Are they really new animes'?
I just foumd out that Mahou Sensei Negima is going to publish its second season in anime...Man...i'm really excited about it, but how much can i trust??besides that, is really tsubasa chronicle ends only in 26 episodes...kinda dissapointed's manga is sooo good...the story just never ends...hehehe...(crap,nearly every good anime does)...Waht anime do you like?Any new and nice anime wana share?looking forward to it. |
Re: Are they really new animes'?
there're alot of 2nd seasons... let me spoil it for you. FMP 3rd season will be out next year. Tsubasa Chronicles will also be. Negima might be happening too. So does Shuffles, but rumors. |
Re: Are they really new animes'?
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by Blessed Wings...Kagayaki Janus
on 2005-12-11 10:47:12
i think you have to considerate these new animes as animes...-_-...the implement of seasons do not remove the characteristic of an anime(big eyes, impossible things that turn possible etc etc)...basically an anime is made of it...unfortunately...many new ideas were implemented in it(naruto and other bad animes)... |
Re: Are they really new animes'?
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hacK, i juZ waN Serial Experiments Lain tO bE availablE iN sgP... btW, animeS tooK a veRi lonG timE tO reacH herE, i hatE iT. pikU pikU, bleacH, gokuseN2 doeS noT exisT yeT T_T |