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Characters or Plot?
Link | by BakaOnna on 2005-12-12 14:40:20
When you watch anime, do you pay more attention to the characters or plot? Or which do you think makes an anime better. And, I know, a good series needs both characters and plot, but if you had to choose one of the two, which one would you go for?

I pay more attention to the characters. I mean, if you think about it, a lot of anime series have relatively the same plot if you break it down enough. What makes a series stand out are the characters. Look at most shounen anime. They have the basic concept except for a few things, but the characters greatly affect how the plot develops and progress and the story. At least, that's how I think of it. Though, there are times where I like the plot better than the characters.

Re: Characters or Plot?
Link | by Rukia on 2005-12-12 14:47:14
I don't get what you mean, BakaOnna. Are you talking about character-look-concepts or what? I'd very much prefer character development. But most certainly I'd go with the latter...

Re: Characters or Plot?
Link | by BakaOnna on 2005-12-12 16:01:05
I mean, which do you think is more important when you watch anime, characters or plot?

Re: Characters or Plot?
Link | by Kouichi on 2005-12-14 11:44:11
phew! Both are important for a good Anime!

Cat Cat Cat

Re: Characters or Plot?
Link | by kagome_j on 2005-12-14 12:12:18
I agree both yeah both

Re: Characters or Plot?
Link | by annita on 2005-12-14 12:12:55
Both here too :)

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Re: Characters or Plot?
Link | by nikcxiee on 2005-12-16 08:58:58
you have a point, Bakaonna. but remember that a manga comes down with a disclaimer. no two mangas should be of the same plot. but a manga takes on an independent plot when the manga-ka adds certain twists that will differentiate one from the other.

but i pay more attention to the plot. of the plot isn't there, what is the purpose of the characters?? are they just gonna sit around doing nothing?

++ had kicked ass and still kicking a lot. ++

Re: Characters or Plot?
Link | by phoenyx214 on 2005-12-19 02:00:27
Bad characters almost definately ensures that the plot will also be bad.... look at GANTZ the premise of this anime was not bad - until the fact that the story did not have any redeeming characters. To me this whole anime series equates to Turd and was a waste of my money and time......

Hmmm the only ones I can really think of anime that had a crappy plot - and good characters..... hmmm I didnt like Mai Hime they pretty much WASTED their good character designs.... and Magic master negima?? the characters were good but the comedy wasnt funny, the premise has been done before, and it disappointed me that something this cruddy came out of the same creators as Love Hina......... blech

Also the one anime that p*ssed me off was Chrono Crusade... the ending ruined everything... though the characters were good the ending bombed... I gave this DVD series away it was too much trauma to handle...

Re: Characters or Plot?
Link | by Red Queens on 2005-12-19 02:59:33
I think that any good manga needs both, but, there are quite a few who have gotten away with just!

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Re: Characters or Plot?
Link | by OwdEe sh4H on 2005-12-19 04:02:53
i agree with phoenyx214 that bad characters most likely to produce bad plots...i personally prefer a story with good plot than story with great characters but no substance.what i would like to see the most is the substance with great n interesting plot..the characters do not need to be so flashy n stuffs..they jz need to fit in the story the end,if the show has great plot,the impact or effects will be more lasting on me^_^

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Re: Characters or Plot?
Link | by diane on 2005-12-19 05:03:36
good character need good story n good story need good, both are important.

Re: Characters or Plot?
Link | by TenSpot on 2005-12-19 05:19:13
Good plot and good character development are both needed for a good anime.

Re: Characters or Plot?
Link | by ranma_fan on 2005-12-19 05:39:09
I agree with the previous opinion but I think the plot holds more weight.

Let's put it this way, if Tom, Dick and Harry went into Cefiro instead of Hikari, Umi and Fuu, the three of them would still eventually develop into Magical Knights and MKR would still be an interesting anime

Re: Characters or Plot?
Link | by Immortal on 2005-12-19 06:17:44
a good plot and character in an anime is one of the essential parts needed to make an anime worth watching and memorable so that's why they are both important to me...

Never forget the one whom you truly loved the most. People change but memories will never fade

Re: Characters or Plot?
Link | by phoenyx214 on 2006-01-01 06:18:48
Hmm if Tom, Dick and Harry were anime characters... Yes it would be still interesting - even more so if they were Bishie ;)

Re: Characters or Plot?
Link | by nux3r on 2006-01-01 16:24:56
Whenever I watch anime, I go for characters and plot because that's what makes the show good and interesting. From looking at adult swim, FMA(Full Metal Alchemist) has the best characters and storyline compared to others in adult swim. But that's just my point of view, I'm sure other people here have different opinions.

::: || [ nux3râ„¢] || :::

Re: Characters or Plot?
Link | by tsukiko on 2006-01-01 17:23:24
You would need both of them to produce a good anime

Re: Characters or Plot?
Link | by Xaria on 2006-01-01 17:42:00
If you just had one or the other the anime might suck.

Re: Characters or Plot?
Link | by phoenyx214 on 2006-01-01 18:09:28
Hmmm you know if you watch Vampire Hunter D (the original one...) the character designs (though done by amano yoshitaka) the animation was pretty crap, the plot was crap. D basically goes into a village and saves the people from monsters....

Even if the plot was basic - since the character was awesome (though pretty bad still in anime) IT WASNT AN ANIME THAT BOMBED....

ANIME that bombed are like -- NARUTARU.... CRAAAAAPP

Re: Characters or Plot?
Link | by ayame on 2006-01-01 18:20:36
I usually pay more attention to the characters because they make the anime. The plot can be complex, simple, or pointless but it's the change, plight, qualities and reactions of the characters that make the anime go. I acknowledge the plot's importance because it's critical to the existence of the story. In other words, the anime would not "suck" without a plot; it wouldn't exist to being with whereas a plot without developed characters would be a story- just not a very good one.

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