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War stil exsist until doomsday ?
Link | by yumeNOnaka on 2005-12-08 23:36:51
I could not understand if some of human is still in war... whatever its problems, human still war until now, why we can't joint together and build this earth for a better future ?

I hope all humans in this earth joint together and sharing with others for free, no war is beautiful, but must we wait to stop war until doomsday ? I hope not,,, (-_-)


Re: War stil exsist until doomsday ?
Link | by psoplayer on 2005-12-08 23:40:57
I believe that from now until eternity there will be people who cling so strongly to their beliefs that they will be willing to go to war over them regardless of what any other person or nation has to say about it. While there may not be war from time to time, the planet will never be completely safe from the threat of both civil and international wars.

Re: War stil exsist until doomsday ?
Link | by yumeNOnaka on 2005-12-09 00:08:10
Yeah.. its a human nature... as a 'seed' we have a war too...
oh... no... its a competition to go egg...


Re: War stil exsist until doomsday ?
Link | by on 2005-12-09 00:18:36
People + Conflicts + More Conflicts = Endless War.

That's why there's Red Alert.

*blip* *blip*

Re: War stil exsist until doomsday ?
Link | by SpiritFightZ on 2005-12-11 08:04:15
i dont understand y those people muz get themselves into war does they have nothing better to do. To me i dont care if they are having war or not as it none of my business. I have my normal lifestyle to go on.

Do wad u think is right, accept your past..............

Re: War stil exsist until doomsday ?
Link | by Kotuso on 2005-12-11 08:11:10
War is very complicated. For instance people say that the Civil War was the South secceding from the North because of slavery. Yes,that was one factor but the other was the economy of the South. The south was agricultural and thier economy would have crashed if the north did not help. Anyway, war is not because that people have nothing better to do but it is a peroid of tension relasing into a war.

Re: War stil exsist until doomsday ?
Link | by 茂樹 on 2005-12-11 08:13:01
well, as long as human lives, lust, anger, jealousy, greed, fame and other negative things will still be here, and thus wars opened again and again. history's just repeating itself. humans are better off dead.


Re: War stil exsist until doomsday ?
Link | by Kotuso on 2005-12-11 08:14:36
i agree,but there has to be some reason people have managened to live so long without eliminating themselves.

Re: War stil exsist until doomsday ?
Link | by 茂樹 on 2005-12-11 08:17:54
e.g. Bush.


Re: War stil exsist until doomsday ?
Link | by overlordsero on 2005-12-11 09:52:46
did you two just say that you both should be dead?

"humans are better off dead."-Shigeki

"i agree,..."-thegentlewind

and i dont agree with you that humans are better off dead.
yeah as long as there are humans there will be lust, anger and
all that stuff.
BUT not everyone is like that.
If everyone was we would REALLY be dead, EVERYONE.
Because we would just kill ppl for no reason untill everyone is dead.
But that is not the way it is, so i disagree with you two.

humans are NOT better of dead

Light and Dark

Re: War stil exsist until doomsday ?
Link | by Kotuso on 2005-12-11 10:08:48
I trully believe that although it seems that all humans should die because of thier sins on earth,but i believe that humans have grown more.....understanding. Think about it, during the middle ages there was a lot of Religous bashing and burnings at the stake. In America there are harsh feelings towards Afican Americans,but it is still not as bad as it was in the 50s 60s and the times before the heat of the Civi War. People have grown better even though,at times, people seem unforgiving and ignorant. Give the human race another 100 years and i be people will be even more understanding until one day we can almost live in complete harmony.

I didn't completely agree,only for the time being.

Re: War stil exsist until doomsday ?
Link | by overlordsero on 2005-12-11 10:20:16
And just before complete harmony occurs the earth blows up.
(lol i couldnt help it, sorry ^_^)

I was just kinda curious on your thoughts and I do agree that
we have become more understanding, good way to think of it.

Light and Dark

Re: War stil exsist until doomsday ?
Link | by Blessed Wings...Kagayaki Janus on 2005-12-11 11:21:36
if after the doomsday the planet create more life like human beings I think yes...these wars will continue...

Re: War stil exsist until doomsday ?
Link | by Kotuso on 2005-12-11 15:05:33
But then they will learn too..............ounce agian the cycle will continue of times of ignorance and understanding.

Re: War stil exsist until doomsday ?
Link | by 茂樹 on 2005-12-12 03:07:46
even if so.... the beings that replaces us still make war. thats the cycle of life. to balance the worlds. humans die to make plants grow for animals to eat and grow into savages that fed on each other and killed by humans to be fed and war on each other and so goes the cycles.


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