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anime unleashed
Link | by cat on 2004-10-05 15:01:27
Did any of you watch anime unleashed last night? They have a new show, Read or Die!! the tv series. I didn't know they had acquired something new.

Re: anime unleashed
Link | by Elwind on 2004-10-05 14:47:26
Read or Die is one of my favorite series. Unfortunitly it's only 3 episiodes long.
However, if you like it, you might also enjoy the sequel, Read or Dream. I don't think it's quite as good, but still better then a lot of stuff I've seen.

Re: anime unleashed
Link | by Aethylla on 2004-10-06 19:33:12
O.o wow. I didn't know that R.O.D. had a sequel? Read or Dream? I'll look for that. However, R.O.D also has a TV series out that is more than 3 episodes. It does mention Ms. Readman(?) from the original OAV yet centers around 3 papermaster sisters. It runs for 26 episodes.
Wait... I'm confused. Is the TV series called "Read or Die!!" or "Read or Dream"? I alway thought that it was "Read or Die" tv series yet I got conflicting facts.

Re: anime unleashed
Link | by rakeru kitsuki on 2005-01-15 22:17:45
wow, anime unleashed was one of the things that got me into anime! the first Seikai no Monshuu is good (although the manga's better) and Silent Mobius is awesome too! like Last Exile too

Shinjitsu no yume- isn't there some truth of eternity in all of us?

Re: anime unleashed
Link | by 恵 Serie 美 on 2005-03-12 15:36:14
Anime Unleashed also mad me addicted to anime and it helps me find animes that i might want to buy or get over netflicks

Re: anime unleashed
Link | by Flare on 2005-04-14 14:38:06
anime unleashed is why i love gatekeepers 21. it is the best series of anime i think. i may be wrong because i havent seen most anime. i am greatful they have the song at gendou titled- Egao ga Areba. it is my favorite song and i thank the administrator gendou for puting it in the song bank.

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

Re: anime unleashed
Link | by kirima on 2005-07-12 18:10:40
I'm gonna agree with almost everything Flare said except for Gatekeepers 21 being my FAVORITE series. I really like it, but it's not my favorite. Anime Unleashed *was*, however, how I found my favorite series, Boogiepop Phantom. Also Soul Taker, Betterman, and a few others I regretted seing. I couldn't stand ROD. Sorry.

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