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Red vs Blue!
Link | by Sohei Hien on 2005-12-11 08:19:20
Alright, now I know there's got to be some "Red vs Blue: The Blood Gultch Chronicles" fans out there! These movies are so hilarious, and everyone's really stupid, plus it's Halo so you know it's all good. Anyways who's everyone's fave character? Mine's probably Caboose from the Blue side and Donut from the Red side. Their all so funny though! If you people haven't seen this yet go to: and download the episodes, you won't regret it!

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Re: Red vs Blue!
Link | by Evard on 2005-12-11 08:33:16
go #13 Church (look at the shirts)
I havent seen it since the middle of the 3rd season but im going to be buying the DVDs
"omally tought me how to be mad when he was inside of me"Caboose

Death is the gift a blade shall bring, death is the gift a blade shall sing why is it my life sucks so much I mean it really sucks

Re: Red vs Blue!
Link | by overlordsero on 2005-12-11 09:35:09
RED VS BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its SO funny. I dont think i have a fav episode....

but one of my fav quotes is from Caboose.

"Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?"-Caboose

its so funny.....

Light and Dark

Re: Red vs Blue!
Link | by Ravensender on 2005-12-11 18:39:11 (edited 2005-12-11 18:39:43)
I don't know...
It seems to still have an occasional good joke, but it seems to have trailed off a bit with the humor and story ever since the second season.

Plus, wasn't Caboose originally the smartest one on the show (refer to the first three episodes)?

The end of the weekend is something that's inevitable... Like a test. Or the Apocalypse. Love Compatibility Test Love Compatibility Test

Re: Red vs Blue!
Link | by on 2005-12-11 18:58:07
fav characters= Donut & Caboose

"Its not pink!, its lightish red"

fav episode=

Public Service Announcement
"Real Life VS. The Internet"
not really an episode but close ^_^

Re: Red vs Blue!
Link | by Joshua on 2005-12-12 06:36:37
I LOVE RvB. Absolutely hands down the funniest online movies Ive ever seen. Im considering buying the first three seasons!

Re: Red vs Blue!
Link | by Wolf on 2005-12-12 18:49:11
omg such a funny online show.

Re: Red vs Blue!
Link | by Kikio on 2005-12-27 13:32:40
xD RedvsBlue i love that show its so funny i like watching them a lot lol Caboose he is so funny xD

Re: Red vs Blue!
Link | by on 2005-12-27 13:50:53
I haven't watched it yet!!

Re: Red vs Blue!
Link | by on 2005-12-27 14:02:45
I haven't seen it yet either

Re: Red vs Blue!
Link | by subwei on 2005-12-27 14:02:52
whats red vs. blue?

("-_-)=0(#)'3') I'm so werid (^_^) (>_<) Feel the wrath of my feet!

Re: Red vs Blue!
Link | by on 2005-12-27 14:04:36
To subwei-

I think it's a TV show?!?!

Re: Red vs Blue!
Link | by subwei on 2005-12-27 14:07:24
feel the wrath of my feet!

("-_-)=0(#)'3') I'm so werid (^_^) (>_<) Feel the wrath of my feet!

Re: Red vs Blue!
Link | by subwei on 2005-12-27 14:07:57
they keep on talking about computers though...

("-_-)=0(#)'3') I'm so werid (^_^) (>_<) Feel the wrath of my feet!

Re: Red vs Blue!
Link | by Kotuso on 2005-12-27 14:09:13
it's on a computer.

Re: Red vs Blue!
Link | by on 2005-12-27 14:10:34
Oh's a online TV show, right?!?!

Re: Red vs Blue!
Link | by subwei on 2005-12-27 14:39:51
to ryoko-
repeat afer me:
the PC is not a TV

("-_-)=0(#)'3') I'm so werid (^_^) (>_<) Feel the wrath of my feet!

Re: Red vs Blue!
Link | by Sohei Hien on 2005-12-29 07:51:47
For everyone who's been confused about the whole Red vs Blue thing: It's an online series about the red team and the blue team in the Blood Gultch of Halo, and they fight each other. But their all really stupid so it's hilarious! Go to to check it out!

What's really funny about this is, that I just got back from a 5 day cruise, and we had walkie talkies. And so that people didn't know our names me, my brother, my mom, and her friend all used code names from Red vs Blue! I was Caboose (I even wrote that on my cup), my brother was Church, so we were the blue team, and my mom was Donut, and her friend was Sarge, so they were the red team, lol.

Anyways hope that cleared things up for everyone!^^

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