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Favorite Character in Soul Calibur II

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Re: Favorite Character in Soul Calibur II
Link | by zparticus27 on 2005-12-09 04:07:10
mitsurugi...d best balanced player...

nightmare is a cheap bastard!hahahaha
its time to stop playing sc2 cuz sc3 has come...mhwahahahahaha

Re: Favorite Character in Soul Calibur II
Link | by h4xordude on 2005-12-09 04:20:10
Talim!!!! She's cute AND she kicks a** with her speed!

I agree completely with you though zparticaus, Nightmare is a cheap bastard, although I've beaten more than my share of cheap Nightmare-user jerks using the proper blocks combined with Talim's speed.

Beware the quiet people, You don't know their intentions
(small signatures are sooo much cooler since they don't annoy people trying to read through posts!)

Re: Favorite Character in Soul Calibur II
Link | by TenSpot on 2005-12-09 05:19:38
I use Talim almost exclusively, but once you master her, Ivy is probably one of the cheapest characters, just because of Summon Suffering an Calamity Symphony.
I also play as Cassandra every once in a while.

Re: Favorite Character in Soul Calibur II
Link | by sonic_ver2 on 2005-12-09 07:24:22
Kilik, especially with his looong staff. (the last weapon, but not the joke weapon)
Why still playing SC2? Play SC3!

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Re: Favorite Character in Soul Calibur II
Link | by on 2005-12-09 11:46:53
Talim and Xianghua! Yay! They totally kick butt man. They are both super fast, and they are also...GIRLS. yay! I also play well with Kilik. *squee*

Re: Favorite Character in Soul Calibur II
Link | by ParasitePG on 2005-12-09 13:00:27
Ivy, cause i like girls with swords:)
just like cassandra^^

Re: Favorite Character in Soul Calibur II
Link | by MsTree on 2005-12-09 14:19:26 (edited 2005-12-09 14:20:24)
Taki. Ninja powers are dead nifty.
Astoroth (sp?). Cos he cracks me up whenever I play him with his giant purple bunny ears on. Worst. Evil. Villain. Outfit. Ever. :D

"I swear by my pretty floral bonnet, I will end you."-Mal from Firefly

Re: Favorite Character in Soul Calibur II
Xianghua. cause I mastered almost all of her moves...
Taki. because she is fast...

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Re: Favorite Character in Soul Calibur II
Link | by UnseenDeath on 2005-12-09 19:26:52
maxi kilik taki and talim ^^ i love maxi's infinite combo

Re: Favorite Character in Soul Calibur II
Link | by Urchin on 2005-12-09 22:38:22
kilik, so cheap!! ^_^
yunsung, cause he has a lightsaber!!


Re: Favorite Character in Soul Calibur II
Link | by floopy! on 2005-12-09 22:50:22
talim! i love fast characters. speed is a must-have when fighting. XD XD

Re: Favorite Character in Soul Calibur II
Link | by UnseenDeath on 2005-12-10 16:57:05
that is so true floopy speed beats power everytime power doesnt matter when you cant land a hit! =D

Re: Favorite Character in Soul Calibur II
Link | by Sleipnir on 2005-12-10 19:50:12
I like Link in the Gamecube version.
But I like Taki also.

Giving money and power to Government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys. -- P.J. O'Rourke

Re: Favorite Character in Soul Calibur II
Link | by Pumaman2021 on 2005-12-11 14:16:08
Yoshimitsu ^__^ I've got a Yoshi named Pumaman on my school's machine that has done quite well considering I button mash. Yoshi's always held a special place in my heart, but I've got a Voldo named Scoliosis that I enjoy playing too.

Re: Favorite Character in Soul Calibur II
Link | by Zahra on 2005-12-11 22:39:25
Ivy and talim.
Can't go wrong with speed and and awsome weapon.

Re: Favorite Character in Soul Calibur II
Link | by styz on 2005-12-11 23:12:47
I'll go for Mitsurugi because he is well balanced character with decent amounts of speed and power

Btw,just for curiosities sake,Talim here in the philippines means sharp or a sharp object..when I look at her bio, it said she is from southeast asia and the style she is using is a variation of arnis(a martial arts using two short sticks for defense which originated in the phililpines) and most of her moves can be translated to our native language("sahig" is floor in our dialect..i forgot about the rest)..wanna bet she is a filipina?? ^_^

From ordinary a flame Orochi..

Re: Favorite Character in Soul Calibur II
Link | by h4xordude on 2005-12-12 04:20:17
Sweet!! She still kicks butt. Go philippinos!
I don't play SCIII much cause they made Talim look it's not on Xbox yet.

Beware the quiet people, You don't know their intentions
(small signatures are sooo much cooler since they don't annoy people trying to read through posts!)

Re: Favorite Character in Soul Calibur II
Link | by »»Ran on 2005-12-12 04:24:48
Cervantes, Ivy, and Nightmare are my best bets! for h4xor dude: i agree with you, I don't like SC3 as well because my combos for my three favourite characters have been messed up.

Re: Favorite Character in Soul Calibur II
Link | by H on 2005-12-13 18:16:46
I luv the girls!!!!!!!! Seung Mina!!!!! *slurp* erhhh.... Sorry...

I like all of the characters but Mitsurugi is the best after all... *cough* I mean... second to the girls...

SC3's fighting isn't as great as SC2 but it's gameplay rocks! I'm never bored to play it! And... Never ever try to soft-reset the game cuz now, my data is corrupted! T_T

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