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Link | by cat on 2004-10-09 17:03:26
anime unleashed on g4techtv is gonna air gungrave this coming week!!!!!

Re: gungrave
Link | by mizuno on 2004-10-10 15:56:55
Its a pretty good series as long as you ignore the first episode.

Re: gungrave
Link | by StupiDSeeD on 2004-10-11 12:40:20
some episode has a horrible visuals tho..

Re: gungrave
Link | by on 2004-10-11 13:13:17
Hmmm all I know is that it was good while it lasted.

Re: gungrave
Link | by That Man on 2004-10-12 09:29:27
I think that so far it has been pretty good. Though I agree the first ep made no sense.

Now you will feel the power of... THE AFRO!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: gungrave
Link | by Suki-chan on 2004-10-19 07:23:05
Its an okay series someof its a bit...muddled and most of it I don't get but some of it I do
all in all its strange but cool.

We are Fighting Dreamers! Aiming for the Top!

Re: gungrave
Link | by Natural Disaster on 2004-10-19 16:15:01
I totally love this...I just finished up Wolf's Rain and now I'm onto episode 12 of Gungrave and I have to say its unlike any animes i've seen before...I love the whole Organization bit. But after seeing a few episodes I actually understand the first one now. Brandon Heat has to be one of the coolest characters ever, besides, it was made by the same people as Trigun, so its gotta be good.

" Heaven's Not Enough "

Re: gungrave
Link | by Suki-chan on 2004-10-27 20:38:18
I'm with ya Natural Disater Brandon Rocks! ^.^

We are Fighting Dreamers! Aiming for the Top!

Re: gungrave
Link | by Ili on 2005-03-30 05:53:35
Only seen the first episode but it sure looked promising. But I have a problem with the name 'Brandom Heat'. As my friend stated, it sounds like a porn name, LMAO!

But otherwise Grave is awesome! I love Yasuhiro Nightow's character designs and how he used the Cross Punisher design from Trigun for Graves guns. Sweet!


There are worlds out there where the sky is burning,
and the sea's asleep,
and the rivers dream;
people made of smoke and cities made of song.

Somewhere there's danger,
somewhere there's injustice,
somewhere else the tea's getting cold.

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