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need help with japanese grammer..
Link | by korndog on 2005-12-08 13:08:46
i'm confused about the double topic markers like には and にも. do u use it when you have a subject after and before the particles or just when you have a subject and an adjective after the particle. believe it or not, my book just give sample sentences and a vauge description.

thanks in advance

Re: need help with japanese grammer..
Link | by Rukia on 2005-12-08 13:23:13
Can't help..., the characters appear nothing but boxes in my screen. Why don't you resort to a different book? The library has lots.

Re: need help with japanese grammer..
Link | by yumeNOnaka on 2005-12-08 23:53:57
try this chm ...
i hope its work for you...


Re: need help with japanese grammer..
Link | by korndog on 2005-12-10 14:21:24
wow, this helps a lot! honto ni arigato

Re: need help with japanese grammer..
Link | by oturansama on 2005-12-14 04:42:04
-=From Japanse 1010 Notes; Hope it helps a little=-

は = topic marker
も = also, too -- replaces は、が

わたし は がくせい です。
たなかさん も がくせい です。
I am a student.
Tanaka-san is also a student.

へや に ベッド が あります。
つくえ も あります。
There is a bed in the room.
There is also a desk.

も also to say “also” about times, places, etc.
も⇒replaces は、が、を
 ⇒gets added after に、で or と

I went to the bookstore. I went to the post office, too.
ほんやに いきました。 ゆうびんきょくにも いきました。

I have class at 8:30. I have class at 9:30, too.
8:30に じゅぎょうがあります。 9:30にも じゅぎょうがあります。

I study at home. I also study at the library.
うちで べんきょうします。 としょかんでも べんきょうします。

は = Contrast
Replaces が or を; added after に、で or と
Emphasizes a difference or contrast
Often used in negative sentences
Ties the sentence to previous sentence

I eat lunch everyday. But I don’t eat breakfast.
まいにち ひるごはんを たべます。 でも、あさごはんは たべません。

I study at the library. But I don’t study at the student union building.
としょかんで べんきょうします。 でも、がくせいかいかんでは べんきょうしません。

There is a cat here. There isn’t one over there.
ここに ねこがいます。 あそこには いません。

When particles は and も occur where particles が or を occur, they REPLACE them.

When particles は or も occur where particles に、で、から、と etc. occur, they FOLLOW them. (=“Double Particles”)

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