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unusual relationships
Link | by burntmonkeyfeces on 2005-12-10 02:20:23
is it right for a human to fall in love with a machine?(armitage)(chobits) what would humanity think of it?

We are not men disguised as mere dogs. We are wolves disguised as men

Re: unusual relationships
Link | by lady_rin on 2005-12-10 05:45:17
Good question.

I am basing my answer on what I read about people in all kinds of forums everywhere.

Assume that it is a Chii, Mahoro, Karumi or Hand Maid May and it is fully functioning and I mean fully fuctioning. A Question here; can we tell them apart from humans like Chii or do they look just like us, Mahoro and Karumi.

From an emotional point of view there are a lot of lonely people in the world who want companionship for everything from a person in the room to doing the horizontal bop.

From a practical point of view the world is overpopulated.

I don't think I would have a problem with a persocom (Chii) or combat android, Mahoro, having a relationship with someone. It solves that persons need for someone and since they can't get pregnant it helps the over population problem.

OK? Is that a good answer? What kind of grade do I get?

Re: unusual relationships
Link | by YeNg on 2005-12-10 05:49:44
I dont think it´s a good think to fall in love with a machine.. you can get easily hurt... there different from REAL humans. new generations wont be given if people in the world gets together with only some machines.. but though I believe that the machine x human relationship has already began.... for example the internet... i tend to surf the internet than to spend time with friends.... i hate seeing my computer broken.. or even full of viruses.. it´s something i cant help.. i dunno, maybe it´s stupid to think that way... ^^

Re: unusual relationships
Link | by Eneeli on 2005-12-10 06:22:36
Falling in love with a machine has its good & bad points. The bad being as Sessy's Girl said, getting hurt easily as machines tend to malfunction from time to time. Like the numerous times I've wailed over my malfunctioning PC....

The good points being that there're usually no troublesome attchments[relatives] to the machine. And that the machine is less likely to fall in love with someone else[Chi].

However, I wouldn't mind falling in love with a machine...After all, they're less complicated than humans...

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