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To Any Gempakstarz Readers Who Love Helios Eclipse
Link | by SHOUJOTICjiuuri on 2005-12-20 20:50:18
Any people in this forums(from Malaysia)who read Starz magazine especially those who love Helios Eclipse from Kouru,how do you think about this comic(or should i call it manga..)?


Re: To Any Gempakstarz Readers Who Love Helios Eclipse
Link | by Zodiark88 on 2005-12-21 00:40:48
i read starz and i love Helios Eclipse.i also like was so funny.the only one that i hate is Fatal Chaos.i don't know why but i really hate F.C.

Re: To Any Gempakstarz Readers Who Love Helios Eclipse
Link | by SHOUJOTICjiuuri on 2005-12-21 19:08:36
Same as me. I think this is the WORST manga from Ben i ever read.Ben's 1001 Emotions is far better. I think Ben is only good in Romance story and not Action ones although he's good in drawing battle scenes. The weakpart of Fatal Chaos is its too typical and it only ended as a CLICHE story,school with martial students(sounds like Tenjou Tenge),old horny man as the teacher of the main guy(Dragon Ball)...bla..bla... And i admit that the characters seemed to be unrealistic. All of them have their own personalities but it seemed not to be shown that well.(Rex seemed to be so annoying)Lately,the captain of Devil Rabbits(the guy with the mask)made a STUPID JOKE and it isn't funny at all!! This just makes him looked like an idiot and he seemed to be WEAK. Ben probably want to imitate how any other anime usually do(villains being humourous) but it seemed to be a failure..

Compared to Helios Eclipse,Helios Ecplise also started as cliche:The main girl,Mineko was the "Chosen One"...(Sounds like Escaflowne and Pretear)However,the plot changed when new characters showed up! Toroya is really a cool villain. I also enjoyed seeing Luna in action with his guns!! The characters are also more realistic and well developed.(Realized that Sangatsu,Toroya's friend with the scarf often comes up eating snacks.That shows that Sangatsu is really a Strong eater like Chouji in Naruto)

Have you read the latest episode of it? I tell you that the conclussion really sticks in my head because it's really 'meaningful'.


Re: To Any Gempakstarz Readers Who Love Helios Eclipse
Link | by Zodiark88 on 2005-12-22 03:03:21
i didn't buy the latest starz yet.BTW,i agree with your opinion about Fatal Chaos.Ben only good in romance not action.F.C is so typical and common action story IMO,and yes Rex seemed to be so annoying.i hate that kind of,you really like Kaoru's work don't you?

Re: To Any Gempakstarz Readers Who Love Helios Eclipse
Link | by SHOUJOTICjiuuri on 2005-12-23 06:09:29
Yup! Most of my friends said that her artwork looked so weird but to me,I like her Gothic drawings very much!(Maryvessa is really cool and KAWAII..I hope that she will be ressurected soon..)I even ranked Kaoru as the BEST artist in Gempakstarz followed by Stanley G. and then Norman. I'll say the artist that is in my lowest rank are Luen and Nizam Bachok... do you think if anime company like Gonzo,Bones,JC Staff,or Gainax suddenly adapted Kaoru's masterpiece Helios Eclipce into an Anime? Wouldn't it be NICE?^-^


Re: To Any Gempakstarz Readers Who Love Helios Eclipse
Link | by Zodiark88 on 2005-12-23 07:12:50
if any of anime company adapted Kaoru's H.E into a anime,i will be very glad because our comics industries finally can compete with other countries especially know lots of Malaysian peoples always thought that comics,anime and gaming just for kids only(adults are to mature to watching anime or others).when will Malaysian realize that this is not only for kid,but to all ages.but now i glad that our communities finally started to understand about this.BTW,yeah Nizam Bachok artwork is so horrible,very very very horrible.

Re: To Any Gempakstarz Readers Who Love Helios Eclipse
Link | by SHOUJOTICjiuuri on 2005-12-23 21:52:32
Yup! Nizam Bachok's are SOOO HORRIBLE...i really can't stand reading Go Notty! Luen's artworks are the same too(His/her past comic entitled Hana had better drawings compared to nowadays.Odd..)but i still say that some of Luen's storyline and plot are pretty nice..

Oh,speaking of Helios Eclipse as an anime,which seiyuu would suits the characters? I think this would be suitable:

Kawasumi Ayako(who played as Elie in Rave) as Mineko
Ishida Akira(who played as Cho Hakkai in Saiyuki) as Luna
Paku Romi(who played as Edward Elric in FMA) as Helios
Mitsuki Saiga(who played as Souji Okita in Peacemaker)as Louis
Toshihiko Seki(who played as Genjo Sanzo in Saiyuki)as Lucifer
Ishida Akira,again(who also played as Nagi in My-Hime and Gaara in Naruto)as Toroya


Re: To Any Gempakstarz Readers Who Love Helios Eclipse
Link | by Zodiark88 on 2005-12-24 07:00:43
i think seiyuu that suits the characters are Paku Romi(Ed in FMA) as Helios and Akira Ishida(Athrun in GSD)as Toroya.

Re: To Any Gempakstarz Readers Who Love Helios Eclipse
Link | by SHOUJOTICjiuuri on 2005-12-25 22:34:31
Yup! Since Helios appeared in 3 level which is a kid,a teenager,and an adult,i think it's suitable for a female seiyuu that can play both as male and female characters like Paku Romi to play as Helios and Ishida Akira's mischevious voice really suits Toroya.

By the way,which issue of Starz that you've read lately?


Re: To Any Gempakstarz Readers Who Love Helios Eclipse
Link | by Zodiark88 on 2005-12-26 03:29:44
the latest one i read lately is issue 36

Re: To Any Gempakstarz Readers Who Love Helios Eclipse
Link | by SHOUJOTICjiuuri on 2006-01-10 20:56:19
Sorry for my late reply.. Well,Starz vol.37 is out now. Helios Eclipse's plot is getting BETTER but there several NEW things that i'm really UNSATISFIED (you'll know it soon)...
Oh yeah! I also like Under-18! Although some of the characters are annoying(especially Siv)i really enjoy the jokes! It's so damn funny!! (SITI NURHALIZA'S MASK...!?)

By the way,do you feel bothered with the censorship done in Starz? Honestly,i really HATE it!!


Re: To Any Gempakstarz Readers Who Love Helios Eclipse
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2006-01-11 02:01:51
Ano...Me don't quite follow Helios Eclipse..So I don't really know what really happen in it...Told me, okay? Since me live so far and don't really bought Starz(but my sis bought it so I will get to read it when I got back at KL) So can you guys tell me what really happen? I seems to lost at part 35 or maybe 36 or maybe even lower but I do remeber that I had read 34, I guess...XD

But don't you really think that Kaoru's art change? The artwork change a lot or maybe that's just what I think...Heh..XDXD

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Re: To Any Gempakstarz Readers Who Love Helios Eclipse
Link | by SHOUJOTICjiuuri on 2006-01-13 05:03:22
Eto..,if you don't mind SPOILERS,then keep on reading^^,

Well,in Starz volume 30-37(i'm not that sure),there was a battle between Luna(Helios's younger brother) and Lucifer. I like the battle very much! Luna is really cool with his guns^^!! While Luna's battle against Lucifer began to be extreme,Toroya(the pink haired guy who wear an eyepatch and a bunny cap)interrupted the battle. Luna,handling two opponents(actually there are three,including the Darkross creature) forced himself to summon Helios Earth Element Spirit. That Earth Element guy defeated Lucifer but to make thing worse,he 'betrayed' Luna...and guess what happened(KEEP ON READING IF YOU DON'T MIND MORE SPOILERS..)

That Earth spirit stabbed Luna. Louis and the Keepers(Evillina and Gothman) arrived and appeared to putting the Earth spirit to faint.....

I admitted that the scene after this is the best scene i ever read in any Gempakstarz mangas.(RESPECT TO KAOURU-SAMA!!!)Luna giving his last words and then......(sob..sob...)

In starz vol.37,Mineko appeared with her new(weird) hair telling Louis and the others that she will go travel to find Helios while Helios in the other hand also started his new journey with a new companion(?). Even the bad guys were starting their own new mission to find the 'thing'...Whew!! Things are getting complex and exciting in Helios Eclipse lately and i really LUV IT^^(except for Mineko's new hairstyle..:P)

BTW,yup! Kaouru's artworks change a lot and it's getting better to me compared to the earliest episode of HE. BTW,I still dislike Fatal Chaos,Rex is getiing more ANNOYING.......


Re: To Any Gempakstarz Readers Who Love Helios Eclipse
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2006-01-15 02:56:00
I don't mind reading spoilers!! Actually I love spoilers. Well it's okay, I read it when I got back. Thanks ShoujoTIC_Jiuuri!

Now I remembered! Luna's fight! What happen to Luna anyway? Did he died? If he did, too bad....

And again! I don't mind spoilers!! Give me more! give me more!! Hahaha!! Just kidding!!

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Re: To Any Gempakstarz Readers Who Love Helios Eclipse
Link | by SHOUJOTICjiuuri on 2006-01-15 20:44:56 (edited 2006-01-15 20:52:58)
Mana-san,(is that your name.Sorry if i done a mistake)

I can't tell you anymore since that(where Mineko have that new UGLY haircut) was the latest issue that i've read lately.BTW,who are your favourite artists in Starz? Mine would be (1st)Kaouru
(2nd)Stanley G. (3rd)Norman(it's been a long time i never seen his/her artworks)


Re: To Any Gempakstarz Readers Who Love Helios Eclipse
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2006-01-16 23:41:47
FYI, my name is not Mana! Call me Atemu, kay? I'm not mad just saying it. (It is rare that someone ever call me Mana! Hehehehe.. Mostly, people call me Atemu or Atemu_mana)

I don't mind. I oso already read the latest chapter, thank you very much!! Arigato--!

My fav artist in Starz? Easy, Kaoru of course! The other? No way! I prefer japanese manganka!

Domo arigato!!

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Re: To Any Gempakstarz Readers Who Love Helios Eclipse
Link | by ajnabi on 2006-01-20 19:15:03 (edited 2006-01-20 19:15:30)
i dont read malaysian comic coz they kinda suck bigtime!!!!!!!!!!!!
and dont forget the animation in malaysia they design using macromedia flash !!!!!!!!!!!OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: To Any Gempakstarz Readers Who Love Helios Eclipse
Link | by SHOUJOTICjiuuri on 2006-02-02 21:10:49
Ajnabi,umm... i think you went into the wrong thread.. Look carefully,didn't it says "To Any Gempakstarz [FANS] Who [LOVES] Kaoru"?

NOT ALL Malaysian comics sux,comics done by artist like Kaoru and Zint are actually great depend both on the plot and artwork only they sometimes unable to manage their work and ended up doing pretty bad artworks...T.T

But i think you're quite right! If you're mentioning Malaysia comics like those Usop Sontorian,Keluangman...bla..bla.... I agreed that i really HATE them....(NO CUTE GIRLS,YOU SEE..)(No offence).
Same to the animations:They're trully SUCKS especially Si Botet(The worst Flash animations i ever seen)

To Atemu-san,
Gomen ne for calling you using the wrong name,Atemu-san.-_-"

Same here,i also prefer japanese manganka and Kaoru[for she does better Malaysian manga better than other artist in Starz(even Ben)and any other artist in Malaysia who also use Manga styles,i think..(NO OFFENCE TO OTHER ARTIST IN MALAYSIA)] Not forgetting Stanley G.,Zint,and Norman,i still love them^^ no matter what.

I can understand why you prefer Japanese Mangaka better.I don't mean to offence the artists in Gempakstarz but i have to admit it that lately there are some new artists in Starz who appeared to post their manga/comics(?) that seemed to be 'unsatisfying' and it seemed that they drew their artworks "awfully"(sorry) and saying it's their own " unique style" to draw like that.....In the other hand,Starz often giving strict comments to other people's artworks(the reader's) in the HITAMPUTIH and DIGITAL sections...


Re: To Any Gempakstarz Readers Who Love Helios Eclipse
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2006-02-03 21:55:27
Wanna know why I choose jpnese mangaka better that malaysian? Cos' in jpn's manga there's lot of cute guys! I fell in love straight with them. Haha! I like cute boys and girls!

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Re: To Any Gempakstarz Readers Who Love Helios Eclipse
Link | by Kanayuki Kuran on 2006-02-03 21:57:01
And ShoujoTIC_Jiuuri, what can I call you?? Sorry, cos' your name is a litle bit long. LOL..What about Jiuuri?

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