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Can't wait for suzuka
Link | by Kenshin on 2005-12-26 01:19:30
Any body know any other good anime like Suzuka, im not talking about the sporting thing in it, but the love-romance, drama, school life type of thing. So any reccomendations?

Re: Can't wait for suzuka
Link | by SwordLover on 2005-12-26 03:51:16
maybe FMP? I haven't really watched it but it kinda fits that category...

Ignore my typos!

Re: Can't wait for suzuka
Link | by SpiritFightZ on 2005-12-26 06:54:03
y dont u watch karin its a Comedy, Love-Romance, School Life.

Here the summary:There is a vampire family living in an average city in Japan. They have been living secretly, receiving a little blood from humans. But, the eldest daughter, Karin, has a secret. Instead of sucking other people's blood, her blood simply increases once a month. She has managed to pretend to be a normal student, but her life is changed dramatically by an encounter with a transfer student, Usui Kenta.

Do wad u think is right, accept your past..............

Re: Can't wait for suzuka
Link | by TunaCan on 2005-12-26 11:38:17
mayb try peach girl... thats love drama and school life
Ichigo... <-- Ecchi, school life

Signature goes here... i think

Re: Can't wait for suzuka
Link | by Kenshin on 2006-01-08 01:14:52
Omg..... Thank you TunaCan ..... Peach Girl was such a amazingly good anime... omg, thank you so much i really enjoyed it, do u have any other suggestions like peach girl? please tell me if you do thank you.

Re: Can't wait for suzuka
Link | by Jabba on 2006-01-08 06:09:54
I don't really like Karin... IT's so... hentai... "_"

I Support Muraki x Tsuzuki

Re: Can't wait for suzuka
Link | by on 2006-01-08 09:58:25
@Jabba karin is not hentai.It's just the opening k

Image hosting by Photobucket 'Que sera, sera, Whatever will be, will be The future's not ours to see,Que sera, sera'

Re: Can't wait for suzuka
Link | by mayura on 2006-01-28 13:40:01
Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien- romance, school-life(at the beginning), drama(LOTS of drama)

Re: Can't wait for suzuka
Link | by Euphony on 2006-01-28 15:13:00
Honey & Clover

Re: Can't wait for suzuka
Link | by Xaria on 2006-01-28 15:47:53
Kare Kano(His and Her Cercumstances)was pretty good.

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