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pretty face manga......
Link | by aimi on 2005-12-15 00:27:59
Do anyone know about the ending? what will happen to randoh????

Re: pretty face manga......
Link | by fly_mybunny on 2005-12-15 02:12:23
u really want me to spoil it?
Please check anime-source manga. It got the whole ending!
I remember yuna came back and ask Randoh to leave.
randoh got hisface back, and confess to Rina.
Then yuna decided to went back to further her career ...thats all i remember
But again, check the anime-source website.


Re: pretty face manga......
Link | by blu on 2005-12-15 07:57:54
I love this manga. Really, really funny. And Randoh (as a guy) is sooooooo cute.

Re: pretty face manga......
Link | by Zodiark88 on 2005-12-15 10:02:08
yeah,it's so funny.i always laugh when reading this manga.

Re: pretty face manga......
Link | by yuyue hirakiseira on 2005-12-16 06:00:13
randoh didn't do any operation
just go to

never regret for what you have done!!!!

Re: pretty face manga......
Link | by aimi on 2006-01-23 00:27:47
althought the ending of the relationship between randoh and rina is not yet determined but i surely think that after real yuna had return after the one year study randoh and rina will be couple and live happily ever after.......

Re: pretty face manga......
Link | by phoenyx214 on 2006-01-23 00:33:59
for crying out loud!! I had been downloading the manga at until it was apparently licenced!!!! T________T

I cant remember but I think I backed it up - but it was years ago... maybe 2 years ago?? It became popular the same time the naruto manga came out!!!

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