing is right or wrong is if you hurt someone or something. But you might wanna look at the big picture. In some places, the things that you do is right but in some places, it is wrong. one concrete example is that when you do thumbs up in Brazil, it is negative for them.

Bottomline: Right or wrong is based on people's judgment (and the Bible of course). It is up to you whether what someone did is right or wrong.

Re: right and wrong
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-12-03 10:46:42
I believe my own judgement before I believe a books. Because I believe their are plenty of people who follow the book page for page that are doing wrong. But hey everyone is entitled to an opinion of whats right and whats wrong or if even the two exist.

Tell me if im wrong.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: right and wrong
Link | by rogueleader on 2005-12-03 10:54:36
Right and wrong... a concept provided for us by religion, or some sort of general consensus of society. Honestly? There is no right and wrong, when it comes to an arbitrary definition. My beliefs lead me to believe the Bible is the key to "right and wrong". But I don't expect everyone to share my views. They hold their own. My rule of thumb is similar to that of the United States. So long as I'm not infringing upon the liberties and freedoms of others, what I'm doing is ok. But not every nation, or person would agree with that.

Re: right and wrong
Link | by Kotuso on 2005-12-03 10:56:58
thats why i love the U.S.

Re: right and wrong
Link | by zparticus27 on 2005-12-03 15:50:04
wow you guys put it in a good perspective....
jomunga... i know thats right...but what if the whole world was taught that 1 + 1 = 11 would you still be right?

Re: right and wrong
Link | by Wolf on 2005-12-03 16:03:13
*cough* all perspective *cough*

Re: right and wrong
Link | by zparticus27 on 2005-12-03 16:23:26
ok thank you wolf for putting it in all perspective...hehehehe

Re: right and wrong
Link | by Kotuso on 2005-12-03 19:07:23 (edited 2005-12-03 22:40:23)
it doesn't really matter............. the law and police deciede what is right.

Re: right and wrong
Link | by Jomunga on 2005-12-04 07:23:39
Math is the universal language, who cares if one world disagrees. Some things just have a right and wrong answer.

The laws are created by humans, and are sometimes faulty. Police are sometimes corrupt. But they have more guns than you.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketJomunga eats your avatars.

Re: right and wrong
Link | by »»Ran on 2005-12-04 07:30:26 (edited 2005-12-04 07:30:35)
For us to satisfy our questions, let us think in a Philosophical perspective (very hard to do).

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