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Your favorite Final Fantasy game
Link | by HACKED on 2005-12-12 12:57:30
Mine has to be FF7 and FFX. Though I do wish they left FFX alone and didnt make that crappy sequel. That just ruined things and made it worse. Which one is your favorite and why? Tell them that HACKED sent you.

Re: Your favorite Final Fantasy game
Link | by rogueleader on 2005-12-12 13:22:41
I agree on both. FF 7 and FF X. I also agree they should have skipped the sequel... I guess it wouldn't have bothered me so much had it been... less annoying to me.

I liked FF 7 because of how the side quests worked, the materia system, and the things you could do on the side, if you have free time (Weapons). And for FFX it was the potential to customize your characters to some extent. I must admit, the graphics did play a part in my liking it so much.

Re: Your favorite Final Fantasy game
Link | by Shiriu on 2005-12-12 14:30:58
I didn't like FFX much, it has good graphics, but the story isn't so good. I never played FF7... So the best Final Fantasy I played was FFVIII. It had good graphics, I liked the system, and the best of all was the story!!! All of the characters were deeply connected in their past and the music was the best I've heard in a game.

Re: Your favorite Final Fantasy game
Link | by Rukia on 2005-12-12 14:35:42
FFIX x infinity and beyond.

Re: Your favorite Final Fantasy game
Link | by TenSpot on 2005-12-13 08:16:49
The best were FFVI and FFVII, hands down

Re: Your favorite Final Fantasy game
Link | by overlordsero on 2005-12-13 12:03:22
Probably FFVII for Play station and FF2 for gameboy.
Also, FF Mystic Quest for SNES.

I also have FF3 for gameboy but I havnt played it yet so I dont know.

On FF2 for gameboy I accidently saved after the FINAL battle ;_;
so I'll have to start over....

Light and Dark

Re: Your favorite Final Fantasy game
Link | by Vince on 2005-12-14 18:30:28
always a hard choice to make......

1) Final Fantasy VIII
2) Final Fantasy VII
3) Final Fantasy X

I didn't really like FF X-2 much.... but i guess they have to have at least ONE bad game.

Re: Your favorite Final Fantasy game
Link | by phil on 2005-12-14 22:31:50


Re: Your favorite Final Fantasy game
Link | by Zodiark88 on 2005-12-15 10:04:59
Final Fantasy Tactics and Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

Re: Your favorite Final Fantasy game
Link | by wolik on 2005-12-15 19:40:02 (edited 2005-12-15 19:41:07)
FFIX and probably FFVIII
haven't the chance to play FFVII and the precedent
such a waste for me

Re: Your favorite Final Fantasy game
Link | by h4xordude on 2005-12-15 20:58:21
Final Fantasy VIII was the best for me.

It didn't have another here you are, you gotta save the world from the big bad enemies that you can't possibly beat right now but you beat the odds anyway cliches like FF7 had.
What FF8 had, was a great plot and scriptwriting. Sure the battlesystem was a bit complicated, but it was still good, and yeah FF7's plot was good too, but FF8's had so much more depth with each of the characters without needing to do flashbacks even.

It will always hold a special place to me. And yes, I did love Advent Children very much.

Beware the quiet people, You don't know their intentions
(small signatures are sooo much cooler since they don't annoy people trying to read through posts!)

Re: Your favorite Final Fantasy game
Link | by JJ on 2005-12-17 01:36:20

Re: Your favorite Final Fantasy game
Link | by SpiritFightZ on 2005-12-17 02:20:01
The best for me will be FFVII

Do wad u think is right, accept your past..............

Re: Your favorite Final Fantasy game
Link | by Momentum on 2005-12-17 10:19:30
I think FFX is the best.

Re: Your favorite Final Fantasy game
Link | by chainjail on 2005-12-18 21:06:09
FFVI (aka FF III in American releases)

COnsidering that it's an old SNES game it's got pretty good graphics and a cool story to boot.

Re: Your favorite Final Fantasy game
Link | by The loyal Servant of the Moon Goddess on 2005-12-18 22:50:39

I prefer being alone so do me a favor and leave me be....

Re: Your favorite Final Fantasy game
Link | by Lee^NouX on 2005-12-19 06:40:24
uh.. really hard to decide. FF7 & FF8 are really good! i also like ff9 (mainly because of kuja) i'm not really info ffx-2. i weren't even interested enough to finish the game..

don't let your guard down

Re: Your favorite Final Fantasy game
Link | by Blue on 2005-12-19 07:40:40
7(best story so far, for me) and 9(easiest FF I've played)

Re: Your favorite Final Fantasy game
Link | by zparticus27 on 2005-12-20 06:48:45
ff4. those games are good, ff1 is a bit repetitive and ff2 is too confusing(bye-bye exp!)and havent played ff3 yet...

Re: Your favorite Final Fantasy game
Link | by flamegod on 2006-03-21 05:10:33

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